- Europe -

- XW : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;XW|#default#| ⇒ KM
;XW|CC!| colnect.com/en/coins
;XW|C(.)=C(r.)| Craig,William D.: Coins of the World (1750-1850)
;XW|CR| ⇒ C
;XW|DLS(.)=D(av.)LS| Davenport,J.S.: Large Size Silver Coins of the World (1500-1900)
;XW|F1(.)| Friedberg: Gold Coins of the World (1st edition)
;XW|F8(.)| Friedberg: Gold Coins of the World (8th edition)
;XW|FR=Friedb.| ⇒ F1 or F8
;XW|KM(.)(*)| Krause & Mishler: ... Catalog of World Coins ... (1601-)
;XW|MB(.)| Mishler & Bruce: ... World Coins ... (-1600)
;XW|N(N)!| en.numista.com
;XW|P(.)| Pick,Albert: World Paper Money
;XW|PB(.)| Pick,Albert: Briefmarkengeld
;XW|Sch(.)| Schön,G.: Welt-Münzenkatalog ...
;XW|TT(.)| Smith,K.(+K)/AVA: Catalogue of world transportation tokens, 1967/1981/1990/2004.
;XW|UC!| en.ucoin.net
;XW|WPM(.)| Cuhaj,G.S.: World Paper Money
;XW|X!| Krause & Mishler: unusual coins
;XW|Y(.)?=Y(e.)?| Yeoman,R.S.: Current/Modern World Coins | and Krause/Mishler (>1901)
;XW|Z!| no catalog reference
;XW|ZC!| www.zeno.ru - oriental coins database

- XU : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;XU|BEG(.)=Berger| Berger,F.: mittelalterliche Brakteaten im Kestner-Museum Hannover, 1993+1996.
;XU|D(.)=D(av.)| J.S.Davenport: European Crowns & Talers .. (1484-)
;XU|DA| ⇒ D
;XU|DAV| ⇒ D
;XU|DM(.)| de Mey,Jean: European Crown Size Coins - Vol l (1486-1599), Amsterdam 1975.
;XU|DOC(.)| Grierson, P.: Catalog of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection
;XU|DV?| ⇒ D.?
;XU|G(.)??=G(HS.)??| Grabowski/Huschka/Schamberg: ausländisches Geld.. dt. Besatzung
;XU|KA(.)| Keller,Arnold: Abstempelungen östterreich-ungarische Banknoten (1918-1920), 1962.
;XU|L(.)??=Grab.??| Grabowski,Hans-Ludwig: Geld des Terrors - Lager/Gettogeld
;XU|LEV(.)| Levinson, Robert A.: early date coinage of europe (1234-1500), Clifton, 2007.
;XU|ME(.)| Menzel,Peter: Deutsche Notmünzen ... (1840-1990)
;XU|MEC(.)| P. Grierson,./Backburn,M.: Medieval European Coinage - The Early Middle Ages
;XU|MG(.)=M./G.| K.F.Morrison/H.Grunthal: Carolingian Coinage, New York 1967
;XU|MN(.)| Menzel,Peter: Deutsche Notmünzen ... (1840-2002) Ausgabe: 2006
;XU|MOG(.)| Karl Morisson,Karl/Grunthal,Henry: Carolingian Coinage
;XU|MZ(.)| Menzel,Peter: Deutsche Notmünzen ... (1840-2002) Ausgabe: 2022
;XU|OHV(.)| M.D. O'Hara,M.D./Vecchi,I.: A Find of Byzantine Silver from the Mint of Rome
;XU|R(.)=R(os.)| Rosenberg/Grabowski: die dt. Banknoten ab 1871
;XU|SAM(.)| Sambon,Arthur: Catalogue de Monnaies de la Grande Grece
;XU|SBC(.)| Sear: Byzantine Coins
;XU|SBG(.)=Schl.| Schlumberger,Hans: Goldmünzen Europas (1800-1997)

- AL : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;AL;DE|GAL=G.AL| Albanien (dt. Besetzung)
;AL;IT|SHK| City \ Scutari \ Shkodra \ Shkoder | (AL)

- AT : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;--|A -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|AB1| Person \ King Albert I (1282-1308)
;AT|AB2| Person \ King Albert II (1330-1358)
;AT|AB3| Person \ King Albert III (1365-1395)
;AT|AB4| Person \ King Albert IV (1395-1404)
;AT|AB5| Person \ King Albert V (1404-1439)
;AT|AB6| Person \ King Albert VI (1457-1463)
;AT|AB7| Person \ King Albert VII (1619)
;AT|AFL| Village \ Außerfelden \ Bischofshofen-Mittelberghütten
;AT|AGIBK| Allgemeine Industriebank ... | (17123)
;AT;SI|AUP| Dynasty \ Auersperg | (SI)
;--|B -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;CZ|BIO| City \ Wagstadt \ Bílovec \ Wokenstadt | (CZ)
;AT;DE|BGU| City \ Burgau (near Ulm)
;AT;CZ;DE|BOM| Region \ Böhmen & Mähren | (CZ,BOH)
;AT;DE|BRN| City \ Braunau | (AT)
;AT|BTY| Dynasty \ Batthyány zu Güßing (Burgenland)
;AT|BUR| Region \ Burgenland | (AT-1)
;AT|BXT| City \ Brixen (in Thale) \ zu Kitzbühl (Tirol) | (AT)
;--|C -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;CZ;DE;HU|CHB| City \ Eger \ Cheb | (CZ,EGR)
;AT;CZ;DE;PL|CIN| Cesky Tesín \ Cieszyn \ Teschen | (CZ-TEA+PL-CZY,TT800)
;AT;CZ|CKB| City \ Budweis \ Ceské Budejovice | (CZ)
;AT|CL1| Person \ King Charles I (1519-1521)
;AT|CL1E| Person \ Emperor Charles I (1916-1918)
;AT|CL2| Person \ King Charles II (1564-1590)
;AT|CL3| Person \ King Charles III (1711-1740)
;AT;CZ|CRD| Dynasty \ Colloredo-Mansfeld | (CZ)
;--|D -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|DTS| Dynasty \ Dietrichstein zu Feldkirchen (Kärnten)
;--|E -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|EBG| Dynasty \ Eggenberg zu Graz (Steiermark)
;AT;SK|EHZ| Dynasty \ Eszterhazy | (SK)
;AT;CZ;HU|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Austria-Hungary.
;AT|ENA| City \ Enns (Linz-Land)
;AT;DE;FR|ENI| City \ Ensisheim (68) \ Anze | (FR)
;AT|ES0| Person \ King Ernest (1402-1424)
;AT;DE|Eyp(.)=Eypelt.| Eypeltauer,T.: Corpus Nummorum Regni Mariae Theresiae, Basel 1973.
;--|F -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|FC0| Person \ King Ferdinand Charles (1632-1662)
;AT|FC1S| Person \ Emperor Francis I Stephan (1740-1765)
;AT|FC2| Person \ King¦ Emperor Francis II (1792-1835)
;AT|FD1K| Person \ King Ferdinand I (1521-1564)
;AT|FD1E| Person \ Emperor Ferdinand I (1835-1848)
;AT|FD2| Person \ King Ferdinand II (1619-1637)
;AT|FD3| Person \ King Ferdinand III (1637-1657)
;AT;CZ;DE;HU;PL|FF(.)| Frenzel,U./Fritz,G.: Marken .. & Notmünzen Verkehrsunternehmen, Hamburg, 1978.
;AT|FJ1| Person \ King Francis Joseph I (1916)
;AT;CZ;HU;RO|FL(.)| Frenzel: Notmünzen .. der AT und HU .. Kriegsgefangenenlager .. (1914-18), 1995.
;AT|FR1| Person \ King Frederick I (1308-1330)
;AT|FR2| Person \ King Frederick II (1339-1344)
;AT|FR4| Person \ King Frederick IV (1402-1439)
;AT|FR5| Person \ King Frederick V (1457-1493)
;AT|FSD| City \ Freistadt
;--|G -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;PL;UA|GAI| Region \ Galizien \ Galicia \ Halychyna | (PL+UA)
;AT|GAN| Abby \ Garsten zu Steyr-Land (Oberösterreich)
;AT|GOR| Dynasty \ Görz
;AT|GRD| Village \ Gröding (near Salzburg)
;AT|GRZ| City \ Graz | (TT360)
;AT|GTW| Abby \ Göttweig
;AT;DE|GUG| City \ Günzburg (Bay) | (DE)
;AT|GUR| Bishopric \ Gurk zu Klagenfurt (Kärnten) | (AT)
;--|H -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;DE|Her(.)| Herinek,L.: Österreichische Münzprägungen (3 Bände), Wien, 1970/72/84.
;AT;DE|HIT| City \ Hall in Tirol | (AT)
;AT|HRG| Dynasty \ Habsburg
;--|I -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|INN| City \ Innsbruck
;--|J -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;CZ|JBL| City \ Jablonné v Podjestedí \ Deutsch Gabel | (CZ)
;AT|JO1| Person \ King Joseph I (1705-1711)
;AT|JO2| Person \ King Joseph II (1765-80-1790)
;--|K -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|KAE| Region \ Carinthia \ Kärnten | (AT-2)
;AT|KHM| Dynasty \ Khevenhüller-Metsch zu Villach (Kärten)
;AT;HU|KL(.)=K(el.)| Keller,Arnold: das Notgeld in Österreich und Ungarn (1848-69), 1954.
;AT;DE;HU|KE(.)=K(el.)VIII| Keller,Arnold: Papiergeld der Gefangenenlager DE, AT und HU (1914-18)
;AT;DE;PL|KLO| City \ Glatz \ Klodzko | (PL)
;AT|KLM| Quarter \ (Linz-)Kleinmünchen
;AT;SI|KRA| Region \ Krain \ Carniola | (SI)
;AT;PL|KRK| City \ Krakau \ Krakow | (PL)
;AT;CZ|KSK| Dynasty \ Kinsky (von Wchinitz,Wchinsky und Tettau) | (CZ)
;AT|KTU| City \ Klosterneuburg
;AT|KTZ| Quarter \ (Linz-)Katzenau -> Industriezeile
;AT;RO;HU|KYZ| Region \ Brodfeld \ Brotfeld \ Câmpul Pâinii \ Kenyérmezö | (RO)
;AT;CZ|LBR| City \ Reichenberg \ Liberec | (CZ)
;--|L -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|LD1| Person \ King Ladislaus I (1440-1457)
;AT|LEB=L.EB| Lager-\Gettogeld (Linz-)Ebelsberg
;AT;SI|LJU| City \ Laibach \ Ljubljana | (SI,TT400)
;AT|LKN| City \ Falkenstein \ zu Mistelbach (Niederös.)
;AT;DE|LMA=L.MA| Lager-\Gettogeld Mauthausen | (AT,Oberdonau)
;AT|LNZ| City \ Linz
;AT|LP1| Person \ King Leopold I  (1308-1326)
;AT|LP2| Person \ King Leopold II (1339-1344)
;AT|LP3| Person \ King Leopold III (1365-1386)
;AT|LP4| Person \ King Leopold IV (1386-1411)
;AT|LP5| Person \ King Leopold V (1623-1632)
;AT|LP6| Person \ King Leopold VI (1658-1705)
;AT|LP7| Person \ King Leopold VII (1790-1792)
;AT;CZ|LTC| City \ Leitmeritz \ Litomerice | (CZ)
;--|M -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|MAE| Region \ Mähren \ Moravia
;AT;DE|Mak(.)=Markl| Markl,M.: Die Münzen .. und Prägungen .. Ferdinand I., Prag/Bielefeld, 1896/1974.
;AT|MC0| Person \ King Matthias Corvinus (1485-1490)
;AT|MHL| Village \ (Wieselburg-Land-)Mühling
;AT;SI|MRB| City \ Marburg \ Maribor | (SI-MBX,TT430)
;AT|MRC| City \ Marchtrenk
;AT|MS0| Person \ King Matthias ((2:)1612-1619)
;AT;DE|MT(.)=M(.-)T(.)| Moser,H./Tursky,H.: Münzstätte Hall in Tirol 1477-1809, Innsbruck, 1977/1981.
;AT|MT0| Person \ Queen Maria Theresia (1740-1780)
;AT;CH;DE|MTF| Dynasty \ Montfort (Adelsgeschlecht) | (AT)
;AT|MX1| Person \ King Maximilian I (1490-1519)
;AT|MX2| Person \ King Maximilian II (1564-1576)
;AT|MX3| Person \ King Maximilian III (1602-1618)
;--|N -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;BE;NL|NLA| Region \ Austrian Netherlands (1714-94) | (BE+NL)
;AT;CZ|NTR| Dynasty \ Nostitz-Rieneck | (CZ)
;--|O -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;CZ;DE|OLO| City \ Olmütz \ Olmutz \ Olomouc | (CZ)
;AT;CZ;HU|OPA| City \ Opava \ Troppau | (CZ,TT540)
;AT|ORB| Dynasty \ Orsini-Rosenberg zu Graz (Steiermark)
;AT|OT1| Person \ King Otto I (1330-1339)
;AT|OTB| Dynasty \ Ortenburg zu Baldramsdorf zu Spittal an der Drau (Kärnten)
;--|P -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT|PAA| Dynasty \ Paar zu Hartberg (Steiermark)
;AT;DE|PCH| Dynasty \ Herren von Puchheim \ Bucheim | (AT)
;AT;CZ|PLZ| City \ Pilsen \ Plzen | (CZ)
;AT;DE|Pr(.)| Probszt,Günther: Die Münzen Salzburgs, Basel/Graz, 1975.
;--|R -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;HR;IT|RJK| City \ Sankt Veit am Flaum \ Fiume \ Rijeka | (HR,TT650)
;AT|RU1| Person \ King Rudolf I (1278-1282)
;AT|RU2| Person \ King Rudolf II (1282-1283)
;AT|RU3| Person \ King Rudolf III (1298-1307)
;AT|RU4| Person \ King Rudolf IV (1358-1365)
;AT|RU5| Person \ King Rudolf V (1576-1608)
;--|S -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;CZ|SBN| Village \ Steben \ Stöben \ Stebno | (CZ)
;AT|SEE| City \ Seelfeld im Tirol | (TT760)
;AT;HR|SLA| Region \ Slavonia \ Slavonien | (HR)
;AT;CZ|SLK| Dynasty \ Schlick \ Slikové | (CZ)
;AT|SLZ| Region \ Salzburg | (AT-5)
;AT|SM0| Person \ King Sigismund (1439-1490)
;AT|SPCVE| Spar & Consumverein ... | (56345)
;AT|SPS| Dynasty \ Sprinzenstein zu Rohrbach (Oberösterreich)
;AT|STRBA| ... Strassenbahn ... | (57421)
;AT|STY| Region \ Steiermark \ Styria | (AT-6,STE)
;AT|SVG| City \ Sankt Veit (an der Glan)
;AT|SZD| Dynasty \ Sinzendorf \ zu Nußbach zu Kirchdorf an der Krems (Oberöst.)
;AT;DE|SZG| City \ Salzburg | (AT)
;--|T -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;DE|TIR| Region \ Tyrol \ Tirol | (AT-7)
;AT;CZ|TPJ| Dynasty \ Troppau-Jägerndorf (CZ)
;AT;HU;RO|TRN| Region \ Siebenbürgen \ Transilvania \ Ardeal \ Erdély | (RO/HU)
;AT|TRS| Dynasty \ Fürsten von Trautson und Falckenstein - zu Mistelbach (Niederösterreich)
;--|V -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;DE|Vh(.)| Voglhuber,R.: Taler .. des Erzhauses Habsburg (1484-1896), Frankfurt am Main, 1973.
;XU|VIE| City \ Vienna \ Wien | (AT,TT840)
;AT;DE|VOE| Further Austria \ Vorderösterreich (Baw/Bay)
;--|W -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;SI|WGZ| Dynasty \ Windisch-Graetz | (SI)
;AT|WL0| Person \ King William (1386-1406)
;AT|WSL| City \ Wels
;--|Z -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;AT;HR|ZAG| City \ Zagreb(u) | (HR)
;AT;DE|Zoe(.)=Zöt.| Zöttl,Helmut: {different articles/books about salzburg coinage}

- BE : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;--|1 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|1xx| Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt
;--|2 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|2xx| Flämische Region
;BE|21x| Provinz Antwerpen
;BE|211| Bezirk Antwerpen
;BE|212| Bezirk Mechelen
;BE|213| Bezirk Turnhout
;BE|22x| Provinz Limburg
;BE|221| Bezirk Hasselt
;BE|222| Bezirk Maaseik
;BE|223| Bezirk Tongeren
;BE|23x| Provinz Ostflandern
;BE|231| Bezirk Aalst
;BE|232| Bezirk Dendermonde
;BE|233| Bezirk Eeklo
;BE|234| Bezirk Gent
;BE|235| Bezirk Oudenaarde
;BE|236| Bezirk Sint-Niklaas
;BE|24x| Provinz Flämisch-Brabant
;BE|241| Bezirk Halle-Vilvoorde
;BE|242| Bezirk Löwen
;BE|25x| Provinz Westflandern
;BE|251| Bezirk Brügge
;BE|252| Bezirk Diksmuide
;BE|253| Bezirk Ypern
;BE|254| Bezirk Kortrijk
;BE|255| Bezirk Ostende
;BE|256| Bezirk Roeselare
;BE|257| Bezirk Tielt
;BE|258| Bezirk Veurne
;--|3 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|3xx| Wallonische Region
;BE|31x| Provinz Wallonisch-Brabant
;BE|310| Bezirk Nivelles
;BE|32x| Provinz Hennegau
;BE|321| Bezirk Ath
;BE|322| Bezirk Charleroi
;BE|323| Bezirk Mons
;BE|324| Bezirk Mouscron
;BE|325| Bezirk Soignies
;BE|326| Bezirk Thuin
;BE|327| Bezirk Tournai
;BE|33x| Provinz Lüttich
;BE|331| Bezirk Huy
;BE|332| Bezirk Lüttich
;BE|334| Bezirk Waremme
;BE|335| Bezirk Verviers (fr)
;BE|336| Bezirk Verviers (de)
;BE|34x| Provinz Luxemburg
;BE|341| Bezirk Arlon
;BE|342| Bezirk Bastogne
;BE|343| Bezirk Marche-en-Famenne
;BE|344| Bezirk Neufchâteau
;BE|345| Bezirk Virton
;BE|35x| Provinz Namur
;BE|351| Bezirk Dinant
;BE|352| Bezirk Namur
;BE|353| Bezirk Philippeville
;--|A -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|AB1| Person \ King Albert I (1909-1934)
;BE|AB2| Person \ King Albert II (1993-2013)
;BE;NL|ANT| City \ Antwerpen | !PK! (BE-ANR+ATW)
;--|B -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;NL|BBT| Region \ Brabant | (BE-BR)
;BE|BD1| Person \ King Baudouin I (1951-1993)
;BE|BGS| City \ Brugge \ Brügge \ Bruges
;BE;LU;NL|BNL| Region \ BeNeLux | (BE+LU+NL)
;BE;NL|BRU| Mint \ Brüssel \ Bruxelles| !PK! (BE-BRX,TT080)
;BE|BSL| City \ Belsele
;BE|BWS| City \ Beveren-Waas \ Beveren Waes
;--|C -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|Ch(.)| Chestret, J. de: Numismatique de la Principauté de Liège et de ses Dépendances
;BE;NL|CLB| Person \ Charles the Bold (1467-1477)
;BE;DE;LU|CUG| Village \ Cugnon | (BE)
;--|D -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|D(B.)xx| Debelder,Alain: Belgiums Monetary History of the Great War (1914-1918)
;BE|Dgs(.)| Dengis,Jean-Luc: Les monnaies de la principauté de Liège
;BE;NL|DOO| City \ Tournai \ Doornik | !PK! (BE-TRN)
;BE|DUF| City \ Duffel
;BE|dWi(.)| de Witte,A.: Histoire monetaire des comtes de Louvain, ducs de Brabant .. . Antwerpen 1894-1899.
;--|G -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;DE|GBG=G.BG| Belgien (dt. Besetzung)
;BE;NL|GEN| City \ Gent \ Ghent \ Gand | !PK! (BE-GNE)
;BE;FR;NL|Ghy(.)| J.Ghyssens: Les petits deniers de Flandres
;--|H -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;FR;NL|HEN| City \ Henegouwen \ Hainaut \ Heinaut | !PK! (FR/BE)
;--|I -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|IP0| Person \ King Philipe (2013-)
;BE;NL|IP1| Person \ Philip I of Castile (1482-1506)
;BE;NL|IPB| Person \ Philip the Good (1434-1467)
;--|L -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|LEV| City \ Leuven \ Louvain \ Löwen | (BE-LEU)
;BE|LP1| Person \ King Leopold I (1831-1865)
;BE|LP2| Person \ King Leopold II (1865-1909)
;BE|LP3| Person \ King Leopold III (1934-1951)
;BE;NL;LU|LGG| City \ Luik \ Liège \ Lüttich | (BE)
;--|M -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;NL|M(.)BRB| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Brabant (1106-1790), Watermael/Amsterdam 1966-1974.
;BE;NL|M(.)DOO| de Mey,Jean: Les Monnaies du Tournaisis, Brüssel 1975.
;BE;NL|M(.)HEN| de Mey,Jean: Catalogue des Monnaies du Comté de Hainaut, Brüssel 1981.
;BE;NL|M(.)LGG| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de cuivre liègeoise, Brüssel/Amsterdam 1968.
;BE;NL|M(.)NAM| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Namur, Brüssel 1971.
;BE;NL|M(.)REC| de Mey,Jean: Les Monnaies de Reckheim, Brüssel 1976.
;BE;NL|MYB| Person \ Mary of Burgundy (1477-1482)
;--|N -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;NL|NAM| City \ Region \ Namur \ Namen | !PK! (BE-NMR)
;BE;NL|NB=NBT| Region \ (Dutch-,Noord-) Brabant | (NL-NB,NL41)
;BE;AT;NL|NLA| Region \ Austrian Netherlands (1714-94) | (BE+NL)
;BE;ES;NL|NLE| Region \ Spanish Netherlands (1556-1581) | (BE+NL)
;BE;ES;NL|NLS| Region \ Southern Spanish Netherlands (1581-1713) | (BE)
;--|P -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;DE;FR;ID;NL|PK(.)| Pannekeet: {different books about netherlands coinage}
;--|R -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;NL|REC| City \ Reckheim \ Rekem | !PK! (BE-REM)
;--|S -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE|SNK| City \ St. Niklaas
;BE;NL|STA| City \ Stavelot \ Stablo | !PK! (BE-SLT)
;--|U -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;DE;FR;LU|USA| Village \ Saulnes (54) \ Sonne \ Zounen | (FR)
;--|V -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;BE;FR;NL|VH(.)| Vanhoudt,Hugo:| ... munten ... Bourgondische, Spaanse en Oostenrijkse Nederlanden ... (1434-1830), Heverlee, 2015.
;BE;FR;NL|VLA| Region \ County of Flanders (863-1795) \ Vlaanderen | !PK! (80% BE)

- BG : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;BG|AX1| Person \ King Alexander I (1879-1886)
;BG|BR3| Person \ King Boris III (1918-1943)
;BG|FD1| Person \ King Ferdinand I (1908-1918)
;BG|SI2| Person \ King Simeon II (1943-1946)

- BY : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;BY;DE;EE;LT;LV;RU|KR(.)| Kulo,Ants/Rudich,Juri: German Occupation in WW2 of Baltic States, Tallinn, 1999.
;BY|MI=MI(K)| City \ Region \ Minsk | (MSQ,TT560)

- CH : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;CH|01x| Genferseeregion
;CH|011| Kanton Waadt
;CH|012| Kanton Wallis
;CH|013| Kanton Genf
;CH|02x| Espace Mittelland
;CH|021| Kanton Bern
;CH|022| Kanton Freiburg
;CH|023| Kanton Solothurn
;CH|024| Kanton Neuenburg
;CH|025| Kanton Jura
;CH|03x| Grossregion Nordwestschweiz
;CH|031| Kanton Basel-Stadt
;CH|032| Kanton Basel-Landschaft
;CH|033| Kanton Aargau
;CH|04x| Zürich
;CH|05x| Ostschweiz
;CH|051| Kanton Glarus
;CH|055| Kanton St. Gallen
;CH|056| Kanton Graubünden
;CH|052| Kanton Schaffhausen
;CH|053| Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden
;CH|054| Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden
;CH|057| Kanton Thurgau
;CH|06x| Zentralschweiz
;CH|061| Kanton Luzern
;CH|062| Kanton Uri
;CH|063| Kanton Schwyz
;CH|064| Kanton Obwalden
;CH|065| Kanton Nidwalden
;CH|066| Kanton Zug
;CH|07x| Tessin
;CH|AAG| Canton \ Aargau (de,1803-) \ Argovie \ Argovia \ Argovia
;CH|AGCOV| Allgemeiner Consum-Verein ... | (17304)
;CH|AID| Canton \ Mint (1737-44) \ Appenzell - Innerrhoden (de,1597-) \ - Rhodes-Intérieures \ - Interno
;CH|APP| City \ Canton (1513-1597) \ Region \ Appenzell | (-> CH-AI+AR)
;CH|ARD| Canton \ Mint (1807-16) \ Appenzell - Außerrhoden (de,1597-) \ - Rhodes-Extérieures \ - Esterno
;CH|AVE| City \ Region \ Avenches \ Aventicum \ Avencho \ Wif(f)lisburg
;CH;IT|AVG| City \ Avigliana | (IT)
;CH|BAS| City \ Region \ Bassecourt \ Altdorf
;CH;DE|BDH| City \ Region \ Baden-Hachberg | (CH)
;CH|BE| Canton \ Bern (de,1353-) \ Berne \ Berna \ Bärn
;CH|BEN| City \ Region \ Mint (1225-1839) \ Bern \ Berne \ Berna \ Bärn | (BRN,TT100)
;CH|BGF| City \ Region \ Mint (1328-1384) \ Burgdorf \ Berthoud \ Burtlef
;CH|BL| Canton \ Basel-Landschaft (de,1833-) \ Bâle-Campagne \ Basilea Campagna \ Basilea-Champagna
;CH|BRM| City \ Region \ Stift \ Beromuenster (LU)
;CH|BS| Canton \ Basel-Stadt (de,1833-) \ Bâle-Ville \ Basilea Città \ Basilea-Citad
;CH|BSL| City \ Canton (1501-1833) \ Region \ Mint (650-1509) \ Basel \ Bâle \ Basilea \ Basilea | (-> CH-BL+BS)
;CH|CCH| Central Switzerland (6x)
;CH|CHR| City \ Region \ Mint (1000-1766) \ Chur (GR)
;CH:FR|CMF| City \ Chambéry (73) | (FR)
;CH|CRV| Quarter \ Cornavin (Genf) \ Mint (1435-1532)
;CH|DCH| North-Eastern-Switzerland (52-54,57)
;CH|DEL| City \ Delsberg \ Mint (1586-?) \ Delemonte \ Delémont
;CH|DIS| City \ Region \ Abby \ Mint (1570-1729) \ Disentis/Mustér (GR)
;CH|Dol(.)| Dolivo, D.: Les Monnaies de l' Eveche de Lausanne.
;CH|DSH| City \ Dießenhofen
;CH|DVR| City \ Region \ Develier \ Dietwiler
;CH|ECH| Eastern Switzerland (5x)
;CH|ESD| City \ Region \ Abby \ Einsiedeln (SZ)
;CH|FCH| South-Eastern-Switzerland (51,55+56)
;CH|FGN| City \ Region \ Abby \ Fischingen (TG)
;CH|FR| Canton \ (Etat de) Fribourg (fr,1481-) \ (Staat) Freiburg \ Friburgo \ Friburg
;CH|FRB| City \ Region \ Mint (1435-1846) \ Freiburg \ Fribourg \ Friburgo \ Friburg | (TT320)
;CH|FRQ| Dynasty \ Herrschaft Franquemont
;CH|GE| Canton \ Genève (fr,1815-) \ Genf \ Ginevra \ Genevra \ Geneva
;CH|GL| Canton \ Glarus (de,1352-) \ Glaris \ Glarona \ Glaruna \ Claruna
;CH|GLA| City \ Region \ Mint (1617-1814) \ Glarus \ Glaris \ Glarona \ Glaruna \ Claruna
;CH|GR| Canton \ Graubünden (de,1803-) \ Grischun \ Grigioni \ Grisons
;CH|GRY| Dynasty \ Graftschaft Greyerz | (GYS)
;CH|GVE| City \ Region \ Mint (1535-1848) \ Genf \ Genève \ Ginevra \ Genevra \ Geneva | (GVA,TT360)
;CH|HBM(.)| Kunzmann/Riechsteiner: Biermarken der Schweiz, 2009.
;CH|HKG(.)| Kunzmann,Ruedi: Konsumgeld der Schweiz, 2005.
;CH|HLS| City \ Region \ Castle \ Haldenstein (GR) \ Lantsch sut
;CH|HM1(.)| Kunzmann/Richter: Neuer HMZ-Katalog - Münzen der Schweiz - Band 1
;CH|HM2(.)| Kunzmann/Richter: Neuer HMZ-Katalog - Münzen der Schweiz - Band 2
;CH|JU| Canton \ Jura (fr,1979-) \ Giura | (-1979 zu BE)
;CH|KOSGN| Konsum-Genossenschaft ... | (30578)
;CH|LAF| City \ Region \ Castle \ Mint (-1630) \ Laufenburg (AG)
;CH|LCF| City \ La Chaux-de-Fonds | (TT400)
;CH|LU| Canton \ Luzern (de,1332-) \ Lucerne \ Lucerna \ Lozärn
;CH|LUS| City \ Region \ Mint (990-1536) \ Lausanne (VD) \ Losanna \ Lausonna | (LAU,TT420)
;CH|LUZ| City \ Region \ Luzern \ Lucerne \ Lucerna \ Lozärn | (LZN)
;CH;AT;DE|MTF| Dynasty \ Montfort (Adelsgeschlecht) | (AT)
;CH|MSC| City \ Region \ Castle \ Mesocco (GR) \ Misox \ Mesauc
;CH|MUR| City \ Region \ Abby \ Muri (AG)
;CH|NE| Canton \ Neuchâtel (fr,1815-) \ Neuchatel \ Neuenburg
;CH|NCH| Northern Switzerland (3x+4x)
;CH;DE;FR|NEC| City \ Region \ Mint (1347-95) \ Neuchatel \ Neuchâtel \ Neuenburg | (CH-QNC)
;CH|NW| Canton \ Nidwalden (de,1350~-) \ Nidwald \ Nidvaldo \ Sutsilvania
;CH|NYO| City \ Mint (1364-1439) \ Nyon \ Neuss \ Neuis \ Noviodunos
;CH;IT|OCC| City \ Mesocco | (CH)
;CH|ORB| City \ Orbe \ Orbach \ Tabernis | (ORE)
;CH|OW| Canton \ Obwalden (de,1350~) \ Obwald \ Obvaldo \ Sursilvania
;CH|POY| City \ Mint (1623-1787) \ Porrentruy \ Pruntrut | (PRY)
;CH|RHA| City \ Abby \ Rheinau (ZH)
;CH|RNT| City \ Abby \ Reichenau-Tamins (GR)
;CH|SCH| Southern Switzerland (7x)
;CH|SCZ| City \ Region \ Schwyz \ Schwiz
;CH|SFH| City \ Region \ Mint (1160-1310) \ Schaffhausen \ Schaffhouse \ Sciaffusa \ Schaffusa | (SCH)
;CH|SG| Canton \ Saint Gall (de,1803-) \ St Gallen \ St-Gall \ San Gallo \ Sogn Gagl
;CH|SGA| City \ Region \ Mint (1190-?) \ Saint Gall \ St Gallen \ St-Gall \ San Gallo \ Sogn Gagl
;CH|SH| Canton \ Schaffhausen (de,1501-) \ Schaffhouse \ Sciaffusa \ Schaffusa
;CH|SIR| City \ Region \ Sion (VS) \ Sitten \ Sedunum \ Sittu
;CH;DE;PL|SJ(.)=(v.)S(.-)J(.)| Saurma-Jeltsch,Hugo F.v.: Sammlung DE, CH, PL Gepräge, Berlin, 1892.
;CH;IT|SMA| City \ Region \ Mint (1050-1364) \ St Moritz (GR) \ St-Maurice \ Auganum \ Acauno | (CH)
;CH|SO| Canton \ Solothurn (de,1481-)
;CH|SOO| City \ Region \ Mint (1190-1410) \ Solothurn (SO)
;CH|SRG| City \ Region \ Sorengowe \ Sornegau | (-> BAS+DVR)
;CH|STR| City \ Region \ Stein am Rhein | (TGS)
;CH;IT|SUA| City \ Susa | (IT)
;CH|SUN| City \ Mint (1595-?) \ Saint-Ursanne (JU)
;CH|SZ| Canton \ Schwyz (de,1291-) \ Schwytz \ Svitto \ Sviz
;CH|TG| Canton \ Thurgau (de,1803-) \ Thurgovie \ Turgovia \ Thurgovia
;CH|TGB| Dynasty \ Grafen von Toggenburg
;CH|TI| Canton \ Ticino (it,1803-) \ Tessin
;CH|UWL| City \ Region \ Unterwalden (1291~1350) | (-> NW+OW)
;CH|UR| Canton \ Uri (de,1291-) \ Un
;CH|URU| Region \ Uri & Unterwalden
;CH|USU| Region \ Uri, Schwyz & Unterwalden
;CH|VDA| Canton \ Vaud (fr,1803-) \ Waadt \ Vad
;CH|VLS| Canton \ Valais (fr,1815-)
;CH|WCH| Western Switzerland (1x+2x)
;CH|WGA| City \ Region \ Wangen an der Aare (BE)
;CH|WND| City \ Region \ Windisch \ Vindonissa
;CH|WTH(.)| Slg. Wüthrich: Münzen und Medaillen der Schweiz und ihrer Randgebiete, Auktion MM-AG45.
;CH|ZG| Canton \ Zug (de,1352-) \ Zoug \ Zugo \ Tugium
;CH|ZH| Canton \ Zürich (de,1351-) \ Zurich \ Zurigo \ Turitg \ Züri
;CH|ZOF| City \ Region \ Mint (1285-1465,1716-26) \ Zofingen (AG) \ Zofingue
;CH|ZRH| City \ Region \ Mint (1050-?) \ Zürich (ZH) \ Zurich \ Zurigo \ Turitg \ Züri | (TT995)
;CH|ZUG| City \ Region \ Zug (ZG) \ Zoug \ Zugo \ Tugium

- CZ : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;CZ;AT|BIO| City \ Wagstadt \ Bílovec \ Wokenstadt | (CZ)
;CZ;AT;DE|BOM| Region \ Böhmen & Mähren | (CZ,BOH)
;CZ|Ca(.)| Cach, F.: Nejstarsi Ceske Mince, Part 1-4. Prag 1970-1982.
;CZ;AT;DE;HU|CHB| City \ Eger \ Cheb | (CZ,EGR)
;CZ;AT;DE;PL|CIN| Cesky Tesín \ Cieszyn \ Teschen | (CZ-TEA+PL-CZY,TT800)
;CZ;AT|CKB| City \ Budweis \ Ceské Budejovice | (CZ)
;CZ;AT;HU|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Austria-Hungary.
;CZ;AT;DE;HU;PL|FF(.)| Frenzel,U./Fritz,G.: Marken .. & Notmünzen Verkehrsunternehmen, Hamburg, 1978.
;CZ;AT;HU;RO|FL(.)| Frenzel: Notmünzen .. der AT und HU .. Kriegsgefangenenlager .. (1914-18), 1995.
;CZ;AT|JBL| City \ Jablonné v Podjestedí \ Deutsch Gabel | (CZ)
;CZ;DE|JGD| City \ Jägerndorf \ Karniów \ Krnów \ Krnov | (CZ-KRN)
;CZ;AT|LBR| City \ Reichenberg \ Liberec | (CZ)
;CZ;DE|LM(.)=L(.-)M(.)| Lichnowsky,R./Mayer,E.: fürstlichen Hochstiftes Olmütz Münzen .., Wien, 1873.
;CZ;AT|LTC| City \ Leitmeritz \ Litomerice | (CZ)
;CZ;DE|LTH=L.TH| Lager-\Gettogeld Theresienstadt | (CZ)
;CZ;AT;DE|OLO| City \ Olmütz \ Olmutz \ Olomouc | (CZ)
;CZ;AT;HU|OPA| City \ Opava \ Troppau | (CZ,TT540)
;CZ|OSR| City \ Ostrava | (TT560)
;CZ;AT|PLZ| City \ Pilsen \ Plzen | (CZ)
;XU|PRG| City \ Prag \ Prague \ Praha | (CZ,TT600)
;CZ;AT|SBN| Village \ Steben \ Stöben \ Stebno | (CZ)
;CZ;DE|SV(.)=S(./)V(.)| Suchomel,D./Videman,J.: Mincovnictvi Olomouckych .. (Arci)biskupu (1608-1820), Kromeriz, 1997.
;CZ;DE|SW(.)| Schulten,Wolfgang: deutsche Münzen aus der Zeit Karls V., Frankfurt/Main, 1974.

- DK : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;DK;DE|AAB| City \ Aabenraa \ Åbenrå \ Alpenrade | (DK,TT003)
;DK|AAL| City \ Aalborg \ Ålborg | (TT005)
;DK|AAR| City \ Aarhus | (TT010)
;DK;DE|AGV| Augustenborg und Gravenstein\Grasten | (DK)
;DK|AL0| Person \ Bishop Abel (1250-1252)
;DK;DE|ALO| (Hamburg-)Altona | (DE)
;DK;IS;VI|C10| Person \ King Christian X (DK:1912-47,IS:1918-44,VI:1912-17)
;XU|CBH| City \ Copenhagen \ Kopenhagen \ København | (DK,TT160)
;DK;NO;SE|CR1| Person \ King Christian I (1448-1481)
;DK;NO;SE|CR2| Person \ King Christian II (1513-1523)
;DK;NO|CR3| Person \ King Christian III (1534-1559)
;DK;NO|CR4| Person \ King Christian IV (1588-1648)
;DK;NO|CR5| Person \ King Christian V (1670-1699)
;DK;NO;VI|CR6| Person \ King Christian VI (1730-1746)
;DK;NO;VI|CR7| Person \ King Christian VII (1766-1808)
;DK;VI|CR8| Person \ King Christian VIII (1839-1848)
;DK;VI|CR9| Person \ King Christian IX (1863-1906)
;DK|CT1| Person \ Christoph I (1252-1259)
;DK|CT2| Person \ Christoph II (1319-1326,1330-1332)
;DK;NO;SE|CT3| Person \ Christoph III (1439-1448)
;DK;VI|DVI| Authority \ Dansk Vestindien \ Danish West Indies (1754-1917)
;DK|EBJ| City \ Esbjerg | (TT200)
;DK|EBT| City \ Ebeltoft | (TT180)
;DK|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper coins of Denmark and her possessions, 1962.
;DK|ER1| Person \ King Erik I (1095-1103)
;DK|ER2| Person \ King Erik II (1134-1137)
;DK|ER3| Person \ King Erik III (1137-1146)
;DK|ER4| Person \ King Erik IV (1241-1250)
;DK|ER5| Person \ King Erik V (1259-1286)
;DK|ER6| Person \ King Erik VI (1286-1319)
;DK;FI;NO;SE|ER7| Person \ King Erik VII (1412-1439,2:for FI+SE)
;DK|10| Person \ King Frederik X (2024-)
;DK|FK(.)| Jensen/Sømod: Fortegnelse over Frimaerkepenge, 1975.
;DK;NO|FR1| Person \ King Frederik I (1523-1533)
;DK;NO|FR2| Person \ King Frederik II (1559-1588)
;DK;NO|FR3| Person \ King Frederik III (1648-1670)
;DK;NO|FR4| Person \ King Frederik IV (1699-1730)
;DK;NO;VI|FR5| Person \ King Frederik V (1746-1766)
;DK;NO;VI|FR6| Person \ King Frederik VI (1808-1839,NO:-1814)
;DK;VI|FR7| Person \ King Frederik VII (1848-1863)
;DK;VI|FR8| Person \ King Frederik VIII (1906-1912)
;DK|FR9| Person \ King Frederik IX (1947-1972)
;DK|FRC| City \ Fredericia | (TT250)
;DK;DE|GDK=G.DK| Dänemark (dt. Besetzung)
;DK;DE|GDT| City \ Glückstadt (Shl) | (DE-GLU,GST,TT348)
;DK|GRE| City \ Grenaa \ Grenå | (TT300)
;DK;DE|GTP| Authority \ City \ Schleswig-Holstein-)Gottorp | (DE)
;DK;DE|HAD| City \ Hadersleben \ Haderslev | (DK,HRV,TT320)
;DK;NO|Hd(.)| Hede,H.: Danmarks og Norges Mónter (1541-1814), Hellerup, 1978.
;DK|HHM| City \ Horsholm | (TT365)
;DK|HIL| City \ Hillerod | (TT340)
;DK|HOR| City \ Horsens | (TT360)
;DK;IN|IDK| Authority \ Danish India (1777-1869)
;DK;NO;SE|JH1| Person \ King Johann I (1481-1513,2:for SE)
;DK|KN4| Person \ King Knut IV (1080-1086)
;DK|KN5| Person \ King Knut V (1147-1157)
;DK|KN6| Person \ King Knut VI (1182-1202)
;DK|KOG| City \ Køge | (TT450)
;DK|KOL| City \ Kolding | (TT460)
;DK;FI;NO;SE|MG1| Person \ Queen Margarethe I (1387-1412)
;DK|MG2| Person \ Queen Margarethe II (1972-2024)
;DK|MU0| Person \ Prince Magnus (1560-1580)
;DK;IN|NCB| Region \ Nicobar Islands \ Frederiksøerne (1755-1868,INB:-) | (IDK,-AN)
;DK|NI0| Person \ King Niels (1104-34)
;DK|NVD| City \ Naestved | (TT560)
;DK|ODE| City \ Odense | (TT640)
;DK;IN|OIK| Authority \ Ostindisk Kompagny (1620-1777)
;DK|OL1| Person \ King Olaf I (1086-1095)
;DK;NO|OL2| Person \ King Olaf II (1376-1387;4:for NO 1380-1387)
;DK|RAN| City \ Randers | (TT720)
;DK|RKE| City \ Roskilde
;DK;DE|SDB| City \ (Schleswig-Holstein-)Sonderburg \ Sønderborg | (DK-SGD,TT800)
;DK;DE;FI;FO;GL;IS;NO;SE|Sg(.)| Sieg's Coin Catalog - NORDEN (The Nordic countries).
;DK|SLB| City \ Silkeborg | (TT780)
;DK;IN|SRP| Region \ Serampore \ Frederiksnagore (1755-1845,INB:-) | (IDK,-WB)
;DK|SV0| Person \ King Sven (1147-57)
;DK;DE|TON| City \ Tondern \ Tønder | (DK)
;DK;IN|TRA| City \ Tranquebar \ Tharangambadi (1620-1845,INB:-) | (IDK,-TN)
;DK|VD1| Person \ King Valdemar I (1147-1182)
;DK|VD2| Person \ King Valdemar II (1202-1241)
;DK|VD3| Person \ King Valdemar III (1326-1330)
;DK|VD4| Person \ King Valdemar IV (1340-1375)
;DK|VIB| City \ Viborg | (TT860)

- EE : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;EE;DE|DOP| City \ Dorpat \ Tartu | (EE-TAY)
;EE;DE|GES=G.ES| Estland (dt. Besetzung)
;EE;BY;DE;LT;LV;RU|KR(.)| Kulo,Ants/Rudich,Juri: German Occupation in WW2 of Baltic States, Tallinn, 1999.
;EE;DE;LV|LVO| Authority \ Livländischer Orden \ Livlandic Order | (EE+LV)
;EE;DE|NAR| City \ Narwa \ Narva (1302-) | (EE)
;EE;DE|RH(.)| Roß,Heino: Lokal-, Privat- und Notgelder in Estland, EE-Tartu, 1994/2006.
;EE;DE|TLL| City \ Tallinn \ Reval (1248-) | (EE)

- ES : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;--|A -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|AYL| Regions \ Asturias y Leon
;ES|AB(.)| Fernando Alvarez Burgos: Moneda Medieval Castellano-Leonesa (S. XI-XV), 1998.
;ES|AC=A(LC)| City \ Region \ Alicante | (VC)
;ES|ADV| City \ L'Ametlla del Valles
;ES|AM1| Person \ King Amadeo I (1870-1873)
;ES|AN=ANU| Region \ Andalusia
;ES|A12| Person \ King Alfonso XII (1874-1885)
;ES|A13| Person \ King Alfonso XIII (1886-1931)
;ES|AR=A(O)R| Region \ Kingdom \ Aragon \ Aragón
;ES|ARN| City \ Arenys de Mar
;--|B -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|B01| Region \ Comarca \ Añana | (ex-A5)
;ES|B02| Region \ Comarca \ Campos de Hellín | (ex-C5)
;ES|B03| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Vinalopó | (ex-A5)
;ES|B04| Region \ Comarca \ Almería | (ex-A5)
;ES|B05| Region \ Comarca \ Arenas de San Pedro | (ex-A3)
;ES|B06| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña Sur | (ex-C5)
;ES|B07| Region \ Comarca \ Eivissa \ Ibiza i Formentera
;ES|B08| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Penedés | (ex-A5)
;ES|B09| Region \ Comarca \ Alfoz de Burgos | (ex-A5)
;ES|B10| Region \ Comarca \ Cáceres | (ex-C5)
;ES|B11| Region \ Comarca \ Bahía de Cádiz | (ex-B5)
;ES|B12| Region \ Comarca \ Alcalatén | (ex-A3)
;ES|B13| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Calatrava | (ex-C5)
;ES|B14| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Guadalquivir | (ex-A5)
;ES|B15| Region \ Comarca \ Arzúa | (ex-A5)
;ES|B16| Region \ Comarca \ La Alcarria | (ex-L5)
;ES|B17| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Ampurdán | (ex-A5)
;ES|B18| Region \ Comarca \ Alhama | (ex-A5)
;ES|B19| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña de Guadalajara | (ex-C5)
;ES|B20| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Deva | (ex-A5)
;ES|B21| Region \ Comarca \ Metropolitana de Huelva
;ES|B22| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Gállego | (ex-A5)
;ES|B23| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña de Jaén | (ex-C5)
;ES|B24| Region \ Comarca \ Astorga | (ex-A5)
;ES|B25| Region \ Comarca \ Alta Ribagorza | (ex-A5)
;ES|B26| Region \ Comarca \ Alfaro | (ex-A3)
;ES|B27| Region \ Comarca \ Chantada | (ex-C5)
;ES|B28| Region \ Comarca \ Area Metropolitana | (ex-A5)
;ES|B29| Region \ Comarca \ Antequera | (ex-A5)
;ES|B30| Region \ Comarca \ Altiplano | (ex-A5)
;ES|B31| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Bidasoa | (ex-A3)
;ES|B32| Region \ Comarca \ Allariz-Maceda | (ex-A5)
;ES|B33| Region \ Comarca \ Avilés | (ex-A5)
;ES|B34| Region \ Comarca \ El Cerrato | (ex-E5)
;ES|B36| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Miño | (ex-B5)
;ES|B37| Region \ Comarca \ Alba de Tormes | (ex-A5)
;ES|B38| Region \ Comarca \ Isla de Hierro | (ex-H5)
;ES|B39| Region \ Comarca \ Asón-Agüera | (ex-A5)
;ES|B41| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Guadalquivir | (ex-B5)
;ES|B42| Region \ Comarca \ Almazán | (ex-A5)
;ES|B43| Region \ Comarca \ Alt Camp | (ex-A5)
;ES|B44| Region \ Comarca \ Andorra-Sierra de Arcos | (ex-A5)
;ES|B45| Region \ Comarca \ Campana de Oropesa | (ex-C5)
;ES|B46| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Morvedre | (ex-C3)
;ES|B47| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña del Pisuerga | (ex-C5)
;ES|B48| Region \ Comarca \ Arratia-Nervión | (ex-A5)
;ES|B49| Region \ Comarca \ Alfoz de Toro | (ex-A5)
;ES|B50| Region \ Comarca \ Aranda | (ex-A5)
;ES|BAU(.)| Bautista,M.M.: la moneda medieval castellano-leonesa (Sig.XI-Sig.XV), 2017
;ES|BR=(O)BR| City \ Province \ Region \ Barcelona | (TT080)
;ES|BGA| City \ Berga
;ES|BIO| City \ Bilbao | (BO)
;ES|BU=BUR| City \ Region \ Burgos
;--|C -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|CA=CAD| City \ Region \ Cádiz
;ES|CAL(.)| Calico,F.+ X./Trigo,J.: Las monedas espanolas desde Fernando y Isabel a Juan Carlos I
;ES|CCT(.)=C./T.| Calico,F.+ X./Trigo,J.: Numismatica espanola 1474-1994. Barcelona 1994.
;ES|CL1| Person \ King Charles [Carlos] I (1516-1556)
;ES|CL2| Person \ King Charles [Carlos] II (1665-1700)
;ES|CL3| Person \ King Charles [Carlos] III (1759-1788)
;ES|CL4| Person \ King Charles [Carlos] IV (1788-1808)
;ES|CSZ| City \ Cazalla De La Sierra | (ES-YLL)
;ES|CT=CTY| Community \ Region \ Catalonia \ Catalunya \ Cataluña
;ES|CRU(.)=CRU.V.S.| Miquel Crusafont i Sabater: Acuñaciones de la Corona Catalano-Aragonesa.., Vico & Segarra, 1982.
;ES|CUE| City \ Cuenca | (CA)
;ES|CY(.)| Cayón,Adolfo+Clemente+Juan: Las Monedas Españolas: del 411 a Nuestros Dias, Madrid, 2005.
;--|D -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|D07| Region \ Comarca \ Isla de Formentera | (ex-I5)
;ES|D08| Region \ Comarca \ Anoia | (ex-A7)
;ES|D10| Region \ Comarca \ Campo Arañuelo | (ex-C7)
;ES|D15| Region \ Comarca \ Barbanza | (ex-B3)
;ES|D24| Region \ Comarca \ El Bierzo | (ex-E5)
;ES|D25| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Urgel | (ex-A7)
;ES|D26| Region \ Comarca \ Anguiano | (ex-A5)
;ES|D27| Region \ Comarca \ Fonsagrada | (ex-F5)
;ES|D30| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Guadalentín | (ex-A7)
;ES|D31| Region \ Comarca \ Aoiz | (ex-A5)
;ES|D32| Region \ Comarca \ Carballino | (ex-C5)
;ES|D46| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Murviedro | (ex-C5)
;ES|D49| Region \ Comarca \ Aliste | (ex-A7)
;ES|D50| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Aragón-Caspe | (ex-B5)
;--|E -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|E01| Region \ Comarca \ Ayala | (ex-A7)
;ES|E02| Region \ Comarca \ La Mancha del Júcar-Centro | (ex-L3)
;ES|E03| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Vinalopó | (ex-B5)
;ES|E04| Region \ Comarca \ Alpujarra Almeriense | (ex-A7)
;ES|E06| Region \ Comarca \ La Serena | (ex-L3)
;ES|E07| Region \ Comarca \ Isla de Ibiza | (ex-F5)
;ES|E08| Region \ Comarca \ Bages | (ex-B1)
;ES|E09| Region \ Comarca \ Arlanza | (ex-A7)
;ES|E10| Region \ Comarca \ Las Hurdes | (ex-L3)
;ES|E11| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña de Jerez | (ex-C3)
;ES|E12| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Maestrazgo | (ex-A5)
;ES|E13| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Montiel | (ex-C7)
;ES|E14| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña de Baena | (ex-C3)
;ES|E15| Region \ Comarca \ Bergantiños | (ex-B5)
;ES|E17| Region \ Comarca \ Baja Cerdaña | (ex-B5)
;ES|E18| Region \ Comarca \ Alpujarra Granadina | (ex-A7)
;ES|E19| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña del Henares | (ex-C7)
;ES|E20| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Bidasoa | (ex-B5)
;ES|E21| Region \ Comarca \ Costa Occidental de Huelva | (ex-)
;ES|E22| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Cinca | (ex-B5)
;ES|E23| Region \ Comarca \ El Condado | (ex-E5)
;ES|E24| Region \ Comarca \ Esla-Campos | (ex-E7)
;ES|E25| Region \ Comarca \ Baja Cerdaña | (ex-B5)
;ES|E26| Region \ Comarca \ Arnedo | (ex-A7)
;ES|E27| Region \ Comarca \ Los Ancares | (ex-L5)
;ES|E28| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña | (ex-C5)
;ES|E29| Region \ Comarca \ Costa del Sol Occidental | (ex-C5)
;ES|E30| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Guadalentín | (ex-B5)
;ES|E31| Region \ Comarca \ Auñamendi | (ex-A7)
;ES|E32| Region \ Comarca \ La Baja Limia | (ex-L5)
;ES|E33| Region \ Comarca \ Caudal | (ex-C5)
;ES|E36| Region \ Comarca \ Caldas | (ex-C5)
;ES|E37| Region \ Comarca \ Ciudad Rodrigo | (ex-C5)
;ES|E39| Region \ Comarca \ Besaya | (ex-B5)
;ES|E41| Region \ Comarca \ Carmona | (ex-C5)
;ES|E42| Region \ Comarca \ Berlanga | (ex-B5)
;ES|E43| Region \ Comarca \ Baix Camp | (ex-B3)
;ES|E44| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Aragón | (ex-B5)
;ES|E45| Region \ Comarca \ La Jara | (ex-L3)
;ES|E46| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Turia | (ex-C7)
;ES|E47| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Peñafiel | (ex-C7)
;ES|E48| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Deva | (ex-B5)
;ES|E49| Region \ Comarca \ Benavente y Los Valles | (ex-B5)
;ES|E50| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Cinca | (ex-B7)
;ES|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper coins of Spain, 1962.
;ES|EL1| Person \ Queen Isabella [Elisabeth,Isabel] I (1474-1504:CS)
;ES|EL2| Person \ Queen Isabella [Elisabeth,Isabel] II (1833-1868)
;ES|EUZ| Authority \ Gobierno de Euzkadi | (PV)
;--|F -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|FD2| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] II (1479-1516:AR)
;ES|FD5| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] V (1475-1504:CS)
;ES|FD6| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] VI (1746-1759)
;ES|FD7| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] VII (1808,1813-33)
;ES|FF0| Person \ Francisco Franco (1939-1975)
;--|G -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|G10| Region \ Comarca \ Las Villuercas | (ex-L5)
;ES|G15| Region \ Comarca \ Betanzos | (ex-B7)
;ES|G31| Region \ Comarca \ Baztán | (ex-B5)
;ES|G46| Region \ Comarca \ Canal de Navarrés | (ex-C9)
;ES|G50| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Belchite | (ex-C1)
;ES|GAA| City \ Granada | (G)
;ES|GCE| Period \ Spanish Civil War \ Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939)
;ES|GI=G(N)I| City \ Province \ Region \ Girona \ Gerona | (ES-GRO)
;ES|GR| Region \ Granada
;ES|GTP| City \ Gratallops
;--|H -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|H01| Region \ Comarca \ Campezo-Montaña Alavesa | (ex-C5)
;ES|H02| Region \ Comarca \ La Manchuela | (ex-L5)
;ES|H03| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Alicante | (ex-C5)
;ES|H04| Region \ Comarca \ Levante Almeriense | (ex-L3)
;ES|H05| Region \ Comarca \ Arévalo | (ex-A5)
;ES|H06| Region \ Comarca \ La Siberia | (ex-L5)
;ES|H08| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Llobregat | (ex-B3)
;ES|H09| Region \ Comarca \ Ebro | (ex-E5)
;ES|H10| Region \ Comarca \ La Vera | (ex-L7)
;ES|H11| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Gibraltar | (ex-C5)
;ES|H12| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Mijares | (ex-A7)
;ES|H13| Region \ Comarca \ La Mancha | (ex-L5)
;ES|H14| Region \ Comarca \ Campiña Sur Cordobesa | (ex-C5)
;ES|H15| Region \ Comarca \ Eume | (ex-E5)
;ES|H16| Region \ Comarca \ La Mancha de Cuenca | (ex-L7)
;ES|H17| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Ampurdán | (ex-B7)
;ES|H18| Region \ Comarca \ Baza | (ex-B5)
;ES|H19| Region \ Comarca \ La Alcarria | (ex-L5)
;ES|H20| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Deva | (ex-B7)
;ES|H21| Region \ Comarca \ Cuenca Minera | (ex-C7)
;ES|H22| Region \ Comarca \ Cinca Medio | (ex-C5)
;ES|H23| Region \ Comarca \ La Loma | (ex-L5)
;ES|H24| Region \ Comarca \ La Cabrera | (ex-L5)
;ES|H25| Region \ Comarca \ Berguedá | (ex-B7)
;ES|H26| Region \ Comarca \ Calahorra | (ex-C3)
;ES|H27| Region \ Comarca \ Lugo | (ex-L7)
;ES|H28| Region \ Comarca \ Guadarrama | (ex-G5)
;ES|H29| Region \ Comarca \ Guadalteba | (ex-G5)
;ES|H30| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Cartagena | (ex-C5)
;ES|H31| Region \ Comarca \ Cinco Villas | (ex-C5)
;ES|H32| Region \ Comarca \ La Limia | (ex-L7)
;ES|H33| Region \ Comarca \ Eo-Navia | (ex-E5)
;ES|H34| Region \ Comarca \ Montaña Palentina | (ex-M5)
;ES|H35| Region \ Comarca \ Fuerteventura | (ex-F5)
;ES|H36| Region \ Comarca \ Condado | (ex-C7)
;ES|H37| Region \ Comarca \ Fuente de San Esteban | (ex-F5)
;ES|H38| Region \ Comarca \ Isla La Gomera | (ex-G5)
;ES|H39| Region \ Comarca \ Campoo-Los Valles | (ex-C5)
;ES|H40| Region \ Comarca \ Cuéllar | (ex-C5)
;ES|H41| Region \ Comarca \ Écija | (ex-E5)
;ES|H42| Region \ Comarca \ Burgo de Osma | (ex-B7)
;ES|H43| Region \ Comarca \ Baix Ebre | (ex-B5)
;ES|H44| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Martín | (ex-B7)
;ES|H45| Region \ Comarca \ La Sagra | (ex-L5)
;ES|H46| Region \ Comarca \ Hoya de Buñol | (ex-H3)
;ES|H47| Region \ Comarca \ Montes Torozos | (ex-M5)
;ES|H48| Region \ Comarca \ Busturialdea-Urdaibai | (ex-B7)
;ES|H49| Region \ Comarca \ La Carballeda | (ex-L5)
;ES|H50| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Borja | (ex-C3)
;--|I -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|I15| Region \ Comarca \ Ferrol | (ex-F5)
;ES|I46| Region \ Comarca \ Huerta Norte | (ex-H5)
;ES|IB=I(L)B| Island \ Mallorca \ Majorca \ Balearic Islands \ Yslas Balerares \ Illes Balears
;ES|IBI| City \ Ibi | (AC)
;ES|IP1| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] I (1506:CS)
;ES|IP2| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] II (1556-1598)
;ES|IP3| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] III (1598-1621)
;ES|IP4| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] IV (1621-1665)
;ES|IP5| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] V (1700-24-1746)
;ES|IP6| Person \ King Philip [Felipe] VI (2014-)
;--|J -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|J06| Region \ Comarca \ Llanos de Olivenza | (ex-L7)
;ES|J07| Region \ Comarca \ El Levante de Mallorca | (ex-E3)
;ES|J08| Region \ Comarca \ Barcelonés | (ex-B5)
;ES|J09| Region \ Comarca \ La Bureba | (ex-L5)
;ES|J10| Region \ Comarca \ Los Ibores | (ex-L9)
;ES|J15| Region \ Comarca \ Finisterre | (ex-F7)
;ES|J18| Region \ Comarca \ Costa Tropical | (ex-C5)
;ES|J22| Region \ Comarca \ Hoya de Huesca | (ex-H5)
;ES|J23| Region \ Comarca \ Las Villas | (ex-L7)
;ES|J24| Region \ Comarca \ Montaña de Riaño | (ex-M5)
;ES|J25| Region \ Comarca \ Garrigas | (ex-G5)
;ES|J26| Region \ Comarca \ Camero Nuevo | (ex-C5)
;ES|J27| Region \ Comarca \ Mariña Central | (ex-M3)
;ES|J30| Region \ Comarca \ Huerta de Murcia | (ex-H5)
;ES|J31| Region \ Comarca \ Cuenca de Pamplona | (ex-C7)
;ES|J32| Region \ Comarca \ Orense | (ex-O5)
;ES|J36| Region \ Comarca \ Deza | (ex-D5)
;ES|J39| Region \ Comarca \ La Costa Occidental | (ex-L3)
;ES|J43| Region \ Comarca \ Baix Penedè | (ex-B7)
;ES|J44| Region \ Comarca \ Comunidad de Teruel | (ex-C5)
;ES|J45| Region \ Comarca \ La Sisla | (ex-L7)
;ES|J46| Region \ Comarca \ Huerta Oeste | (ex-H7)
;ES|J49| Region \ Comarca \ La Guareña | (ex-L7)
;ES|J50| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Cariñena | (ex-C5)
;ES|JC1| Person \ King Juan Carlos I (1975-2014)
;ES|JN1| Person \ Queen Joanna [Juana] I (1504:CS-1516:AR-1555)
;ES|JO1| Person \ King Joseph [José] I (1808-1813)
;ES|JS(.)| JS. Jarabo-Sanahuja: Catalogo de las monedas del Reino de Castilla y Leon, el vellon de los Austrias (1566-1718), 2014
;--|K -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|K03| Region \ Comarca \ Condado de Cocentaina | (ex-C7)
;ES|K06| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Suroeste | (ex-S5)
;ES|K07| Region \ Comarca \ El Mediodía de Mallorca | (ex-E5)
;ES|K08| Region \ Comarca \ Bergadá | (ex-B7)
;ES|K09| Region \ Comarca \ Las Merindades | (ex-L7)
;ES|K10| Region \ Comarca \ Monfragüe | (ex-M5)
;ES|K12| Region \ Comarca \ Alto Palancia | (ex-A9)
;ES|K14| Region \ Comarca \ Córdoba | (ex-C7)
;ES|K15| Region \ Comarca \ La Barcala | (ex-L5)
;ES|K17| Region \ Comarca \ Gironés | (ex-G5)
;ES|K18| Region \ Comarca \ Guadix | (ex-G5)
;ES|K22| Region \ Comarca \ La Jacetania | (ex-L3)
;ES|K23| Region \ Comarca \ Metropolitana de Jaén | (ex-M5)
;ES|K24| Region \ Comarca \ Montaña Occidental | (ex-M7)
;ES|K25| Region \ Comarca \ Noguera | (ex-N5)
;ES|K26| Region \ Comarca \ Camero Viejo | (ex-C7)
;ES|K27| Region \ Comarca \ Mariña Occidental | (ex-M5)
;ES|K29| Region \ Comarca \ La Axarquía | (ex-L5)
;ES|K30| Region \ Comarca \ Mar Menor | (ex-M5)
;ES|K31| Region \ Comarca \ Estella Occidental | (ex-E5)
;ES|K32| Region \ Comarca \ Ribeiro | (ex-R5)
;ES|K33| Region \ Comarca \ Gijón | (ex-G5)
;ES|K36| Region \ Comarca \ El Morrazo | (ex-E5)
;ES|K37| Region \ Comarca \ La Sierra | (ex-L5)
;ES|K39| Region \ Comarca \ La Costa Oriental | (ex-L5)
;ES|K41| Region \ Comarca \ El Aljarafe | (ex-E7)
;ES|K42| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Gómara | (ex-C5)
;ES|K43| Region \ Comarca \ Conca de Barberá | (ex-C5)
;ES|K44| Region \ Comarca \ Cuencas Mineras | (ex-C7)
;ES|K45| Region \ Comarca \ Mancha Alta de Toledo | (ex-M3)
;ES|K46| Region \ Comarca \ Huerta Sur | (ex-H9)
;ES|K47| Region \ Comarca \ Páramos del Esgueva | (ex-P5)
;ES|K48| Region \ Comarca \ Duranguesado | (ex-D5)
;ES|K49| Region \ Comarca \ Sanabria | (ex-S5)
;ES|K50| Region \ Comarca \ Campo de Daroca | (ex-C6)
;--|L -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|LAH| City \ El Arahal | (ES-AA9)
;ES|LCG| City \ La Coruna
;ES|LD=L(JD)| City \ Region \ Lérida \ Lerida \ Lleida
;ES|LI1| Person \ King Louis [Luis] I (1724)
;ES|LPZ| Village \ La Puebla de Cazalla
;ES|LYR| City \ Lora del Río
;--|M -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|M10| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Gata | (ex-S5)
;ES|M15| Region \ Comarca \ La Coruña | (ex-L7)
;ES|M25| Region \ Comarca \ Pallars Jussá | (ex-P3)
;ES|M31| Region \ Comarca \ Estella Oriental | (ex-E7)
;ES|M46| Region \ Comarca \ La Costera | (ex-L5)
;ES|M50| Region \ Comarca \ Cinco Villas | (ex-C7)
;ES|MAH| Island \ Menorca \ Mahon
;ES|MCH| City \ Marchena | (ES-MQC)
;ES|MD=M(AD)| City \ Region \ Madrid
;ES|MLL| Island \ Region \ Majorca \ Mallorca
;--|N -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|N01| Region \ Comarca \ Laguardia-Rioja Alavesa | (ex-L5)
;ES|N02| Region \ Comarca \ Llanos de Albacete | (ex-L7)
;ES|N03| Region \ Comarca \ Hoya de Alcoy | (ex-H5)
;ES|N04| Region \ Comarca \ Los Filabres-Tabernas | (ex-L5)
;ES|N05| Region \ Comarca \ Ávila | (ex-A7)
;ES|N06| Region \ Comarca \ Tentudía | (ex-T3)
;ES|N07| Region \ Comarca \ El Raiguer | (ex-E7)
;ES|N08| Region \ Comarca \ Berguedá | (ex-B9)
;ES|N09| Region \ Comarca \ Montes de Oca | (ex-M5)
;ES|N10| Region \ Comarca \ Tajo-Salor | (ex-T3)
;ES|N11| Region \ Comarca \ Costa Noroeste de Cádiz | (ex-C7)
;ES|N12| Region \ Comarca \ Bajo Maestrazgo | (ex-B5)
;ES|N13| Region \ Comarca \ Montes | (ex-M5)
;ES|N14| Region \ Comarca \ Los Pedroches | (ex-L5)
;ES|N15| Region \ Comarca \ Muros | (ex-M5)
;ES|N16| Region \ Comarca \ Manchuela conquense | (ex-M5)
;ES|N17| Region \ Comarca \ La Garrocha | (ex-L5)
;ES|N18| Region \ Comarca \ Huéscar | (ex-H5)
;ES|N19| Region \ Comarca \ La Serranía | (ex-L7)
;ES|N20| Region \ Comarca \ Goyerri | (ex-G5)
;ES|N21| Region \ Comarca \ El Andévalo | (ex-E5)
;ES|N22| Region \ Comarca \ La Litera | (ex-L5)
;ES|N23| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Cazorla | (ex-S1)
;ES|N24| Region \ Comarca \ Páramo Leonés | (ex-P5)
;ES|N25| Region \ Comarca \ Pallars Sobirá | (ex-P5)
;ES|N26| Region \ Comarca \ Cervera | (ex-C9)
;ES|N27| Region \ Comarca \ Mariña Oriental | (ex-M7)
;ES|N28| Region \ Comarca \ Las Vegas | (ex-L5)
;ES|N29| Region \ Comarca \ Málaga-Costa del Sol | (ex-M5)
;ES|N30| Region \ Comarca \ Noroeste | (ex-N5)
;ES|N31| Region \ Comarca \ La Barranca | (ex-L5)
;ES|N32| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Caldelas | (ex-T3)
;ES|N33| Region \ Comarca \ Nalón | (ex-N5)
;ES|N34| Region \ Comarca \ Páramos Valles | (ex-P5)
;ES|N35| Region \ Comarca \ Gran Canaria | (ex-G5)
;ES|N36| Region \ Comarca \ Paradanta | (ex-P5)
;ES|N37| Region \ Comarca \ Ledesma | (ex-L7)
;ES|N38| Region \ Comarca \ Isla La Palma | (ex-P5)
;ES|N39| Region \ Comarca \ Liébana | (ex-L7)
;ES|N40| Region \ Comarca \ Segovia | (ex-S5)
;ES|N41| Region \ Comarca \ Metropolitana de Sevilla | (ex-M5)
;ES|N42| Region \ Comarca \ Moncayo | (ex-M5)
;ES|N43| Region \ Comarca \ Montsiá | (ex-M5)
;ES|N44| Region \ Comarca \ Gúdar-Javalambre | (ex-G5)
;ES|N45| Region \ Comarca \ Mesa de Ocaña | (ex-M5)
;ES|N46| Region \ Comarca \ Requena-Utiel | (ex-R3)
;ES|N47| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Campos | (ex-T3)
;ES|N48| Region \ Comarca \ Encartaciones | (ex-E5)
;ES|N49| Region \ Comarca \ Sayago | (ex-S7)
;ES|N50| Region \ Comarca \ Comunidad de Calatayud | (ex-C9)
;ES|NA=N(R)A| Region \ Province \ Navarra \ Nafarroa
;ES;BE;NL|NLE| Region \ Spanish Netherlands (1556-1581) | (BE+NL)
;ES;BE;NL|NLS| Region \ Southern Spanish Netherlands (1581-1713) | (BE)
;ES|NLL| City \ Nulles | (ES-RAJ)
;ES|No(.)| Miró Agulló: El Sello Moneda de la República, 2008.
;--|O -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|OLT| City \ Olot | (OOE)
;--|P -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|P06| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Badajoz | (ex-T5)
;ES|P07| Region \ Comarca \ La Llanura de Mallorca | (ex-L5)
;ES|P08| Region \ Comarca \ Garraf | (ex-G5)
;ES|P10| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Montánchez | (ex-T5)
;ES|P15| Region \ Comarca \ Noya | (ex-N5)
;ES|P24| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera del Órbigo | (ex-R5)
;ES|P25| Region \ Comarca \ Pla de Urgel | (ex-P7)
;ES|P26| Region \ Comarca \ Ezcaray | (ex-E5)
;ES|P27| Region \ Comarca \ Meira | (ex-M9)
;ES|P30| Region \ Comarca \ Región Oriental | (ex-R5)
;ES|P31| Region \ Comarca \ Norte de Aralar | (ex-N5)
;ES|P32| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Celanova | (ex-T5)
;ES|P45| Region \ Comarca \ Montes de Toledo | (ex-M7)
;ES|P46| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Alta | (ex-R5)
;ES|P49| Region \ Comarca \ Tábara | (ex-T1)
;ES|P50| Region \ Comarca \ Hoya de Huesca | (ex-H5)
;ES|PNA| City \ Pamplona | (PA)
;ES|PRO| Authority \ Gobierno de Provisional (1868-1871)
;ES|PV=PVC| Region \ País Vasco
;--|Q -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|Q01| Region \ Comarca \ Salvatierra | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q02| Region \ Comarca \ Monte Ibérico-Corredor de Almansa | (ex-M5)
;ES|Q03| Region \ Comarca \ Marina Alta | (ex-M3)
;ES|Q04| Region \ Comarca \ Los Vélez | (ex-L7)
;ES|Q05| Region \ Comarca \ Burgohondo-El Tiemblo-Cebreros | (ex-B5)
;ES|Q06| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Barros | (ex-T7)
;ES|Q07| Region \ Comarca \ La Sierra de Tramontana | (ex-L7)
;ES|Q08| Region \ Comarca \ Maresme | (ex-M5)
;ES|Q09| Region \ Comarca \ Odra-Pisuerga | (ex-O5)
;ES|Q10| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Trujillo | (ex-T7)
;ES|Q11| Region \ Comarca \ La Janda | (ex-L5)
;ES|Q12| Region \ Comarca \ Los Puertos de Morella | (ex-L5)
;ES|Q13| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Morena | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q14| Region \ Comarca \ Subbética | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q15| Region \ Comarca \ Órdenes | (ex-O5)
;ES|Q16| Region \ Comarca \ Serranía Alta | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q17| Region \ Comarca \ La Selva | (ex-L7)
;ES|Q18| Region \ Comarca \ Loja | (ex-L5)
;ES|Q19| Region \ Comarca \ Señorío de Molina-Alto Tajo | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q20| Region \ Comarca \ San Sebastián | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q21| Region \ Comarca \ El Condado | (ex-E7)
;ES|Q22| Region \ Comarca \ La Ribagorza | (ex-L7)
;ES|Q23| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Segura | (ex-S3)
;ES|Q24| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de La Bañeza | (ex-T3)
;ES|Q25| Region \ Comarca \ Segarra | (ex-S3)
;ES|Q26| Region \ Comarca \ Haro | (ex-H5)
;ES|Q27| Region \ Comarca \ Quiroga | (ex-Q5)
;ES|Q28| Region \ Comarca \ Lozoya Somosierra | (ex-L7)
;ES|Q29| Region \ Comarca \ Nororma | (ex-N5)
;ES|Q30| Region \ Comarca \ Río Mula | (ex-R7)
;ES|Q31| Region \ Comarca \ Puente la Reina | (ex-P5)
;ES|Q32| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Trives | (ex-T7)
;ES|Q33| Region \ Comarca \ Narcea | (ex-N7)
;ES|Q36| Region \ Comarca \ Pontevedra | (ex-P7)
;ES|Q37| Region \ Comarca \ Peñaranda de Bracamonte | (ex-P5)
;ES|Q38| Region \ Comarca \ Norte de Tenerife | (ex-N5)
;ES|Q39| Region \ Comarca \ Los Valles Pasiegos | (ex-L9)
;ES|Q41| Region \ Comarca \ Morón y Marchena | (ex-M7)
;ES|Q42| Region \ Comarca \ Pinares | (ex-P5)
;ES|Q43| Region \ Comarca \ Priorat | (ex-P5)
;ES|Q44| Region \ Comarca \ Jiloca | (ex-J5)
;ES|Q45| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de San Vicente | (ex-S5)
;ES|Q46| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Baja | (ex-R7)
;ES|Q47| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra del Vino | (ex-T5)
;ES|Q48| Region \ Comarca \ Gran Bilbao | (ex-G5)
;ES|Q49| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Alba | (ex-T3)
;ES|Q50| Region \ Comarca \ La Jacetania | (ex-L5)
;--|R -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|RP1| Period \ 1.Spanish Republic (1873-1874)
;ES|RP2| Period \ 2.Spanish Republic (1931-1939)
;--|S -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|S10| Region \ Comarca \ Tierras de Granadilla | (ex-T9)
;ES|S15| Region \ Comarca \ Ortegal | (ex-O7)
;ES|S31| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Alta | (ex-R3)
;ES|S46| Region \ Comarca \ Rincón de Ademuz | (ex-R9)
;ES|S50| Region \ Comarca \ Los Monegros | (ex-L7)
;ES;CL|SCL| City \ Santiago de Chile | (CL)
;ES|SDR| City \ Santander | (SR,TT680)
;ES|SE=S(V)E| City \ Region \ Sevilla \ Seville | (SL,SVQ,TT700)
;ES|SG=S(E)G| City \ Region \ Segovia
;ES|SGA| City \ Segarra de Gaia
;ES|SPB| Regions \ Santander & Palencia & Burgos
;--|T -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|T01| Region \ Comarca \ Vitoria | (ex-V5)
;ES|T02| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Alcaraz y Campo de Montiel | (ex-S5)
;ES|T03| Region \ Comarca \ Marina Baja | (ex-M5)
;ES|T04| Region \ Comarca \ Poniente Almeriense | (ex-P5)
;ES|T05| Region \ Comarca \ El Barco de Ávila-Piedrahíta | (ex-E5)
;ES|T06| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Mérida-Vegas Bajas | (ex-T9)
;ES|T07| Region \ Comarca \ Palma de Mallorca | (ex-P5)
;ES|T08| Region \ Comarca \ Osona | (ex-O5)
;ES|T09| Region \ Comarca \ Páramo | (ex-P5)
;ES|T10| Region \ Comarca \ Valencia de Alcántara | (ex-V3)
;ES|T11| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Cádiz | (ex-S5)
;ES|T12| Region \ Comarca \ Plana Alta | (ex-P5)
;ES|T13| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Alcudia | (ex-V5)
;ES|T14| Region \ Comarca \ Valle del Guadiato | (ex-V5)
;ES|T15| Region \ Comarca \ Santiago | (ex-S5)
;ES|T16| Region \ Comarca \ Serranía Media-Campichuelo y Serranía Baja | (ex-S7)
;ES|T17| Region \ Comarca \ Osona | (ex-O5)
;ES|T18| Region \ Comarca \ Los Montes | (ex-L7)
;ES|T19| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Norte de Guadalajara | (ex-S7)
;ES|T20| Region \ Comarca \ Tolosaldea | (ex-T5)
;ES|T21| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Huelva | (ex-S5)
;ES|T22| Region \ Comarca \ Los Monegros | (ex-L9)
;ES|T23| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Mágina | (ex-S5)
;ES|T24| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de León | (ex-T5)
;ES|T25| Region \ Comarca \ Segriá | (ex-S5)
;ES|T26| Region \ Comarca \ Logroño | (ex-L5)
;ES|T27| Region \ Comarca \ Sarria | (ex-S5)
;ES|T28| Region \ Comarca \ Sur Occidental | (ex-S5)
;ES|T29| Region \ Comarca \ Serranía de Ronda | (ex-S5)
;ES|T30| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Ricote | (ex-V3)
;ES|T31| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Navarra | (ex-R5)
;ES|T32| Region \ Comarca \ Valdeorras | (ex-V3)
;ES|T33| Region \ Comarca \ Oriente | (ex-O5)
;ES|T34| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Campos | (ex-T5)
;ES|T35| Region \ Comarca \ Lanzarote | (ex-L5)
;ES|T36| Region \ Comarca \ Salnés | (ex-S5)
;ES|T37| Region \ Comarca \ Salamanca | (ex-S5)
;ES|T38| Region \ Comarca \ Sur de Tenerife | (ex-S5)
;ES|T39| Region \ Comarca \ Saja-Nansa | (ex-S5)
;ES|T40| Region \ Comarca \ Sepúlveda | (ex-S7)
;ES|T41| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Norte | (ex-S5)
;ES|T42| Region \ Comarca \ Soria | (ex-S5)
;ES|T43| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera d'Ebre | (ex-R5)
;ES|T44| Region \ Comarca \ Maestrazgo | (ex-M5)
;ES|T45| Region \ Comarca \ Talavera | (ex-T3)
;ES|T46| Region \ Comarca \ Safor | (ex-S5)
;ES|T47| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Medina | (ex-T7)
;ES|T48| Region \ Comarca \ Las Encartaciones | (ex-L5)
;ES|T49| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Campos | (ex-T5)
;ES|T50| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Alta del Ebro | (ex-R5)
;ES|TA=T(AR)| Region \ Province \ Tarragona
;ES|TO=TOL| City \ Region \ Toledo
;ES|TOT| City \ Tortosa
;ES|TSX| City \ Tarrasa | (TT760)
;ES|TU(.)| Turro,Antoni: moneda fraccionària de necessitat .. a Barcelona
;--|U -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|U15| Region \ Comarca \ Sar | (ex-S7)
;ES|U31| Region \ Comarca \ Roncal-Salazar | (ex-R7)
;ES|U46| Region \ Comarca \ Serranos | (ex-S7)
;ES|U50| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera Baja del Ebro | (ex-R7)
;ES|UBI| Mint \ Jubia \ Iubia \ Xubia | (JA)
;--|V -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|V03| Region \ Comarca \ Medio Vinalopó | (ex-M7)
;ES|V06| Region \ Comarca \ Vegas Altas | (ex-V5)
;ES|V08| Region \ Comarca \ Selva | (ex-S5)
;ES|V09| Region \ Comarca \ Ribera del Duero | (ex-R5)
;ES|V10| Region \ Comarca \ Valle del Ambroz | (ex-V5)
;ES|V15| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Mellid | (ex-T5)
;ES|V17| Region \ Comarca \ Pla de l'Estany | (ex-P5)
;ES|V18| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Lecrín | (ex-V5)
;ES|V22| Region \ Comarca \ Sobrarbe | (ex-S5)
;ES|V23| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Morena | (ex-S7)
;ES|V24| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Sahagún | (ex-T7)
;ES|V25| Region \ Comarca \ Solsonés | (ex-S7)
;ES|V26| Region \ Comarca \ Nájera | (ex-N5)
;ES|V27| Region \ Comarca \ Terra Chá | (ex-T5)
;ES|V29| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de las Nieves | (ex-S7)
;ES|V30| Region \ Comarca \ Vega Alta del Segura | (ex-V5)
;ES|V31| Region \ Comarca \ Sangüesa | (ex-S5)
;ES|V32| Region \ Comarca \ Verín | (ex-V5)
;ES|V33| Region \ Comarca \ Oviedo | (ex-O7)
;ES|V36| Region \ Comarca \ Tabeirós-Tierra de Montes | (ex-T5)
;ES|V37| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Béjar | (ex-S7)
;ES|V39| Region \ Comarca \ Santander | (ex-S7)
;ES|V41| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Sur | (ex-S7)
;ES|V42| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Medinaceli | (ex-T5)
;ES|V43| Region \ Comarca \ Tarragonés | (ex-T5)
;ES|V44| Region \ Comarca \ Matarraña | (ex-M7)
;ES|V45| Region \ Comarca \ Toledo | (ex-T5)
;ES|V46| Region \ Comarca \ Valencia | (ex-V3)
;ES|V48| Region \ Comarca \ Lea-Artibai | (ex-L7)
;ES|V49| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra del Pan | (ex-T7)
;ES|V50| Region \ Comarca \ Tarazona y el Moncayo | (ex-T5)
;ES|VA| Region \ Valladolid
;ES|VC=V(LC)| Community \ Region \ Province \ Valencia \ Valenciana
;ES|VLL| City \ Valladolid
;--|W -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|W01| Region \ Comarca \ Zuya | (ex-Z5)
;ES|W02| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Segura | (ex-S7)
;ES|W03| Region \ Comarca \ Vega Baja del Segura | (ex-V5)
;ES|W04| Region \ Comarca \ Valle del Almanzora | (ex-V5)
;ES|W06| Region \ Comarca \ Zafra-Río Bodión | (ex-Z5)
;ES|W07| Region \ Comarca \ Comarca de Ciudadela | (ex-C5)
;ES|W08| Region \ Comarca \ Vallés Occidental | (ex-V5)
;ES|W09| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de la Demanda | (ex-S5)
;ES|W10| Region \ Comarca \ Valle del Jerte | (ex-V7)
;ES|W12| Region \ Comarca \ Plana Baja | (ex-P7)
;ES|W14| Region \ Comarca \ Vega del Guadalquivir | (ex-V7)
;ES|W15| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Soneira | (ex-T7)
;ES|W17| Region \ Comarca \ Ripollés | (ex-R5)
;ES|W18| Region \ Comarca \ Vega de Granada | (ex-V7)
;ES|W20| Region \ Comarca \ Urola-Costa | (ex-U5)
;ES|W22| Region \ Comarca \ Somontano de Barbastro | (ex-S7)
;ES|W23| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra Sur | (ex-S9)
;ES|W24| Region \ Comarca \ Vega del Esla | (ex-V5)
;ES|W25| Region \ Comarca \ Urgel | (ex-U5)
;ES|W26| Region \ Comarca \ Santo Domingo de la Calzada | (ex-S5)
;ES|W27| Region \ Comarca \ Terra de Lemos | (ex-T7)
;ES|W29| Region \ Comarca \ Valle del Guadalhorce | (ex-V5)
;ES|W30| Region \ Comarca \ Vega Media del Segura | (ex-V7)
;ES|W31| Region \ Comarca \ Tafalla | (ex-T5)
;ES|W32| Region \ Comarca \ Viana | (ex-V7)
;ES|W33| Region \ Comarca \ Sueve | (ex-S5)
;ES|W36| Region \ Comarca \ Vigo | (ex-V5)
;ES|W37| Region \ Comarca \ Vitigudino | (ex-V5)
;ES|W39| Region \ Comarca \ Trasmiera | (ex-T5)
;ES|W41| Region \ Comarca \ Vega del Guadalquivir | (ex-V5)
;ES|W42| Region \ Comarca \ Tierras Altas y El Valle | (ex-T7)
;ES|W43| Region \ Comarca \ Terra Alta | (ex-T7)
;ES|W44| Region \ Comarca \ Sierra de Albarracín | (ex-S5)
;ES|W45| Region \ Comarca \ Torrijos | (ex-T7)
;ES|W46| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Albaida | (ex-V5)
;ES|W47| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra de Pinares | (ex-T9)
;ES|W48| Region \ Comarca \ Uribe | (ex-U5)
;ES|W49| Region \ Comarca \ Tierra del Vino | (ex-T9)
;ES|W50| Region \ Comarca \ Valdejalón | (ex-V5)
;--|X -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;--|Y -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;ES|Y07| Region \ Comarca \ Comarca de Mahón | (ex-C7)
;ES|Y08| Region \ Comarca \ Vallés Oriental | (ex-V7)
;ES|Y10| Region \ Comarca \ Vegas del Alagón | (ex-V9)
;ES|Y15| Region \ Comarca \ Xallas | (ex-X5)
;ES|Y25| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Arán | (ex-V5)
;ES|Y27| Region \ Comarca \ Ulloa | (ex-U5)
;ES|Y31| Region \ Comarca \ Ultzamaldea | (ex-U5)
;ES|Y46| Region \ Comarca \ Valle de Cofrentes | (ex-V7)
;ES|Y50| Region \ Comarca \ Zaragoza | (ex-Z5)
;--|Z -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- FI : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;FI;RU|AX1| Person \ King Alexander [Aleksanteri] I  (1809-1825)
;FI;RU|AX2| Person \ King Alexander [Aleksanteri] II (1855-1881)
;FI;RU|AX3| Person \ King Alexander [Aleksanteri] III (1881-1894)
;FI;SE|BE1| Person \ King Benedict I (1284-1291,Bengt Birgerinpoika)
;FI;SE|BE2| Person \ King Benedict II (1353-1356,Pentti Algotinpoika)
;FI;SE|BI0| Person \ King Birger (1291-1302,Maununpoika)
;FI;SE|ER1| Person \ King Erik I (1357-1359)
;FI;DK;NO;SE|ER2| Person \ King Erik II (1412-1439,7:for DK+NO)
;FI;DE|GSU=G.SU| Finnland (dt. Besetzung)
;FI|HEL| City \ Helsinki \ Helsingfors | (TT320)
;FI;SE|IE0| Person \ Ingeborg Eriksdottir of Norway (1319-53,widow of VD2)
;FI;DK;NO;SE|MG1| Person \ Queen Margarethe I (1387-1412)
;FI;SE|MU1| Person \ King Magnus [Maunu] I Ladonlukko (1275-1284)
;FI;SE|MU2| Person \ King Magnus [Maunu] II (1359-1364)
;FI;RU|NI1| Person \ King Nicholas [Nikolai] I (1825-1855)
;FI;RU|NI2| Person \ King Nicholas [Nikolai] II (1894-1917)
;FI|POR| City \ Pori \ Björneborg | (TT600)
;FI|REP| Period \ Republic (1918-)
;FI;DE;DK;FO;GL;IS;NO;SE|Sg(.)| Sieg's Coin Catalog - NORDEN (The Nordic countries).
;FI;SE|TAM| City \ Tampere \ Tammersfors | (FI-TMP,TT720)
;FI;SE|TKU| City \ Turku \ Åbo | (FI,TT010)
;FI|TOR| City \ Tornio \ Torneå | (TT740)
;FI;SE|VDB| Person \ King Valdemar Birgersson (1250-1275)
;FI;SE|VDM| Person \ King Valdemar Magnusson (1302-1319)
;FI;RU|VYG| City \ Vyborg \ Viipuri \ Wiburg \ Wiborg | (RU,TT880)

- FR : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;FR|ABB| City \ Abbeville (80)
;FR|ACT| City \ Audincourt (25)
;FR|AEF| Region \ Afrique Équatoriale Francaise \ French Equatorial Africa
;FR|AEN| City \ Avesnelles (59)
;FR;DE|AL| Region \ Alsace-Lorraine \ Elsaß-Lothringen | (FR)
;FR|ALE| City \ Alecon (61) | (TT060)
;FR|ALR| City \ Albert (80)
;FR|ALS| City \ Ales (30) \ Alais
;FR|AMI| City \ Amiens (80) | (TT120)
;FR|ANI| City \ Aniche (59)
;FR|ANZ| City \ Anzin (59)
;FR|AOF| Region \ Afrique Occidentale Francaise \ French West Africa
;FR|AOY| City \ Annonay (07)
;FR;DE|ARB| City \ Arenberg (01) | (FR)
;FR;IN|ARC| City \ Arkat \ Arcot (Vellore) | (INF,-TN)
;FR|ARQ| City \ Arques (62)
;FR|ARR| City \ Arras (62)
;FR;NL|ART| Dynasty \ Artois \ Artesie | !PK! (FR-AT)
;FR|ASA| City \ Arcis-sur-Aube (10)
;FR|ATG| City \ Cartigny (80)
;FR|ATQ| City \ Artres (59)
;FR|AUS| City \ Auby (59)
;FR;VA|AV=AVN| City \ Region \ Avignon(e) | (FR)
;FR;DE|BAR| City \ Bar-le-Duc (55) | (FR-BLD)
;FR|BBC| City \ Bolbec (76)
;FR;VA|Bd(.)| Boudeau: Catalogue général illustré des Monnaies Francaises Provinciales
;FR|BEA| City \ Beaune (21)
;FR|BES| City \ Brest (29)| (TT170)
;FR|BET| City \ Bethune (62)
;FR|BIQ| City \ Biarritz (64)
;FR|BMO| City \ Beaumont-le-Roger (27)
;FR|BOD| City \ Bourdeaux (33)
;FR|BOL| City \ Boulogne-sur-Mer (62)
;FR|BOR| City \ Belfort (90)
;FR|BOU| City \ Bourges (18)
;FR|Br(.)| Broustine: Timbres Monnaie - France et Colonies
;FR|BRG| City \ Region \ Bourgogne (51) \ Burgundy
;FR|BRR| City \ Briare (45)
;FR;DE|BSC| City \ Besançon (25) \ Bisanz | (FR-BSN,TT140)
;FR|BTN| City \ Barentin (76)
;FR|BVA| City \ Beauvais (60)
;FR|BZO| City \ Bezons (95) | (TT150)
;FR|C(.)| Louis Ciani: Les Monnaies Royales Francaises. Paris 1926.
;FR|C10| Person \ King Charles X (1824-1830)
;FR|C2G(.)| Crepin/Clairand/Grangien: Liards de France, royaux et féodaux Louis XIV. Paris 2008.
;FR|CAL| City \ Calais (62) | (FR-CQF,TT180)
;FR;DE;NL|CAM| City \ Cambrai (59) \ Kamerich \ Kamerijk | !PK! (FR-CMB)
;FR;GF|CAY| City \ Region \ Cayenne | (GF)
;FR|CBCOM| Chambre de Commerce ... | (32303)
;FR|CBI| City \ Corbie (80)
;FR|Cdc(.)| Pirot,Jean: Les Billets des Chambres de Commerce
;FR|Cdv(.)| Pirot,Jean: Les Billets de Nécessité des Communes et des Villes
;FR|CEF| City \ Caudebec-les-Elbeuf (76)
;FR|CFE| City \ Clermont-Ferrand (63) | (TT280)
;FR|CFM| City \ Clermont-les-Fermes (02)
;FR|CHA| City \ Chartres (28)
;FR|CHY| City \ Chauny (02)
;FR;IN|CIO| Authority \ Compagnie des Indes Orientales (1664-1769)
;FR|CIT| City \ Cornimont (88)
;FR|CL1| Person \ King Charles I (768-814)
;FR|CL2| Person \ King Charles II (843-877)
;FR|CL3F| Person \ King Charles III (Fat) (885-888)
;FR|CL3S| Person \ King Charles III (Simplex) (898-922)
;FR|CL4| Person \ King Charles IV (1322-1328)
;FR|CL5| Person \ King Charles V (1364-1380)
;FR|CL6| Person \ King Charles VI (1380-1422)
;FR|CL7| Person \ King Charles VII (1422-1461)
;FR|CL8| Person \ King Charles VIII (1483-1498)
;FR|CL9| Person \ King Charles IX (1560-1574)
;FR|CLD| City \ St. Cloud (92) | (TT850)
;ES|CM1| Person \ King Carloman I (768-771)
;ES|CM2| Person \ King Carloman II (882-884)
;FR;IT|CMA(.)=Camm.| Cammarano, M.: Corpus Luiginorum. Paris \ Monaco 1998.
;FR;CH|CMF| City \ Chambéry (73) | (FR)
;FR|CMM| City \ Commentry (03)
;FR|CMP| City \ Compiegne (60)
;FR;DE|CMR| City \ Colmar (68) | (FR)
;FR|CMT| City \ Chaumont (52)
;FR|CNG| City \ Cognac (16)
;FR|CNS| City \ Chatillon-sur-Seine (21)
;FR|Co(.)| Cohen: Description Historique des Monnaies frappées sous l'Empire Romain
;FR|COE| City \ Corbeil(-Essones) (91)
;FR|COGFT| Compagnie Générale Française de Tramways ... | (30767)
;FR|COK| City \ Coudekerque-Branche (59)
;FR;VA|CP=C(R)P| City \ Region \ Carpentras (84) | (FR)
;FR;IT|CRS| Region \ Corsica \ Corse (2A+2B) | (FR)
;FR|CSG| City \ Ciry Salsogne (02)
;FR|CSM| City \ Chalons-en-Champgne (51) \ Chalons-sur-Marne
;FR|CSS| City \ Chalon-sur-Saone (71)
;FR|CTH| City \ Chateau-Thierry (02)
;FR|CTN| City \ Castelsarrasin (82)
;FR|CVM| City \ Charleville (51) | (TT240)
;FR|CWB| City \ Cours-La-Ville (69)
;FR|D(.)| Emile Dewamin: Cent ans de Numismatique Francaise
;FR|DAB| Village \ Dabo \ Dagsburg | (FR)
;FR|DIJ| City \ Dijon (21)
;FR;DE|DKK| City \ Dunkerque (59) \ Dünkirchen | (FR)
;FR|DLE| City \ Dole (39)
;FR;VA|DM(.)| de Mey,Jean: Les Monnaies du Comtat Venaissin
;FR|DNR| City \ Dinard (35) | (TT300)
;FR|DOB| Region \ Dombes (01)
;FR|DOI| City \ Douai (59)
;FR|DP(.)| Depeyrot,G.: Les Monnaies Feodales de France. Maisson Florage 1996.
;FR|DPE| City \ Diepe (76)
;FR|Dr(.)| Droulers: Répertoire Général des Monnaies de Louis XIII à Louis XVI, 1987.
;FR|Dr2(.)| Droulers: Répertoire Général des Monnaies de Louis XIII à Louis XVI, 2000.
;FR|Dr5(.)| Droulers: Répertoire Général des Monnaies de Louis XIII à Louis XVI, 2012.
;FR|DRH| City \ Quarter \ Quarter \ (Mulhouse)-Dornach (68) | (TT320)
;FR|DY(.)| Duplessy: Les Monnaies Francaises Royales ...
;FR|DUL| City \ Doullens (80)
;FR|E(.)| Elie,Roland: Monnaies de necessite et jetons FR/Colonies/MC (1800-2000),2003.
;FR|EBF| City \ Elbeuf (76)
;FR|EBU| City \ St. Etienne (42) | (TT800)
;FR|ECY| City \ Ecully (69) | (TT325)
;FR|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of France, 1962.
;FR;DE|EL(.)=E(./)L(.)| Engel,Arthur/Lehr,Ernest: Numismatique de l'Alsace, Paris, 1887.
;FR;DE|ELS| Region \ Elsaß \ Alsace | !GR! (FR-ALS)
;FR;DE|ENC| City \ Nancy (54) | (FR,TT595)
;FR;AT;DE|ENI| City \ Ensisheim (68) \ Anze | (FR)
;FR|EPL| City \ Epinal (88)
;FR|ERV| City \ Eurville (52)
;FR|ESN| City \ Conde-sur-Noireau (14)
;FR|ET(.)| Elie,Roland: Les Jetons de Transport Francais, 1995.
;FR|EUA| City \ Le Cateau (59)
;FR|EVX| City \ Evreux (27)
;FR|F(.)=F(ay.)| Claude Fayette: Les billets de la banque de France
;FR|FAY| ⇒ F
;FR|FBU| City \ Fontainebleau (77)
;FR|FBY| City \ Folembray (02)
;FR|FC1| Person \ King Francis \ Francois I  (1515-1547)
;FR|FC2| Person \ King Francis \ Francois II (1559-1560)
;FR|FEC| City \ Fecamp (76)
;FR|FHB| City \ Fourchambault (58) | (TT350)
;XU|FIR| City \ Florence \ Florenz \ Firenze | (IT)
;FR|FLE| City \ Flers (61)
;FR|FRJ| Period \ Monarchie de Juillet \ July Monarchy (1830-1848)
;FR|FRK| Period \ Kingdom of France (987-1792)
;FR|FRL| Period \ France libre \ exile provisional government for unoccupied & liberated territories (1940-1944)
;FR|FRM| City \ Fourmies (59)
;FR|FRP| Period \ Provisional Government \ gouvernement provisoire de la République (1944-1946)
;FR|FRR| Period \ restored Kingdom of France (1815-1830)
;FR|FRV| Period \ Régime de Vichy \ Nazi Puppet Goverment (1941-1944)
;FR|FSM| City \ Fismes (51)
;FR;DE|FTG| City \ Fenetrange (57) \ Finstingen \ Fenestrange | (FR)
;FR|FUN| City \ Fleurines (60)
;FR|FXU| City \ Flixecourt (80)
;FR|G(a.)| Gadoury: Monnaies Francaises
;FR;DE|GBW| City \ Guebwiller (68) \ Gebweiler | (FR-GWB)
;FR;DE|GFR=G.FR| Frankreich (dt. Besetzung)
;FR;BE;NL|Ghy(.)| J.Ghyssens: Les petits deniers de Flandres
;FR|GL(.)| Gariel, E.: Les Monnaies Royales de France sous la Race Carolingienne.
;FR|GNB| City \ Grenoble (38) | (TT375)
;FR|GPCOM| Groupes Commerciaux ... | (76303)
;FR|GR(.)| Gadoury: Monnaies Royales Francaises
;FR|GZE| Abbey \ Gorze (near Metz) | (FR)
;FR|HAG| City \ Haguenau (67) \ Hagenau | (FR)
;FR|HAM| City \ Ham (80)
;FR;BE;NL|HEN| City \ Henegouwen \ Hainaut \ Heinaut | !PK! (FR/BE)
;FR|HK(.)| Habrekorn: Monnaies de nécessite locales francaises, Paris, 1976.
;FR|HQR| Dynasty \ (Boisbelle &) Henrichemont (near Vierzon)
;FR|HR1| King Henry I (1031-1060)
;FR|HR2| King Henry II (1547-1559)
;FR|HR3| King Henry III (1574-1589)
;FR|HR4| King Henry IV (1589-1610)
;FR|HR5| King Henry V (1830)
;FR;IN|INF| Authority \ French India (1769-1954)
;FR|IP1| Person \ King Philip I (1060-1108)
;FR|IP2| Person \ King Philip II (1180-1223)
;FR|IP3| Person \ King Philip III (1270-1285)
;FR|IP4| Person \ King Philip IV (1285-1314)
;FR|IP5| Person \ King Philip V (1316-1322)
;FR|IP6| Person \ King Philip VI (1328-1350)
;FR|ISY| City \ (Grandcamp-)Maisy (02)
;FR|JCM| City \ Jouy-sur-Morin (77)
;FR|JH1| Person \ King John I (1316)
;FR|JH2| Person \ King John II (1350-1364)
;FR|JL(.)=Lec.| Lecompte,Jean: Monnaies et Jetons des Colonies Francaises
;FR|JLB(.)| Jean-Luc Buathier: Les billets de nécessité de Haute-Savoie
;FR|JOY| City \ Joigny (89) | (FR-UXE)
;FR|Jr(.)| Jérémie,Yves: Billets de necessité Francais de la guerre (1870-71), 2009
;FR|K(.)| M.Kolsky, J.Laurent, A.Dailly: Les Billets de France (1707-2000)
;FR;IN|KRK| City \ Kar(a)ikal (1738-1954) | (INF,-PY)
;FR|L(.)| Jean Lafaurie: Les assignats et les papiers-monnaies émis par l'Etat au XVIIIème siècle
;FR|L10| Person \ King Louis X (1314-1316)
;FR|L11| Person \ King Louis XI (1461-1483)
;FR|L12| Person \ King Louis XII (1498-1515)
;FR|L13| Person \ King Louis XIII (1610-1643)
;FR|L14| Person \ King Louis XIV (1643-1715)
;FR|L15| Person \ King Louis XV (1715-1774)
;FR|L16| Person \ King Louis XVI (1774-1792)
;FR|L17| Person \ King Louis XVII (1793-1795)
;FR|L18| Person \ King Louis XVIII (1814-15-1824)
;FR|L19| Person \ King Louis XIX (1830)
;FR|LAN| City \ Langres (52)
;FR|LAO| City \ Laon (02)
;FR|LCR| City \ Le Creusot (71)
;FR|LEH| City \ Le Havre (76) \ La Havre | (TT400)
;FR|LEN| City \ Lens (Pas-de-Calais) (62)
;FR|LF(.)| Le Franc: Argus des Monnaies Francaises
;FR|LHR| City \ Les Hautes-Rivieres (08)
;FR|LI1| Person \ King Louis I (814-840)
;FR|LI2| Person \ King Louis II (877-879)
;FR|LI3| Person \ King Louis III (879-882)
;FR|LI4| Person \ King Louis IV (936-954)
;FR|LI5| Person \ King Louis V (986-987)
;FR|LI6| Person \ King Louis VI (1108-1137)
;FR|LI7| Person \ King Louis VII (1137-1180)
;FR|LI8| Person \ King Louis VIII (1223-1226)
;FR|LI9| Person \ King Louis IX (1226-1270)
;FR|LIE| City \ Lievin (62)
;FR|LIG| City \ Limoges (87) | (TT500)
;FR|LIO| City \ Lyon (69) \ Lyons \ Leyden | (TT520)
;FR|LIX| City \ Lisieux (4)
;FR|LK(.)| LeClerc,Roger/Kolsky,Maurice: Les Billets Africains de la Zone Franc
;FR|LKB| City \ Le Kremlin-Bicrete (94)
;FR|LLE| City \ Lille (59)
;FR|LME| City \ Le Mans (72)
;FR;DE|LNA=L.NA| Lager-\Gettogeld Natzweiler (Struthof) | (FR?)
;FR|LNE| City \ Lillebonne (76)
;FR;DE|LOT| Region \ Lothringen \ Lorraine | (FR)
;FR|LP1| Person \ King Louis Philippe I (1830-1848)
;FR|LPT| City \ Levallois-Perret (92)
;FR;DE|LRE| Region \ Murbach & Lüders \ Lure | (FR,MLE)
;FR|LRH| City \ La Rochelle (17) | (TT480)
;FR|LRJ| City \ Solre-le-Chateau (59)
;FR|LRT| City \ Lorient (56)
;FR|LVS| City \ Louviers (27)
;FR|M(.)BRE| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Bretagne, Brüssel/Paris 1970.
;FR|M(.)BRG| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Bourgogne, Brüssel/Paris 1973.
;FR|M(.)ELS| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies d' Alsace, Brüssel/Paris 1976.
;FR|M(.)SBU| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Strasbourg, Brüssel/Paris 1976.
;FR;IN|MAH| City \ Region \ Mahe (1724-1954) | (INF,-PY)
;FR|MAM| City \ Marles(-les-Mines) (62)
;FR|MAU| City \ Maubeuge (59)
;FR|MAZ| City \ Mazamet (81)
;FR|MDD| City \ Montdidier (80)
;FR|MEA| City \ Meaux (77)
;FR|MH(.)| Meyer,Hans: Katalog der französischen Notmünzen (1914-31), 1977.
;FR|MHD| City \ Sainte-Menehould (51)
;FR;DE|MHS| City \ Mulhouse (68) \ Mühlhausen (Elsaß) | (FR-MLH)
;FR|MIM| City \ Mitry-Mory (77)
;FR|MM(.)| Maurice Muszynski: Les assignats de la Révolution Francaise
;FR|MMT| City \ Mormant (77)
;FR|MNS| City \ Masnieres (59)
;FR|MOE| City \ Montataire (60)
;FR|MOS| City \ Montargis (45)
;FR;DE|MPG| City \ Montbéliard (25) \ Mompelgart \ Mömpelgard \ Mümpelgard | (FR-MTD)
;FR|MRS| City \ Marseille (13) | (TT540)
;FR|MSB| City \ Montrond-les-Bains (42) | (TT560)
;FR|MTM| City \ Montélimar (26)
;FR;DE|MTZ| City \ Metz (57) | (FR-MZM,TT550)
;FR|MVO| City \ Mirecourt (88)
;FR|NCE| City \ Nice (06) \ Nizza | (TT630)
;FR;CH;DE|NEC| City \ Region \ Mint (1347-95) \ Neuchatel \ Neuchâtel \ Neuenburg | (CH-QNC)
;FR|NET| City \ Neuilly-en-Thelle
;FR|NGS| City \ Nogent-sur-Seine (10)
;FR|NHD| City \ Nanteuil-le-Haudouin (60)
;FR|NLR| City \ Nogent-le-Rotrou (28)
;FR|NMS| City \ Nemours (77)
;FR|NOY| City \ Noyon (60)
;FR|NP1| Person \ Emperior Napoleon I (1804-1815) 1. Empire
;FR|NP2| Person \ Emperior Napoleon II (1815)
;FR|NP3| Person \ Emperior Napoleon III (1852-1870) 2.Empire
;FR|NRE| Region \ Nevers (58) & Rethel (08) | (NVS+REH)
;FR;NC|NOU| City \ Noumea \ Nouméa | (NC)
;FR|NTE| City \ Nantes (44) | (TT600)
;FR|NZV| City \ Nouzonville (08) \ Nouzon
;FR;DZ|OAN| City \ Oran | (DZ-ORN)
;FR|OBS| City \ Aubenas (07) | (TT135)
;ES|OD0| Person \ King Odo \ Eudes (888-898)
;FR|OEC| City \ Les Ponts-de-Ce (49) | (TT680)
;FR|OPY| City \ Roupy (02)
;FR|ORA| City \ Region \ Orange (84)
;FR|ORC| City \ Orchies (59)
;FR|ORR| City \ Orléans (45) | (TT650)
;XU|PAR| City \ Paris (75) | (FR,TT660)
;FR|PAU| City \ Pau (38) | (PUF,TT670)
;FR|PCX| City \ Le Port-de-Claix (38)
;FR;VA|PDA(.)| Poey d'Avant: Les Monnaies Féodales de France (3 tomes)
;FR;IN|PDY| Region \ Pondichery \ Puducherry (1674-1954) | (INF,-PY)
;FR|PEC| City \ Pessac (33) \ Etablissement Monetaire De La Monnaie de Paris
;FR|PEO| City \ Peronne (80)
;FR|PIF| City \ Plainfaing (88)
;FR;BE;DE;ID;NL|PK(.)| Pannekeet: {different books about netherlands coinage}
;FR|PKO| City \ Pinon (02)
;FR|POI| City \ Poissy (78)
;FR|PP0| Person \ King Pepin (751-768)
;FR|PPC| City \ Courcelles-les-Lens (62)
;FR|PRC(.)| M. Prou: Les Monnaies Carolingiennes (751-). Paris 1892, Reprint Graz 1969
;FR|PRM(.)| M. Prou: Les Monnaies Merovingiennes (-751). Paris 1896, Reprint Graz 1969
;FR|PVC| Region \ Provence
;FR|PVP| City \ Provins (77)
;FR;IT|QCR| City \ Corte (2B) | (FR)
;FR|QLB| City \ Quillebeuf(-sur-Seine) (27) | (TT710)
;FR|RAE| City \ Braine (02)
;FR|RAM| City \ Raismes (59)
;FR|RBM| City \ Ribémont (02)
;FR|REH| City \ Rethel (08)
;FR|REY| City \ Remy (60)
;FR|RHE| City \ Reims (51)
;FR;DE|RIQ| City \ Riquewihr (68) \ Reichenweier | (FR)
;FR;DE|RMM| City \ Remiremont (88) \ Romarti | (FR)
;FR|RNE| City \ Roanne (42)
;FR|ROU| City \ Roubaix (59)
;FR|RP1| Period \ 1.French Republic (1792-1804)
;FR|RP2| Period \ 2.French Republic (1848-1852)
;FR|RP3| Period \ 3.French Republic (1870-1940)
;FR|RP4| Period \ 4.French Republic (1946-1958)
;FR|RP5| Period \ 5.French Republic (1958-)
;FR|RRS| City \ Courrieres (62)
;FR|RVF| City \ Revin (08)
;FR|RVG| City \ Rive-de-Gier (42)
;FR;DE|SBU| City \ Strasbourg (67) \ Strassburg \ Straßburg | (FR-SXB,TT855)
;FR|SED| City \ Sedan (08)
;FR|SEZ| City \ Sezanne (51)
;FR;VA|SG=(D)SG| City \ Region \ Pont de Sorgues (84) | (FR-SOR)
;FR|SGB| City \ Saint-Gobain (02)
;FR|SML| City \ St. Malo (35) | (TT820)
;FR|SND| City \ St. Amand (62)
;FR|SNO| City \ Senlis (60)
;FR;DE|SNY| City \ Stenay (55) | (FR-STZ)
;FR|So(.)| Sombart: Franciae IV - Catalogue des Monnaies Royales Francaises de Francois 1er à Henri IV
;FR;DE|STM| City \ Saint Alban (near Mainz) | (FR)
;FR|STQ| City \ St. Quentin (02) | (TT835)
;FR;IN|STV| Region \ Surat (1667-1720) | (INF,-GJ)
;FR|SXM| City \ Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (68)
;FR|SZR| City \ Saint-Dizier (52)
;FR|T(.)| Maurice Muszynski: Les émissions du Trésor
;FR|TBN| City \ Tomblaine (54) | (TT875)
;FR;DE|THN| City \ Thann (68) | (FR-THA)
;FR|TLN| City \ Toulon (83) | (TT880)
;FR|TLS| City \ Toulouse (31)
;FR|TNC| City \ Talence (33)
;FR|To(.)| De la Tour: Atlas de Monnaies Gauloises
;FR|TOU| City \ Toul (54)
;FR|TRAMS| Tramway ... | (74135)
;FR;DE|TVL| City \ Thionville (57) \ Diedenhofen | (FR,TT270)
;FR|TVO| City \ Thaon-les-Vosges (88)
;FR|UNCOM| Union Commerciale ... | (98303)
;FR|URL| City \ Châuteau-Renault (37) \ Chateau-Renaud
;FR|URO| City \ Rouen (76) | (TT760)
;FR;BE;DE;LU|USA| Village \ Saulnes (54) \ Sonne \ Zounen | (FR)
;FR|USS| City \ Ussel (19)
;FR|VCT| City \ Villers-Cotterets (02)
;FR|VER| City \ Versailles (78)
;FR|VF(.)| Claude Fayette: Les billets de la banque de France et du Trésor
;FR|VG(.)| Victor Guilloteau: Monnaies Francaises
;FR;BE;NL|VH(.)| Vanhoudt,Hugo:| ... munten ... Bourgondische, Spaanse en Oostenrijkse Nederlanden ... (1434-1830), Heverlee, 2015.
;FR|VHY| City \ Vichy (03)
;FR|VIE| City \ Vienne (38)
;FR;BE;NL|VLA| Region \ County of Flanders (863-1795) \ Vlaanderen | !PK! (80% BE)
;FR|VLY| City \ Valentigney (25)
;FR|VMS| City \ Vimoutiers (61)
;FR|VRD| City \ Verdun (55)
;FR|VZN| City \ Vierzon (18)
;FR|WLG| City \ Wargnies-le-Grand (59)
;FR;DE|WMB| City \ Wissembourg (67) \ Weißenburg | (FR)
;FR|WTT| City \ Watten (59)
;FR;DE|XLL| City \ Bouxwiller (67) \ Buchsweiler | (FR)
;FR;IN|YAN| City \ Region \ Yanaon \ Yanam (1731-1954) | (INF,-PY)
;FR|YBR| City \ Ligny-en-Barrois (55)
;FR|ZUE| City \ Saint-Saulve (59)

- HR : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;HR;DE|GCR=G.CR| Kroatien (dt. Besetzung)
;HR;HU|MT0| Person \ Queen Maria Theresia (1740-1780)
;HR;IT|RG=RGS| City \ Region \ Ragusa \ Dubrovnik | (HR-DBV)
;HR;AT;IT|RJK| City \ Sankt Veit am Flaum \ Fiume \ Rijeka | (HR,TT650)
;HR;AT|SLA| Region \ Slavonia \ Slavonien | (HR)
;HR;IT|ZAD| City \ Zara \ Zadar | (HR)
;HR;AT|ZAG| City \ Zagreb(u) | (HR)

- HU : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;HU|AB0| Person \ King Albert (1437-1439)
;HU|AW1| Person \ King Andrew \ András I (1046-1060)
;HU|AW2| Person \ King Andrew \ András II (1205-1235)
;HU|AW3| Person \ King Andrew \ András III (1290-1301)
;HU|BL1(?)| Person \ Duke \ King Béla I (D:1048-1060,K:1060-1063)
;HU|BL2| Person \ King Béla II (1131-1141)
;HU|BL3| Person \ King Béla III (1172-1196)
;HU|BL4| Person \ King Béla IV (1235-1270)
;HU;SK|BTS| City \ Pozsony \ Bratislava \ Preßburg | (SK,TT120,TT600)
;HU|BUD| City \ Budapest | (TT100,TT680)
;HU;AT;CZ;DE|CHB| City \ Eger \ Cheb | (CZ,EGR)
;HU|CL1| Person \ King Charles \ Károly I (1308-1342)
;HU|CL2| Person \ King Charles \ Károly II (1385-1386)
;HU|CL3| Person \ King Charles \ Károly III (1711-1740)
;HU|CL4| Person \ King Charles \ Károly IV (1916-1918)
;HU;AT;CZ|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Austria-Hungary.
;HU|EST| City \ Gran \ Ostrihom \ Esztergom | (TT265)
;HU|F2R| Person \ Ferenc II Rákóczi (1703-1711)
;HU|FC1E| Person \ Emperor Francis I \ Franz \ Ferenc (1804-1835)
;HU|FC1S| Person \ Francis I Stephan (1740-1765)
;HU|FD1| Person \ King Ferdinánd I (1526-1564)
;HU|FD2| Person \ King Ferdinánd II (1619-1637)
;HU|FD3| Person \ King Ferdinánd III (1637-1657)
;HU|FD5| Person \ King Ferdinánd V (1835-1848)
;HU;AT;CZ;DE;PL|FF(.)| Frenzel,U./Fritz,G.: Marken .. & Notmünzen Verkehrsunternehmen, Hamburg, 1978.
;HU|FJ1| Person \ King Francis Joseph (1:1848-1916)
;HU;CZ;AT;RO|FL(.)| Frenzel: Notmünzen .. der AT und HU .. Kriegsgefangenenlager .. (1914-18), 1995.
;HU;DE|GHU=G.HU| Ungarn (dt. Besetzung)
;HU|GZ1(?)| Person \ Duke \ King Géza I (D:1064-1074,K:1074-1077)
;HU|GZ2| Person \ King Géza II (1141-1162)
;HU|HR0| Person \ King Emeric [Henry] \ Imre (1196-1204)
;HU;DE|HZ(.)=Husz.| Huszar,L.: Münzkatalog Ungarn (1000-1979), München, 1979.
;HU|I39| Period \ Interregnum (1439-1440)
;HU|I44| Period \ Interregnum (1444-1446)
;HU|JH1| Person \ King John I (1526-1540)
;HU|JH2| Person \ King John II (1540-1570)
;HU|JHY| Person \ Regent-Govenor John Hunyadi (1446-1453)
;HU|JO1| Person \ King Joseph \ József (1:1705-1711;2:1765-80-1790)
;HU;AT;DE|KE(.)=K(el.)VIII| Keller,Arnold: Papiergeld der Gefangenenlager DE, AT und HU (1914-18)
;HU;AT|KL(.)=K(el.)| Keller,Arnold: das Notgeld in Österreich und Ungarn (1848-69), 1954.
;HU|KL0| Person \ King Koloman (1095-1116)
;HU;RO;AT|KYZ| Region \ Brodfeld \ Brotfeld \ Câmpul Pâinii \ Kenyérmezö | (RO)
;HU|LI1| Person \ King Louis \ Lajos I (1342-1382)
;HU|LI2| Person \ King Louis \ Lajos II (1516-1526)
;HU|LD1| Person \ King Ladislaus \ László I  (1077-1095)
;HU|LD2| Person \ King Ladislaus \ László II (1162-1163)
;HU|LD3| Person \ King Ladislaus \ László III (1204-1205)
;HU|LD4| Person \ King Ladislaus \ László IV (1272-1290)
;HU|LD5| Person \ King Ladislaus \ László V (1440-1457)
;HU|LP1| Person \ King Leopold \ Lipót I (1657-1705)
;HU|LP2| Person \ King Leopold \ Lipót II (1790-1792)
;HU|MS1| Person \ King Matthias \ Mátyás I (1458-1490)
;HU|MS2| Person \ King Matthias \ Mátyás II (1608-1619)
;HU;HR|MT0| Person \ Queen Maria Theresia (1740-1780)
;HU|MX2| Person \ King Maximilian \ Miksa II (1564-1576)
;HU|MY0(?)| Person \ Queen Mary \ Mária (A:1382-1385;B:1386-1395)
;HU;CZ;AT|OPA| City \ Opava \ Troppau | (CZ,TT540)
;HU;HR|OT3| Person \ King Otto (III) (1305-1308) Duke of Bavaria
;HU|PR0(?)| Person \ King Peter (A:1038-1041,B:1044-1046)
;HU|REV| Period \ Hungarian Revolution (1848-1849)
;HU|RP1| Period \ 1.Hungarian Republic (1918-1919)
;HU|RP2| Period \ 2.Hungarian Republic (1946-1949)
;HU|RP3| Period \ 3.Hungarian Republic (1989-)
;HU|RU1| Person \ King Rudolph (1576-1608)
;HU|SA0| Person \ King Sámuel (1041-1044)
;HU|SM0| Person \ King Sigismund \ Zsigmond (1387-1437)
;HU|SO0| Person \ King Solomon (1063-1074)
;HU|ST1| Person \ King Stephen \ Istvan I (997-1038)
;HU|ST2| Person \ King Stephen \ Istvan II (1116-1131)
;HU|ST3| Person \ King Stephen \ Istvan III (1162-1172)
;HU|ST5| Person \ King Stephen \ Istvan V (1270-1272)
;HU|SZE| City \ Szeged | (TT775)
;HU;AT;RO|TRN| Region \ Siebenbürgen \ Transilvania \ Ardeal \ Erdély | (RO/HU)
;HU|VD1| Person \ King Vladislaus \ Wladyslaw \ Ulászló I (1440-1444)
;HU|VD2| Person \ King Vladislaus \ Wladyslaw \ Ulászló II (1490-1516)
;HU|WC3| Person \ King Wencesla(u)s \ Vencel (III) (1301-1305) of Bohemia

- IS : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;IS;DK;VI|C10| Person \ King Christian X (DK:1912-47,IS:1918-44,VI:1912-17)

- LT : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;LT;DE|GLT=G.LT| Litauen (dt. Besetzung)
;LT;DE;PL|Gum(.)| Gumowski,Marian: Handbuch der polnischen Numismatik, Graz 1960.
;LT|Iva(.)| Ivanauskas,Eugenijus: Coins of Lithuania (1386-2009), Vilnius 2009.
;LT;BY;DE;EE;LV;RU|KR(.)| Kulo,Ants/Rudich,Juri: German Occupation in WW2 of Baltic States, Tallinn, 1999.
;LT|KU=KUN| City \ County \ Kaunas \ Kovno | (TT415)
;LT;DE|Mem| Region \ Klaipedos Krastas \ Memelgebiet (-1945) | !GR! (LT)

- LU : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;LU|AB0| Person \ Albert (1598-1621)
;LU|AD1| Person \ Adolph I (1890-1905)
;LU|AN0| Person \ Anne (1457-1462)
;LU|AT0| Person \ Anthony (1411-1415)
;LU;BE;NL|BNL| Region \ BeNeLux | (BE+LU+NL)
;LU|CD1| Person \ Conrad I (1059-1086)
;LU|CD2| Person \ Conrad II (1131-1136)
;LU|CJ0| Person \ Casimir Jagiellon (1462-1467)
;LU|CL0| Person \ Charlotte (1919-1964)
;LU|CL1| Person \ Charles I (1346-1353)
;LU|CL2| Person \ Charles II (1467-1477)
;LU|CL3| Person \ Charles III (1506-1556)
;LU|CL4| Person \ Charles IV (1665-1700)
;LU|CL5| Person \ Charles V (1713-1740)
;LU;BE;DE|CUG| Village \ Cugnon | (BE)
;LU|EDM| Person \ Ermesinde (1197-1247)
;LU|EL1| Person \ Elisabeth I (1411-1443)
;LU|EL2| Person \ Elisabeth II (1462-1467)
;LU|FC2| Person \ Francis II (1792-1795)
;LU|GB0| Person \ Giselbert (1047-1059)
;LU|GG0| Person \ George of Podebrady (1458-1471)
;LU;DE|GLU=G.LU| Luxemburg (dt. Besetzung)
;LU|HR0| Person \ Henri (2000-)
;LU|HR1| Person \ Henry I (998-1026)
;LU|HR2| Person \ Henry II (1026-1047)
;LU|HR3| Person \ Henry III (1086-1096)
;LU|HR4| Person \ Henry IV (1136-1196)
;LU|HR5| Person \ Henry V (1247-1281)
;LU|HR6| Person \ Henry VI (1281-1288)
;LU|HR7| Person \ Henry VII (1288-1313)
;LU|ICE| Person \ Isabella Clara Eugenia (1598-1621)
;LU|IP1| Person \ Philip I (1443-1467)
;LU|IP2| Person \ Philip II (1482-1506)
;LU|IP3| Person \ Philip III (1556-1598)
;LU|IP4| Person \ Philip IV (1621-1665)
;LU|IP5| Person \ Philip V (1700-1712)
;LU|JH0| Person \ Jean (1964-2000)
;LU|JH1| Person \ John I (1313-1346)
;LU|JH2| Person \ John II (1418-1425)
;LU|JO2| Person \ Joseph II (1780-1790)
;LU|JSM| Person \ Jobst of Moravia (1388-1411)
;LU|LD0| Person \ Ladislaus (1451-1457)
;LU;BE;NL|LGG| City \ Luik \ Liège \ Lüttich | (BE)
;LU|LP2| Person \ Leopold II (1790-1792)
;LU|MA0| Person \ Marie-Adélaïde (1912-1919)
;LU|MT0| Person \ Maria Theresa (1740-1780)
;LU|MX1| Person \ Maximilan I (1477-1482)
;LU|MX2| Person \ Maximilan II (1712-1713)
;LU|MY1| Person \ Mary I (1477-1482)
;LU|OT0| Person \ Otto (1196-1197)
;LU|SF0| Person \ Siegfried (963-998)
;LU|TB1| Person \ Theobald I (1197-1214)
;LU;BE;DE;FR|USA| Village \ Saulnes (54) \ Sonne \ Zounen | (FR)
;LU|WC1| Person \ Wencesla(u)s I (1353-1383)
;LU|WC2| Person \ Wencesla(u)s II (1383-1388: or IV)
;LU;NL|WL1| Person \ William I (1096-1131)
;LU;NL|WL2| Person \ William II (1457-1462)
;LU;NL|WL3| Person \ William III (1849-1890)
;LU|WL4| Person \ William IV (1905-1912)
;LU|WR0| Person \ Waleran (1214-1226)

- LV : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;LV;DE|GLE=G.LE| Lettland (dt. Besetzung)
;LV;BY;DE;EE;LT;RU|KR(.)| Kulo,Ants/Rudich,Juri: German Occupation in WW2 of Baltic States, Tallinn, 1999.
;LV|LPX| City \ Region \ Liepaja \ Liebau | (TT400)
;LV;DE;EE|LVO| Authority \ Livländischer Orden \ Livlandic Order | (EE+LV)
;LV;DE|RGA| City \ Riga | (LV-RIX)

- MC : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;MC|AB1| Person \ Albert I (1889-1922)
;MC|AB2| Person \ Albert II (2005-)
;MC|AM0| Person \ Ambroise (1419-1427)
;MC|AT0| Person \ Antonie (1419-1427)
;MC|AT1| Person \ Antoine I (1701-1731)
;MC|CD0| Person \ Claudine (1457-1458)
;MC|CL1| Person \ Charles I (1331-1357)
;MC|CL2| Person \ Charles II (1581-1589)
;MC|CL3| Person \ Charles III (1856-1889)
;MC|CN0| Person \ Catalan (1454-1457)
;MC|FL1| Person \ Florestan I (1841-1856)
;MC|HC1| Person \ Hercules I (1589-1604)
;MC|HN1| Person \ Honoré I (1523-1581)
;MC|HN2| Person \ Honoré II (1604-1662)
;MC|HN3| Person \ Honoré III (1733-1793)
;MC|HN4| Person \ Honoré IV (1814-1819)
;MC|HN5| Person \ Honoré V (1819-1841)
;MC|JA1| Person \ Jacques I (1731-1733)
;MC|JH1| Person \ Jean I (1395,1419-1454)
;MC|JH2| Person \ Jean II (1494-1505)
;MC|LB0| Person \ Lamberto (1458-1494)
;MC|LC0| Person \ Lucien (1505-1523)
;MC|LH0| Person \ Louise Hippolyte (1731)
;MC|LI0| Person \ Louis (1395,1397-1402)
;MC|LI1| Person \ Louis I (1662-1701)
;MC|LI2| Person \ Louis II (1922-1949)
;MC|M(.)| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Monaco,  Brüssel 1977
;MC|RN1| Person \ Rainier I (1297-1301)
;MC|RN2| Person \ Rainier II (1352-1357)
;MC|RN3| Person \ Rainier III (1949-2005)

- ME : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;ME;IT|KOT| City \ Cattaro \ Kotor | (ME)

- NL : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;--|1 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|11x| Groningen
;NL|111| Oost-Groningen
;NL|112| Delfzijl en omgeving
;NL|113| Overig Groningen
;NL|12x| Friesland (NL)
;NL|121| Noord-Friesland
;NL|122| Zuidwest-Friesland
;NL|123| Zuidoost-Friesland
;NL|13x| Drenthe
;NL|131| Noord-Drenthe
;NL|132| Zuidoost-Drenthe
;NL|133| Zuidwest-Drenthe
;--|2 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|21x| Overijssel
;NL|211| Noord-Overijssel
;NL|212| Zuidwest-Overijssel
;NL|213| Twente
;NL|22x| Gelderland
;NL|221| Veluwe
;NL|224| Zuidwest-Gelderland
;NL|225| Achterhoek
;NL|226| Arnhem/Nijmegen
;NL|23x| Flevoland
;--|3 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|31x| Utrecht
;NL|32x| Noord-Holland
;NL|321| Kop van Noord-Holland
;NL|322| Alkmaar en omgeving
;NL|323| IJmond
;NL|324| Agglomeratie Haarlem
;NL|325| Zaanstreek
;NL|326| Groot-Amsterdam
;NL|327| Het Gooi en Vechtstreek
;NL|33x| Zuid-Holland
;NL|332| Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage
;NL|333| Delft en Westland
;NL|337| Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek
;NL|338| Oost-Zuid-Holland
;NL|339| Groot-Rijnmond
;NL|33A| Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland
;NL|34x| Zeeland
;NL|341| Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen
;NL|342| Overig Zeeland
;--|4 -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|41x| Noord-Brabant
;NL|411| West-Noord-Brabant
;NL|412| Midden-Noord-Brabant
;NL|413| Noordoost-Noord-Brabant
;NL|414| Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant
;NL|42x| Limburg (NL)
;NL|421| Noord-Limburg
;NL|422| Midden-Limburg
;NL|423| Zuid-Limburg
;--|A -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;AW|ABW| Island \ Aruba | (AW-AUA,TT080)
;NL;ID|ACH| Region \ Atjeh \ Aceh | (ID-AC)
;NL|ADW(.)=A(v)dW(.)| A. van der Wiel: Oortjes en duiten van FRI, Koninklijk NL Genootschap Munt en Penningkunde JB28.
;NL|ALK| City \ Alkmaar
;XU|AMD| City \ Amsterdam | (NL-AMS,TT050)
;NL|ANH| City \ Anholt | !PK! (DE-AOT)
;NL;BE|ANT| City \ Antwerpen | !PK! (BE-ANR+ATW)
;NL|APP| City \ Appingedam
;NL|ARN| City \ Arnhem | !PK! | (TT045)
;NL;FR|ART| Dynasty \ Artois \ Artesie | !PK! (FR-AT)
;NL|AV(.)| C. Akkermans,C./Vercoulen,P.: Catalogus van het Nederlandse papiergeld 1814-2006
;--|B -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|BAT| City \ Batenburg | !PK! (NL-BTB)
;NL;BE|BBT| Region \ Brabant | (BE-BR)
;NL;ID|BDJ| City \ Region \ Banjarmasin | (ID)
;NL;ID|BEL| Region \ Benculen \ Bengkulu | (ID-BE)
;NL;BQ|BES| Region \ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba \ Caribbean Netherlands (2010-) | (BQ)
;NL;DE|BLE| City \ Bleyenstein | !PK! (DE)
;NL;BE;LU|BNL| Region \ BeNeLux | (BE+LU+NL)
;NL;BQ|BON| Island \ Bonaire | (BQ)
;NL|BOS| City \ 's-Hertogenbosch | !PK! (NL-HTB)
;NL|BRE| City \ Breda | !PK! (BRD)
;NL;BE|BRU| Mint \ Brüssel \ Bruxelles| !PK! (BE-BRX)
;NL|BX0| Person \ Queen Beatrix (1980-2013)
;--|C -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;DE;FR|CAM| City \ Cambrai (59) \ Kamerich \ Kamerijk | !PK! (FR-CMB)
;NL;BE|CLB| Person \ Charles the Bold (1467-1477)
;NL|CNM(.)| Jan C. van der Wis/Tom Passon: Catalogus van de Nederlandse Munten 1555-1805, 2009.
;NL;GB;IN;PT|COK| City \ Region \ Cochin (12th-1503-1947) | (IN)
;NL|CUL| City \ Culemborg | !PK! (NL-CUB)
;NL;CW|CUW| Island \ Curacao | (CW-CUR)
;--|D -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;ID|DEI| Region \ Dutch East Indies \ Indonesia (1800-1949)
;NL|DEL| City \ Delft | !PK!
;NL;US|DEN| Mint \ Denver (US)
;NL|DEV| City \ Deventer | !PK!
;NL|DGL(.)| Dugniolle,J.Fr.: Le jeton historique des dix-sept provinces des Pays-Bas, Brüssel, 1876-80.
;NL|DHG| City \ The Hague \ Den Haag \ 's-Gravenhage | (NL-HAG,TT280,ex-TT800)
;NL;ID|DLI| Region \ Deli (Serdang) | (ID-DL)
;NL|Dlm(.)=Delm.| Delmonte,A.: Le Benelux d'or/d'argent, Amsterdam, 1964/67.
;NL;BE|DOO| City \ Tournai \ Doornik | !PK! (BE-TRN)
;NL|DRN| Region \ Drenthe | (NL-DR,NL13)
;NL|DKZ| Region \ Deventer & Kampen & Zwolle \ De Driesteden
;NL|DOR| City \ Dordrecht
;NL|DVI| Region \ Dutch Virgin Islands \ Nederlandse Maagdeneilanden (1625-1680)
;NL;DE|dVo(.)| de Voogt,W.J.: Geschiedenes .. muntwezen .. Gelderland (1576-1802), 1874.
;NL;AN;AW;BQ;CW;SR;SX|DWI| Region \ Dutch West Indies (1815-1954) \ Netherlands Antilles (1954-2010)
;--|E -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|ELB| City \ Elburg | !PK!
;NL|EMM| City \ Emmen
;NL|ENK| City \ Enkhuizen
;NL;BQ|EUX| Island \ Sint Eustatius | (BQ)
;NL|EvB(.)| E.J.A. van Beek\J. Fortuyn Droogleever: Geslagen te Zutphen, Zutphen, 1990.
;--|F -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|FLE| Region \ Flevoland | (NL-FL,NL23)
;NL|FRI| Region \ Friesland \ Fryslân | !PK! (NL-FR,NL12)
;--|G -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;ID|GEL| Region \ Gelderland | !PK! (NL-GE,NL22)
;NL;BE|GEN| City \ Gent \ Ghent \ Gand | !PK! (BE-GNE)
;NL|GH(.)=(v)GH(.)| Gelder,van/Hoc,M.: Les monnaies des Pays-Bas Bourguignons et Espagnols (1434-1713), AMS, 1960.
;NL;BE;FR|Ghy(.)| J.Ghyssens: Les petits deniers de Flandres
;NL;DE|GNL=G.NL| Niederlande (dt. Besetzung)
;NL|GOM=G(R)OM| Region \ Groningen And Ommeland | (!PK!=GROM)
;NL|GOR| City \ Gorcem \ Gorinchem | !PK!
;NL|GRO| City \ Groningen - Stad | !PK! (NL-GRQ)
;NL;DE|GRS| City \ Gronsveld \ Gronsvelt | (ELD,!PK!=GRONS)
;NL|GSL| Region \ Groningen - Provincie van Stad en Lande | (NL-GR,NL11,GRO)
;--|H -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|HAA| City \ Haarlem
;NL;DE|HBD| Dynasty \ Heid & Blijt \ Heid & Bleid (near Aachen,Jülich,Masstrich) | (DE)
;NL|HDG| City \ Hedel | (NL-HDL)
;NL;BE;FR|HEN| City \ Henegouwen \ Hainaut \ Heinaut | !PK! (FR/BE)
;NL|HIV| City \ Hilversum | (HVS,TT300)
;NL;ID|HOL| Region \ Holland | !PK! (NL-NH+ZH)
;NL|HRB| City \ 's-Heerenberg
;NL|HRD| City \ Harderwijk
;NL|HRN| City \ Hoorn
;NL;DEL|HUI| City \ Huizen \ Huissen | !PK! (NL)
;--|I -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;BE|IP1| Person \ Philip I of Castile (1482-1506)
;NL;BE|IPB| Person \ Philip the Good (1434-1467)
;--|J -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;ID|JAT| Region \ Java \ Jawa (Tengah) | (ID-JT)
;NL|JFD(.)| J. Fortuyn Droogleever: De vorstelijke en stedelijke muntslag te DEV, DEV, 1982.
;NL|JL0| Person \ Queen Juliana (1948-80)
;NL|JMP(.)| different authors: Jaarboek munt en penningkunde.
;--|K -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|K(.)xx| A.J. Kooji: Nederlandse Betaal-en Reclame Penningen.
;DE|KAM| City \ Kampen \ Campen | !PK! (NL)
;NL;DE|KLE| City \ Cleve \ Kleve \ Kleef | !PK! (DE)
;--|L -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;DE|LAF=L.AF| Lager-\Gettogeld Amersfoort | (NL)
;NL|LEI| City \ Leiden \ Leyden | !PK! (NL-LID)
;NL;DE|LHB=L.HB| Lager-\Gettogeld Herzogenbusch | (NL-Vught)
;NL|LI1| Person \ King Louis [Lodewijk] I (1806-1810)
;NL|LI2| Person \ King Louis [Lodewijk] II (1810)
;NL|LMM| Region \ Limbourg-Maastricht
;NL;BE;LU|LGG| City \ Luik \ Liège \ Lüttich | (BE)
;NL;DE|LWE=L.WE| Lager-\Gettogeld Westerbork | (NL)
;NL|LWR| City \ Leeuwarden
;--|M -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;BE|M(.)BRB| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Brabant (1106-1790), Watermael/Amsterdam 1966-1974.
;NL;BE|M(.)DOO| de Mey,Jean: Les Monnaies du Tournaisis, Brüssel 1975.
;NL;BE|M(.)HEN| de Mey,Jean: Catalogue des Monnaies du Comté de Hainaut, Brüssel 1981.
;NL;BE|M(.)LGG| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de cuivre liègeoise, Brüssel/Amsterdam 1968.
;NL;BE|M(.)NAM| de Mey,Jean: Les monnaies de Namur, Brüssel 1971.
;NL;BE|M(.)REC| de Mey,Jean: Les Monnaies de Reckheim, Brüssel 1976.
;NL|M(.)UTR| de Mey,Jean: "Coinage of the bishops and city of Utrecht" (983 - 1579), 1991.
;NL|MAA| City \ Maastricht | !PK! (NL-MST,TT420)
;NL;ID|MAL| Region \ Maluku | (ID-MA)
;NL|MDM| City \ Medemblik
;NL;ID|MDR| Region \ Madura | (ID-MD)
;NL|MEV(.)| J. Mevius,J./Lelivelt,F.G.: De Nederlandse bankbiljetten van 1814 tot heden (1981).
;NL|MGN| Dynasty \ Megen
;NL|MIL| City \ Middelburg (ZEL) | (NL-MDL,TT440)
;NL;BE|MYB| Person \ Mary of Burgundy (1477-1482)
;--|N -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;BE|NAM| City \ Region \ Namur \ Namen | !PK! (BE-NMR)
;NL|NAS| Dynasty \ Nassau-Oranien
;NL;BE|NB=NBT| Region \ (Dutch-,Noord-) Brabant | (NL-NB,NL41)
;NL|NIJ| City \ Nijmegen \ Nimwegen | !PK! (TT500)
;NL;AT;BE|NLA| Region \ Austrian Netherlands (1714-94) | (BE+NL)
;NL;BE;ES|NLE| Region \ Spanish Netherlands (1556-1581) | (BE+NL)
;NL;BE;ES|NLS| Region \ Southern Spanish Netherlands (1581-1713) | (BE)
;NL|NOH| Region \ Noord-Holland | (NL-NH,NL32)
;--|O -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|OUW| Oudewater | (NL-ODW)
;NL;ID|OVE| Region \ Overijssel \ Overyssel | (NL-OV,NL21,OIJ)
;--|P -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;US|PHL| Mint \ Philadelphia (US)
;NL;ID|PLM| City \ Palembang | (ID)
;NL;ID|PNK| City \ Pontianak | (ID)
;NL;ID|PTM| Dynasty \ Pontianak Sultanate \ Kesultanan Pontianak | (ID-PT)
;NL|PW(.)| Purmer,D./Wiel,van der H.J.: Handboek van de Nederlandse Provinciale Muntslag (1573-1806)
;NL;BE;DE;FR;ID|PK(.)| Pannekeet: {different books about netherlands coinage}
;--|R -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;BE|REC| City \ Reckheim \ Rekem | !PK! (BE-REM)
;NL|ROE| City \ Roermond \ Rurae Munda | !PK! (NL-OMD)
;NL|RTM| City \ Rotterdam | (TT680)
;--|S -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL;BQ|SAB| Island \ Saba | (BQ)
;NL|SBV(.)| Schweizerischer Bankverein: Auktion 31 - Niederländische Rechenpfennige .. , Basel, 1992.
;NL|SCH(.)| Schulman,J.: Handboek der Nederlandse munten van (1795-1965), 1966.
;NL|SER(.)| Serrure,C.A.: Histoire de la souveraineté de 's-Heerenberg, La Haye/Paris, 1860.
;NL;US|SFO| City \ San Francisco (US)
;NL|SHH| City \ Schoonhoven
;NL|SHL(.)| Literature \ Scholten,C: The coins of the dutch overseas territoires (1601-1948), Amsterdam, 1953.
;NL;ID|SLT| Region \ Island of Sultana | (ID-SL)
;NL|SNK| City \ Sneek
;NL;ID|SSI| City \ Dynasty \ (Sultanate of Kesultanan) Siak Sri Indrapura | (ID)
;NL;BE|STA| City \ Stavelot \ Stablo | !PK! (BE-SLT)
;NL;ID|STB| Region \ Menangkabau \ Sumatera Barat | (ID-SB)
;NL|STE| City \ Stevensweert \ 's-Heerenberg | !PK! (NL-SVW)
;NL;ID|SUB| City \ Surabaya, Java \ Tanjung Perak | (ID)
;NL;ID|SUL| Region \ Celebes \ Sulawesi (Tengah) | (ID-ST)
;NL;ID|SUM| Region \ Sumatra \ Sumatera | (ID-SU)
;NL;SR|SUR| Region \ Suriname (1667-1975) | !PK! (SR)
;NL;SX|SXM| Island \ Sint Maarten | (SX)
;--|T -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|THO| Abby \ Thor(e)n | !PK! (NL-THN)
;NL|TIE| Mint \ Tiel
;NL;DE|TJ(.)| Toele/Jacobi: Het Notgeld van Nederland (1940-45), Leiden, 1996.
;NL|TP(.)| T. Passon e.a.: De stedelijke munt van Nijmegen (1457-1704), Nijmegen, 1980.
;NL;ID|TRU| Region \ Trumon, Aceh Selatan | (ID-TR)
;--|U -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|UTP| Region \ Utrecht Provincie | (NL-UT,NL31,UTR)
;NL;ID|UTR| City \ Utrecht Stad | !PK! (NL-UTC)
;--|V -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|VK(.)| Verkade,P.:| ... munten ... zeven voormalig vereenigde Nederlandsche provinciën. Schiedam, (1848).
;NL;DE|VAN| City \ Vianen | (NL)
;NL|vCh(.)=v(d)Ch(.)| van der Chijs,P.O./e.a.: munten .. GEL .. HOL .. ZEE .. UTR .. OVE
;NL|VDB| Dynasty \ De heren van den Bergh
;NL|vdW(.)| H.J. van der Wiel,H.J.: De munten van Elburg, Beeldenaar, november 1979.
;NL|vGH| ⇒ GH
;NL;BE;FR|VH(.)| Vanhoudt,Hugo:| ... munten ... Bourgondische, Spaanse en Oostenrijkse Nederlanden ... (1434-1830), Heverlee, 2015.
;NL;BE;FR|VLA| Region \ County of Flanders (863-1795) \ Vlaanderen | !PK! (80% BE)
;NL|VLI| Region \ Limbourg \ Limburg | (NL-LI,NL42,BE-VFI,BE22)
;NL;ID|VOC| Company \ Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (1602-1800) | !PK!
;NL|VY(.)| Verkooyen: nederlandse noodgeld van de eerste wereldoorlog, Maastricht, 1994.
;--|W -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|WA0| Person \ King Willem-Alexander (2013-)
;NL|WEE| City \ Weert | !PK! (NL-WRT)
;NL;ID|WES| Region \ West Friesland | !PK! (NL)
;NL|WIC| Company \ West-Indische Compagnie
;NL;LU|WL1| Person \ King William I (1815-1840)
;NL;LU|WL2| Person \ King William II (1840-1849)
;NL;LU|WL3| Person \ King William III (1849-1890)
;NL|WN0| Person \ Queen Wilhelmina (1890-1948)
;NL|WOR| City \ Woerden
;--|Z -| - == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;NL|ZAL| City \ Zaltbommel | !PK! (NL-ZLB)
;NL;ID|ZEE| Region \ Zeeland | !PK! (NL-ZE,NL34,ZEL)
;NL|ZIE| City \ Zierikzee
;NL|ZUH| Region \ Zuid-Holland | (NL-ZH,NL32)
;NL|ZUT| City \ Zutphen | !PK!
;NL|ZWO| City \ Zwolle | !PK!

- NO : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;NO|AES| City \ Ålesund \ Alesund | (TT030)
;NO|ARE| City \ Arendal | (TT060)
;NO|BGO| City \ Bergen | (TT100)
;NO;SE|C13| Person \ King Carl XIII (1809-1818)
;NO;SE|C14(J)| Person \ King Carl XIV John (1818-1844)
;NO;SE|C15(A)| Person \ King Carl XV Adolf (1859-1872)
;NO;DK;SE|CR1| Person \ King Christian I (1448-1481)
;NO;DK;SE|CR2| Person \ King Christian II (1513-1523)
;NO;DK|CR3| Person \ King Christian III (1534-1559)
;NO;DK|CR4| Person \ King Christian IV (1588-1648)
;NO;DK|CR5| Person \ King Christian V (1670-1699)
;NO;DK;VI|CR6| Person \ King Christian VI (1730-1746)
;NO;DK;VI|CR7| Person \ King Christian VII (1766-1808)
;NO|CRF| Person \ King Christian Frederick (1814)
;NO;DK;SE|CT3| Person \ Christoph III (1439-1448)
;NO|DRM| City \ Drammen | (TT240)
;NO|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Norway.
;NO|ER??| Person \ King Eric (1H:929-934;2M:1273-1299)
;NO;DK;FI;SE|ER7| Person \ King Erik VII (1412-1439,2:for FI+SE)
;NO|EY1(M)| Person \ King Evystein I Magnusson (1103-1123)
;NO;DK|FR1| Person \ King Frederik I (1523-1533)
;NO;DK|FR2| Person \ King Frederik II (1559-1588)
;NO;DK|FR3| Person \ King Frederik III (1648-1670)
;NO;DK|FR4| Person \ King Frederik IV (1699-1730)
;NO;DK;VI|FR5| Person \ King Frederik V (1746-1766)
;NO;DK;VI|FR6| Person \ King Frederik VI (1808-1814,DK+VI:-1839)
;NO|FRK| City \ Fredrikstad | (TT320)
;NO;DE|GNG=G.NG| Norwegen (dt. Besetzung)
;NO|GUS| Person \ King Guttorm Sigurdsson (1204)
;NO|HAU| City \ Haugesund | (TT400)
;NO;DK|Hd(.)| Hede,H.: Danmarks og Norges Mónter (1541-1814), Hellerup, 1978.
;NO|HK1(H)| Person \ King Haakon I Haraldson (934-960) - Haakon the Good
;NO|HK2M| Person \ King Haakon (II) Magnusson (1093-1094)
;NO|HK2S| Person \ King Haakon II Sigurdsson (1157-1162)
;NO|HK3(S)| Person \ King Haakon III Sverresson (1202-1204)
;NO|HK4(H)| Person \ King Haakon IV Haakonsson (1217-1263)
;NO|HK5H| Person \ King Haakon (V) Haakonsson (1240-1257)
;NO|HK5M| Person \ King Haakon V Magnusson (1299-1319)
;NO|HK6(M)| Person \ King Haakon VI Magnusson (1343-1380)
;NO|HK7| Person \ King Haakon VII (1905-1957)
;NO|HL1(H)| Person \ King Harald I Halfdansson (872-932) - Harald Fairhair
;NO|HL2(E)| Person \ King Harald II Erisson (961-970) - Harald Greycloak
;NO|HL3(S)| Person \ King Harald III Sigurdsson (1046-1066) - Harald Hardrade
;NO|HL4(M)| Person \ King Harald IV Magnusson (1130-1136)
;NO|HL5| Person \ King Harald V (1991-)
;NO|IG1(H)| Person \ King Inge I Haraldsson (1136-1161)
;NO|IG2(B)| Person \ King Inge II Bardsson (1204-1217)
;NO;DK;SE|JH1| Person \ King Johann I (1481-1513,2:for SE)
;NO|KJL| Village \ Kjellstad (Lier) | (TT435)
;NO|KSU| City \ Kristiansund \ Christiansund | (TT180)
;NO|LVG| City \ Laksevåg \ Laksevag (Bergen) | (TT500)
;NO;DK;FI;SE|MG1| Person \ Queen Margarethe I (1387-1412)
;NO|MU1(O)| Person \ King Magnus I Olafsson (1035-1047)
;NO|MU2(H)| Person \ King Magnus II Haraldsson (1066-1069)
;NO|MU3(O)| Person \ King Magnus III Olafsson (1093-1103) - Magnus Berrføtt
;NO|MU4(S)| Person \ King Magnus IV Sigurddson (1130-1135)
;NO|MU5H| Person \ King Magnus (V) Haraldsson (1142-1145)
;NO|MU5E| Person \ Magnus V Erlingsson (1161-1184)
;NO|MU6(H)| Person \ King Magnus VI Haakonsson (1257-1280) - Magnus Lagabøte
;NO|OL1(T)| Person \ King Olaf I Tryggvason (995-1000)
;NO|OL2(H)| Person \ King Olaf II Haraldsson (1015-1028)
;NO|OL3(H)| Person \ King Olaf III Haraldsson (1067-1093) - Olav Kyrre
;NO;DK|O4H| Person \ King Olaf IV Haakonsson (1380-1387;2H:for DK 1376-1387)
;NO|O4M| Person \ King Olaf IV Magnusson (1103-1115)
;NO|OL5| Person \ King Olaf V (1957-1991)
;NO;SE|OS1| Person \ King Oscar I (1844-1859)
;NO;SE|OS2| Person \ King Oscar II (1872-1905,SE:-1907)
;NO|OSL| City \ Oslo \ Kristiania \ Christiania | (TT600)
;NO|POR| City \ Porsgrunn | (TT640)
;NO|R(.)| Rønning, Bjørn R.: Norges mynter 1628-1873, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.
;NO|SAD| City \ Sandefjord | (TT680)
;NO|SD1(M)| Person \ King Sigurd I Magnusson (1103-1130)
;NO|SD2(H)| Person \ King Sigurd II Haraldsson (1136-1155)
;NO;DE;DK;FI;FO;GL;IS;SE|Sg(.)| Sieg's Coin Catalog - NORDEN (The Nordic countries).
;NO|Sk(.)| Skaare, Kolbjørn: Norges mynthistorie, Universitetsforlaget, 1995.
;NO|SPO| Area \ Skarpsno (Oslo) | (TT720)
;NO|SVG| City \ Stavanger | (TT730)
;NO|SVS| Person \ King Sverre Sigurdsson (1184-1202)
;NO;DE|TRD| City \ Trondheim \ Drontheim | (NO,TT750)

- PL : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;PL;DE|AWS| Quarter \ (Waldenburg-)Altwasser \ (Walbrzych-)Stary Zdroj | (PL)
;PL;DE|BRG| City \ Brieg (Schlesien) \ Brzeg (Silesia) | (PL)
;PL;DE|BYO| City \ Bütow \ Bytow \ Bytów | (PL)
;PL;DE|BYT| City \ Beuthen \ Bytom | (PL)
;PL;DE|BZG| City \ Bromberg \ Bydgoszcz | (PL,TT170)
;PL;AT;CZ;DE|CIN| Cesky Tesín \ Cieszyn \ Teschen | (CZ-TEA+PL-CZY,TT800)
;PL;DE|CNG(.)| Suchanek/Dutkowski: Corpus Nummorum Gedansis.
;PL;DE|CJO| City \ Haynau \ Chojnow | (PL)
;PL;DE|CUS| City \ Cüstrin \ Kustrin \ (Brandenburg-)Küstrin(-Kietz) \ Kostrzyn nad Odra | (PL-KZY,TT250)
;PL;DE|CZH| Quarter \ Chorzow-Bismarckhütte \ Chorzow-Hajduki | (PL)
;PL;DE|Dan| City \ Danzig \ Gdansk | !GR! (PL-GDN,TT260)
;PL;DE|DBI| Quarter \ (Stettin-)Altdamm \ Szczecin-Dabie | (PL)
;PL;DE|DLZ| City \ Drezdenko \ Driesen | (PL)
;PL;DE|DZO| Quarter \ Gdansk-Przeróbka \ Danzig-Troyl | (PL)
;PL;RU|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Russia and Poland, 1962.
;PL;DE|ELB| City \ Elbing \ Elblag | (PL)
;PL;DE|FA(.)| Frenzel,Max: Notmünzen der amtlichen Kriegsgefangenenlager .. (1914-18), Augsburg, 1995.
;PL;AT;CZ;DE;HU|FF(.)| Frenzel,U./Fritz,G.: Marken .. & Notmünzen Verkehrsunternehmen, Hamburg, 1978.
;PL;DE|FI(.)| Frenzel,Max: Notmünzen der .. Kriegsgefangenenlager (der) .. Industrie .., siehe -> FA.
;PL;DE|FFO| City \ Frankfurt (Oder) \ East -> PL-Slubice | (DE+PL,TT335)
;PL;DE|FS(.)=F(r.)(u./)S(.)| Friedensburg,Ferdinand/Seger,Hans: Schlesiens Münzen .., Breslau, 1901/1976.
;PL;AT;UA|GAI| Region \ Galizien \ Galicia \ Halychyna | (PL+UA)
;PL;DE|GAZ| City \ Graudenz \ Grudziadz | (PL-GRU,TT358)
;PL;DE|GLG| City \ Glogau \ Glogow | (PL)
;PL;DE|GNZ| City \ Gnesen \ Gniezno | (PL)
;PL;DE;LT|Gum(.)| Gumowski,Marian: Handbuch der polnischen Numismatik, Graz 1960.
;PL;DE|INO| City \ Hohensalza \ Inowroclaw | (PL,TT425)
;PL;DE|JM(.)=J(./)M(.)| Jaschke,Norbert/Maercker,Fritz P.: Schlesische Münzen & Medaillen, Ihringen, 1985.
;PL;DE|KAO| City \ Cammin \ Kamien Pomorski | (PL)
;PL;DE|KBZ| City \ Kolberg \ Kolobrzeg | (PL-KOL)
;PL;DE|KEK| City \ Cosel \ (Kedzierzyn-)Kozle | (PL)
;PL;AT;DE|KLO| City \ Glatz \ Klodzko | (PL)
;PL;DE|KOZ| City \ Kosel \ Wroclaw-Kozanow | (PL)
;PL;DE|KPP| City \ Kempen (Posen) \ Kepno (Poznan) | (PL-KEP)
;PL;DE|KRD| City \ Krossen \ Crossen \ Krosno Odrzanskie | (PL-KOD)
;PL;AT|KRK| City \ Krakau \ Krakow | (PL)
;PL;DE|KZA| City \ Köselin \ Koszalin | (PL,TT470)
;PL;DE|LAO| Village \ Lambinowice \ Lamsdorf | (PL)
;PL;DE|LAU=L.AU| Lager-\Gettogeld Auschwitz | (PL-Oswiecim)
;PL;DE|LBI=L.BI| Lager-\Gettogeld Bielsk | (PL/BL)
;PL;DE|LBN| City \ Luban (Slaski) \ Lauban | (PL)
;PL;DE|LEA| City \ Leba | (PL)
;PL;DE|LEB| City \ Lebork \ Lauenburg | (PL)
;PL;DE|LEG| City \ Liegnitz \ Legnica | (PL,TT485)
;PL;DE|LGB| Region \ Liegnitz-Brieg (Schlesien) \ Legnica-Brzeg (Silesia) | (PL)
;PL;DE|LLI=L.LI| Lager-\Gettogeld Litzmannstadt | (PL)
;PL;DE|LOZ| City \ Lobsens \ Lobzenica | (PL)
;PL;DE|LSO=L.SO| Lager-\Gettogeld Sokolka | (PL/BL)
;PL;DE|LST=L.ST| Lager-\Gettogeld Stutthof | (PL)
;PL;DE|LWA=L.WA| Lager-\Gettogeld Warschau | (PL)
;PL;DE|LWB| City \ Löwenberg \ Lwowek Slaski | (PL)
;PL;DE|Mbg(.)=Bahrf.| Bahrfeldt,E.: Münzen- und Medaillen .. in der Marienburg, Danzig/Königsberg, 1901-1929.
;PL;DE|Msl| Mittelschlesien \ Middle Silesia (Breslau)
;PL;DE|MSO| City \ Münsterberg-Oels \ Ziebice-Olesnica | (PL-OLE)
;PL;DE|Nsl| Niederschlesien \ Lower Silesia (Liegnitz)
;PL;DE|NYS| City \ Nysa \ Neisse | (PL)
;PL;DE|OLB| City \ Drossen \ Osno Lubuskie | (PL)
;PL;DE|OLS| City \ Allenstein \ Olsztyn | (PL,TT035)
;PL;DE|OPO| City \ Oppeln \ Opole | (PL)
;PL;DE|ORO| Region \ Oppeln & Ratibor \ Opole & Raciborz | (PL-OPO+RCZ)
;PL;DE|Osl| Oberschlesien \ Upper Silesia (Oppeln) | !GR!
;PL;DE|OWA| City \ Owinsk \ Owinska | (PL)
;PL;DE|OWI| Quarter \ Ruda-Bielszowice \ Ruda-Bielschowitz | (PL)
;PL|Par(.)| Parchimowicz,Janusz: Katalog Monet Polskich, Stettin
;PL;DE|PIB| Quarter \ Piekary Slaskie-Brzeziny \ Piekar-Birkenhain | (PL)
;PL;DE|PIG| City \ Gnadenfrei \ Pilawa Gorna | (PL)
;PL;DE|PIL| City \ Pila \ Schneidemühl | (PL)
;PL;DE|Pom| Region \ Pommern \ Pomerania | !GR! (PL)
;PL;DE|Pos| City \ Region \ Posen \ Poznan | !GR! (PL-POZ)
;PL;DE|RCZ| City \ Ratibor \ Raciborz | (PL)
;PL;DE|RGW| City \ Region \ Rügenwalde \ Resko+Darlowo | (PL-RES+DAR)
;PL;DE|RYD| City \ Rydzyna \ Reisen | (PL)
;PL;CH;DE|SJ(.)=(v.)S(.-)J(.)| Saurma-Jeltsch,Hugo F.v.: Sammlung DE, CH, PL Gepräge, Berlin, 1892.
;PL;DE|SJS(.)=S(.-)J(./)S(ch.)| Saurma-Jeltsch,Hugo F. von: Schlesische Münzen & Medaillen, Breslau, 1883.
;PL;DE|SKZ| City \ Skalmierzyce \ Skalmierschütz | (PL)
;PL;DE|Sle| Region \ Silesia \ Schlesien \ Slask | !GR! (PL)
;PL;DE|SLZ| City \ (Stettin-)Stolzenhagen \ Szczecin-Stolcyzn | (PL)
;PL|SM1| Person \ King Sig(is)mund \ Zygmunt I (1506-1548)
;PL|SM2| Person \ King Sig(is)mund \ Zygmunt II (1548-1572)
;PL|SM3| Person \ King Sig(is)mund \ Zygmunt III (1587-1632)
;PL;DE|SPR(.)| Schoenawa: 7 - Das Papiernotgeld Ost- und Westpreussen, Posen, Danzig u. Memelgebiet
;PL;DE|SRA| City \ Szprotawa \ Sprottau | (PL)
;PL;DE|SRG| City \ Striegau \ Strzegom | (PL-SGM)
;PL;DE|STS| City \ Stargard (Szczecinski) | (PL)
;PL;DE|SWN| City \ Schweidnitz \ Swidnica | (PL)
;PL;DE|SWO| Dynasty \ Schlesien-Württemberg-Oels | (PL)
;PL;DE|SZZ| City \ (Pomerania-)Stettin \ Szczecin | (PL,TT848)
;PL;DE|TOR| City \ Thorn \ Torun | (PL,TT860)
;PL;DE|TUC| Tuchel \ Tuchola | (PL)
;PL;DE|WOI| City \ Wohlau \ Wolow | (PL)
;PL;DE|WRO| City \ Breslau \ Wroclaw | (PL,TT160)
;PL;DE|WSC| City \ Fraustadt \ Wschowa | (PL)
;PL;DE|ZAG| City \ Zagan \ Sagan | (PL)
;PL|ZAM| City \ Zamosc
;PL;DE|ZGR| Görlitz \ Zgorzelec | (DE-GOR+PL-ZGC,TT350)
;PL;DE|ZIE| City \ Münsterberg \ Ziebice | (PL)
;PL;DE|ZRY| City \ Sorau \ Zary | (PL)
;PL;DE|ZTO| City \ Goldberg i. Schl. \ Zlotoryja | (PL)

- PT : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;PT|AO1| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] I (1139-1385)
;PT|AO2| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] II (1211-1223)
;PT|AO3| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] III (1248-1279)
;PT|AO4| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] IV (1325-1357)
;PT|AO5| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] V (1438-77-1481)
;PT|AO6| Person \ King Alphonso [Alfonso] VI (1656-1683)
;PT|AT0| Person \ King Anthony [António] (1580-1583)
;PT;IT|AVT| City \ Alvito | (PT)
;PT|AZR| Region \ Azoren
;PT;IN|BCI| City \ Region \ Bacaim \ Bassein (1611-1780) | (INP,-MH)
;PT|BX0| Person \ Queen Beatrix (1383)
;PT;IN|CEB| City \ Region \ Korlai \ Chaul (1521-1740) e Bacaim | (INP,-MH)
;PT|CL1| Person \ King Charles [Carlos] I (1889-1908)
;PT;GB;IN;NL|COK| City \ Region \ Cochin (12th-1503-1947) | (IN)
;PT;IN|DAM| City \ Region \ Damao \ Daman (1523-1961) | (INP,-DD)
;PT;IN|DIU| City \ Region \ Diu (1535-1961) | (INP,-DD)
;PT|DMN| Period \ Ditadura Militar e Nacional (1926-1933)
;PT|DN1| Person \ King Denis [Dinis] I (1279-1325)
;PT|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Portugal, 1962.
;PT|EW1| Person \ King Edward [Duarte] I (1433-1438)
;PT|FD1| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] I (1367-1383)
;PT|FD2| Person \ King Ferdinand [Fernando] II (1837-1853)
;PT;IN|GOA| City \ Region \ Goa \ Gôa (Portuguese) | (INP,-GA)
;PT|Go(.)| Gomes, Alberto: Moedas Portuguesas, 2003.
;PT|HR1| Person \ King Henry [Henrique] I (1578-1580)
;PT;IN|INP| Authority \ Portugese India \ Índia Portuguesa \ Estado da Índia (1503-1961)
;PT|IP1| Person \ King Philip [Filipe] I (1581-1598)
;PT|IP2| Person \ King Philip [Filipe] II (1598-1621)
;PT|IP3| Person \ King Philip [Filipe] III (1621-1640)
;PT|JH1| Person \ King John [João] I (1385-1433)
;PT|JH2| Person \ King John [João] II (1477,1481-1495)
;PT|JH3| Person \ King John [João] III (1521-1557)
;PT|JH4| Person \ King John [João] IV (1640-1656)
;PT|JH5| Person \ King John [João] V (1706-1750)
;PT|JH6(?)| Person \ King John [João] VI (P:1799-1816:1816-26)
;PT|JO1| Person \ King Joseph [José] I (1750-1777)
;PT|LI1| Person \ King Louis [Luís] I (1861-1889)
;PT|LIS| City \ Lissabon \ Lisboa | (TT490)
;PT|MDI| Region \ Madeira
;PT|ML1| Person \ King Michael [Miguel] I (1828-1834)
;PT|MN1| Person \ King Emmanuel [Manuel] I (1495-1521)
;PT|MN2| Person \ King Emmanuel [Manuel] II (1908-1910)
;PT|MY1| Person \ Queen Mary [Maria] I (1777-1816)
;PT|MY2| Person \ Queen Mary [Maria] II (1826-1828,1834-1853)
;PT|OPO| City \ Oporto \ Porto | (TT600)
;PT|PR1| Person \ King Peter [Pedro] I (1357-1367)
;PT|PR2(?)| Person \ King Peter [Pedro] II (P:1667-1683:1683-1706)
;PT|PR3| Person \ King Peter [Pedro] III (1777-1786)
;PT|PR4| Person \ King Peter [Pedro] IV (1826)
;PT|PR5| Person \ King Peter [Pedro] V (1853-1861)
;ES|RP1| Period \ 1.Portuguese Republic (1910-1926)
;ES|RP2| Period \ 2.Portuguese Republic (1933-1974)
;ES|RP3| Period \ 3.Portuguese Republic (1974-)
;PT|SC1| Person \ King Sancho I (1185-1211)
;PT|SC2| Person \ King Sancho II (1223-1247)
;PT|SE1| Person \ King Sebastian [Sebastião] I (1557-1578)
;PT|TVA| City \ Tavira | (TT700,TVR)

- RO : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;RO;DE|BUH| City \ Bucuresti \ Bucharest \ Bukarest | (RO)
;RO|CL1| Person \ King Carol (1881-1914)
;RO|CL2| Person \ King Carol (1930-1940)
;RO|FD1| Person \ King Ferdinand I (1914-1927)
;RO;CZ;AT;HU|FL(.)| Frenzel: Notmünzen .. der AT und HU .. Kriegsgefangenenlager .. (1914-18), 1995.
;RO;DE|GRO=G.RO| Rumänien (dt. Besetzung)
;RO|ML1(?)| Person \ King Michael I (A:1927-1930;B:1940-1947)
;RO;AT;HU|TRN| Region \ Siebenbürgen \ Transilvania \ Ardeal \ Erdély | (RO/HU)
;RO;AT;HU|KYZ| Region \ Brodfeld \ Brotfeld \ Câmpul Pâinii \ Kenyérmezö | (RO)

- RS : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;RS|A1O| Person \ Alexander I Obrenović (1889-1903)
;RS|AK0| Person \ Aleksandar Karađorđević (1842-1858)
;RS|M1O| Person \ Milan I Obrenović (1868-1889)
;RS|MO1| Person \ Miloš Obrenović I (1817-39,58-1860)
;RS|MO2| Person \ Milan Obrenović II (1839)
;RS|MO3| Person \ Mihailo Obrenović III (1839-42,60-1868)
;RS|P1K| Person \ Peter I Karađorđević (1903-1918)
;RS|SEN| City \ Region \ Senta | (TT800)
;RS|ZRN| City \ Region \ Zrenjanin | (TT895)

- RU : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;RU|AE1| Person \ Tsar Alexis I (1645-1676)
;RU|AI0| Person \ Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740)
;RU|AL0| Person \ Empress Anna Leopoldovna (1740-1741)
;RU|AS4| Person \ Tsar Vasily IV (1606-1610)
;RU|AT1| Person \ Empress Catherine \ Yekaterina I (1725-1727)
;RU|AT2| Person \ Empress Catherine \ Yekaterina II (1762-1796)
;RU|AX1| Person \ Tsar Alexander I (1801-1825)
;RU|AX2| Person \ Tsar Alexander II (1855-1881)
;RU|AX3| Person \ Tsar Alexander III (1881-1894)
;RU|BRG| Person \ Tsar Boris Godunov (1598-1605)
;RU|CEK| City \ Region \ Chelyabinsk | (TT160)
;RU|CHV| City \ Region \ Chapayevsk | (TT150)
;RU|DM1| Person \ Tsar Dmitriy I (1605-1606)
;RU;PL|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins of Russia and Poland, 1962.
;RU|EL0| Person \ Empress Elizabeth \ Yelizaveta (1741-1762)
;RU|EVK| City \ Region \ Yegoryevsk | (TT900)
;RU|GOJ| City \ Region \ Gorky \ Nizhniy Novgorod | (TT460)
;RU;DE|GRU=G.RU| Russland (dt. Besetzung)
;RU|JH4| Person \ Tsar Ivan \ John IV (1533-1547-1584)
;RU|JH5| Person \ Tsar Ivan \ John V (1682-1696)
;RU|JH6| Person \ Tsar Ivan \ John VI (1740-1741)
;RU;DE|KGD| City \ Königsberg (Preussen) \ Kaliningrad | (RU,TT465)
;RU|KGN| City \ Region \ Kurgan | (KRO,TT350)
;RU;BY;DE;EE;LT;LV|KR(.)| Kulo,Ants/Rudich,Juri: German Occupation in WW2 of Baltic States, Tallinn, 1999.
;RU|KUF| City \ Samara \ Kuibyshev | (TT630)
;RU;KZ|KYH| City \ Kandyagash \ Oktyabrsk | (KZ,TT620)
;RU|KZN| City \ Kazan \ Qazan | (TT300)
;RU|LED| City \ Leningrad \ Sankt-Petersburg \ Petrograd | (TT320,TT680)
;RU|ML1| Person \ Tsar Michael I (1613-1645)
;RU|MOW| City \ Moskau \ Moscow \ Moskva | (TT400)
;RU|NI1| Person \ Tsar Nicholas \ Nikolay I (1825-1855)
;RU|NI2| Person \ Tsar Nicholas \ Nikolay II (1894-1917)
;RU|OD1| Person \ Tsar Feodor \ Theodor I (1584-1598)
;RU|OD2| Person \ Tsar Feodor \ Theodor II (1605)
;RU|OD3| Person \ Tsar Feodor \ Theodor III (1676-1682)
;RU|OVB| City \ Novosibirsk | (TT600)
;RU|PA1| Person \ Tsar Paul \ Pavel I (1796-1801)
;RU|PR1| Person \ Tsar Peter I (1682-1725)
;RU|PR2| Person \ Tsar Peter II (1727-1730)
;RU|PR3| Person \ Tsar Peter III (1762)
;RU|SA0| Person \ Empress Sophia Alekseyevna (1682-1689)
;RU;DE|SSK| City \ Tilsit \ Tillset \ Sovetsk(as) \ Sow(j)etsk | (RU,TT830,TT865)
;RU|SYZ| City \ Syzran | (TT690)
;HU|VD4| Person \ Tsar Wladyslaw IV (1610-1612)
;RU;FI|VYG| City \ Vyborg \ Viipuri \ Wiburg \ Wiborg | (RU,TT880)
;RU|YEK| City \ [Y]Ekaterinburg \ Sverdlovsk (1924-91) | (TT200)
;RU|ZHG| City \ Zhigulyovsk \ Zhigulevsk | (TT950)

- SE : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;SE|ADL| Quarter \ Arendal, Göteborg | (TT105)
;SE|ADR| Locality \ Andrarums | (TT095)
;SE|AEL| Region \ Älvsborg län (1634-1998) | (SE-P,SE-15 -> VGA)
;SE|AF0| Person \ King Adolf Frederick (1751-71)
;SE|ALI| City \ Alingsås \ Alingsas | (TT080)
;SE|AME| Locality \ Åmmeberg | (TT090)
;SE|ARA| City \ Arboga | (TT100)
;SE|ATV| City \ Åtvidabergs \ Atvidabergs | (TT110)
;SE|AVE| City \ Avesta | (TT120)
;SE;FI|BE1| Person \ King Benedict I (1284-1291,Bengt Birgerinpoika)
;SE;FI|BE2| Person \ King Benedict II (1353-1356,Pentti Algotinpoika)
;SE;FI|BI0| Person \ King Birger (1291-1302,Maununpoika)
;SE|BLK| Region \ Blekinge län (1683-) | (SE-K,SE-10)
;SE|C10G| Person \ King Carl X Gustaf (1654-1660)
;SE|C11| Person \ King Carl XI (1660-1697)
;SE|C12| Person \ King Carl XII (1697-1718)
;SE;NO|C13| Person \ King Carl XIII (1809-1818)
;SE;NO|C14J| Person \ King Carl XIV John (1818-1844)
;SE;NO|C15A| Person \ King Carl XV Adolf (1859-1872)
;SE|C16G| Person \ King Carl XVI Gustaf (1973-)
;SE|CL9| Person \ King Carl IX (1604-1611)
;SE|CN0| Person \ Queen Christina (1632-54)
;SE;DK;NO|CR1| Person \ King Christian I (1448-1481)
;SE;DK;NO|CR2| Person \ King Christian II (1513-1523)
;SE;DK;NO|CT3| Person \ Christoph III (1439-1448)
;SE|DLR| Region \ Dalarnas län (1997-) | (SE-W,SE-20)
;SE|DRJ| Locality \ Dormsjö \ Dormsjo | (TT170)
;SE|E14| Person \ King Erik XIV (1560-1568)
;SE|Ek(l.)| O.P. Eklund: Copper Coins Of Sweden. Coinage of Swedish Plate Money.
;SE|EKM| City \ Region \ Ekensholm \ Ekersholms | (TT175)
;SE|EKT| City \ Eskilstuna | (TT180)
;SE;FI|ER1| Person \ King Erik I (1357-1359)
;SE;DK;FI;NO|ER?| Person \ King Erik (2:1412-39,7:for DK+NO)
;SE|FAN| City \ Falun | (TT190)
;SE|FR1| Person \ King Frederick I (1720-1751)
;SE|GAE| City \ Gävle \ Gefle | (GVX,TT220)
;SE|GAM| City \ Gamleby | (TT210)
;SE|GGE| City \ Grangärde \ Grangarde | (TT260)
;SE|GOT| City \ Göteborg \ Goteborg \ Gothenburg | (TT240)
;SE|GT1| Person \ King Gustav I (1523-1560)
;SE|GT2A| Person \ King Gustav II Adolf (1611-1632)
;SE|GT3| Person \ King Gustav III (1771-1792)
;SE|GT4A| Person \ King Gustav IV Adolf (1792-1809)
;SE|GT5| Person \ King Gustav V (1907-1950)
;SE|GT6A| Person \ King Gustav VI Adolf (1950-1973)
;SE|GTB| Region \ Göteborgs & Bohus län (1680-1998) | ( -> VGA)
;SE|GTL| Region \ Gotlands län (1678-) | (GOT,SE-I,SE-09)
;SE|GVL| Region \ Gävleborgs län (1762-) | (SE-X,SE-21)
;SE|HAD| City \ Halmstad | (TT280)
;SE|HAL| Region \ Hallands län (1719-) | (SE-N,SE-13)
;SE|HEL| City \ Helsingborg \ Hälsingborg | (TT300)
;SE|HIS| Island \ Hisingen | (TT320)
;SE|HND| City \ Hernosänd \ Härnosänd \ Harnosand | (TT310)
;SE;FI|IE0| Person \ Ingeborg Eriksdottir of Norway (1319-53,widow of VD2)
;SE;DK;NO|JH?| Person \ King Johann (1:1481-1513,2:for SE)
;SE|JH3| Person \ King Johann III (1568-1592)
;SE|JKG| City \ Jönköping \ Jonkoping | (TT360)
;SE|JMT| Region \ Jämtlands län (1810-) | (SE-Z,SE-23)
;SE|JNK| Region \ Jönköpings län (1687-) | (SE-F,SE-06)
;SE|KAA| City \ Karlskrona \ Carlskrona | (TT400)
;SE|KHN| City \ Kristinehamn \ Christinehamn | (TT160)
;SE|KID| City \ Kristianstad | (TT440)
;SE|KLM| Region \ Kalmar län (1634-) | (SE-H,SE-08)
;SE|KLR| City \ Kalmar
;SE|KPO| City \ Kopparberg
;SE|KPR| Region \ Kopparberg län (1647-1997) | (-> DLR)
;SE|KRN| Region \ Kronobergs län (1674-) | (SE-G,SE-07)
;SE|KSD| City \ Karlstad | (TT405)
;SE|KST| Region \ Kristianstad län (1719-1997) | (SE-L,SE-11 -> SNE)
;SE|KUV| City \ Kungälv \ Kongelf \ Kongaly | (TT420)
;SE|LAA| City \ Landskrona | (TT450)
;SE|LAG| Quarter \ Långedrag | (TT455)
;SE|LPI| City \ Linköping | (TT470)
;SE|LUD| City \ Lund | (TT490)
;SE;DK;FI;NO|MG1| Person \ Queen Margarethe I (1387-1412)
;SE|MLM| Region \ Malmöhus län (1661-1997) | (-> SNE)
;SE|MMA| City \ Malmö | (TT500)
;SE|MND| Ciy \ Mölndals \ Molndal | (TT525)
;SE|MOT| City \ Motala | (TT530)
;SE|MSD| City \ Marstrand | (TT510)
;SE;FI|MU1| Person \ King Magnus [Maunu] I (1275-1284,Ladonlukko)
;SE;FI|MU2| Person \ King Magnus [Maunu] II (1359-1364)
;SE|NBY| City \ Näsby (Arboga) | (TT590)
;SE|NKE| Area \ Närke
;SE|NKV| Region \ Närkes & Värmlands län (1634-1779) | (-> NKE+VRM)
;SE|NRB| Region \ Norrbottens län (1810-) | (SE-BD,SE-25)
;SE|NRK| City \ Norrköping | (TT600)
;SE|NYL| City \ Nyland (Kramsfors) | (TT620)
;SE|OEG| Region \ Östergötlands län (1634-) | (SE-E,SE-05)
;SE|OER| Region \ Örebro län (1779-) | (SE-T,SE-18)
;SE|ORB| City \ Örebro \ Orebro | (TT630)
;SE;NO|OS1| Person \ King Oscar I (1844-59)
;SE;NO|OS2| Person \ King Oscar II (1872-1907,NO:-1905)
;SE|OSK| City \ Oskarshamn | (TT635)
;SE|PIT| City \ Piteå \ Pitea | (TT640)
;SE|RNB| City \ Ronneby | (TT700)
;SE|SDL| City \ Sundsvall | (TT830)
;SE|SDR| Region \ Södermanlands län (1634-) | (SE-D,SE-04)
;SE|SFT| City \ Skellefteå | (TT780)
;SE;DE;DK;FI;FO;GL;IS;NO|Sg(.)| Sieg's Coin Catalog - NORDEN (The Nordic countries).
;SE|SKR| Region \ Skaraborg län (1634-1998) | (SE-R,SE-16 -> VGA)
;SE|SM(.)| Ahlström/Almer/Hemmingsson: Sveriges Mynt (1521-1977), Stockholm, 1976.
;SE|SM0| Person \ King Sig(is)mund (1592-99)
;SE|SNE| Region \ Skåne län (1997-) | (KST+MLM,SE-M,SE-12)
;SE|SOF| Locality \ Sorfor \ (Matfors-)Söfors (Sundsvall) | (TT810)
;SE|SOO| City \ Söderhamn | (TT800)
;SE|STL| Region \ Stockholms län (1714-) | (SE-AB,SE-01)
;SE|STO| City \ Stockholm | (STK,TT820)
;SE;FI|TAM| City \ Tampere \ Tammersfors | (FI-TMP,TT720)
;SE|THN| City \ Trollhättan \ Trolhattan | (TT840)
;SE;FI|TKU| City \ Turku \ Åbo | (FI,TT010)
;SE|TYL| Locality \ Tysslinge (Örebro) | (TT845)
;SE|UDD| City \ Uddevalla | (TT850)
;SE|UE0| Person \ Queen Ulrika Eleanora (1719-20)
;SE|UME| City \ Umeå \ Umea | (TT860)
;SE|UPP| City \ Uppsala \ Upsala | (TT870)
;SE|UPS| Region \ Uppsala län (1634-) | (SE-C,SE-03,UPP)
;SE|VBT| Region \ Västerbottens län (1638-) | (SE-AC,SE-24)
;SE;FI|VD1| Person \ King Valdemar I (1250-1275,Birgerinpoika)
;SE;FI|VD2| Person \ King Valdemar II (1302-1319,Maununpoika)
;SE|VGA| Region \ Västra Götalands län (1998-) | (AEL+GTB+SKR,SE-O,SE-14)
;SE|VMN| Region \ Västmanlands län (1634-) | (SE-U,SE-19)
;SE|VNR| Region \ Västernorrlands län (1762-) | (SE-Y,SE-22)
;SE|VRM| Region \ Värmlands län (1779-) | (SE-S,SE-17)
;SE|VST| City \ Västerås \ Vasteras | (TT875)
;SE|VXH| City \ Vaxholm | (TT880)

- SI : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;SI;DE|GSL=G.SL| Slowenien (dt. Besetzung)
;SI;AT|KRA| Region \ Krain \ Carniola | (SI)
;SI;AT|LJU| City \ Laibach \ Ljubljana | (SI,TT400)
;SI;AT|MRB| City \ Marburg \ Maribor | (SI-MBX,TT430)

- SK : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;SK;HU|BTS| City \ Pozsony \ Bratislava \ Preßburg | (SK,TT120,TT600)
;SK;DE|GSK=G.SK| Slowakei (dt. Besetzung)
;XU|KRN| City \ Kremnitz \ Kremnica | (SK)

- UA : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;UA|DNK| City \ Region \ Dniepropetrovsk | (TT205)
;UA;AT;PL|GAI| Region \ Galizien \ Galicia \ Halychyna | (PL+UA)
;UA;DE|GUA=G.UA| Ukraine (dt. Besetzung)
;UA;DE|IEV| City \ Kiew \ Knib \ Kiev | (UA,TT450)
;UA|KHV| City \ Kharkiv \ Kharkov | (HRK,KIV,TT400)
;UA|KWG| City \ Krivoy Rog | (TT480)
;UA;DE|LVI| City \ Lemberg \ Lviv \ Lvov | (UA,TT500)
;UA|MPW| City \ Zhdanov \ Mariupol | (TT520)

- YUG : U S E D - A B B R E V I A T I O N S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YUG|AX1| Person \ King Alexander I (1921-1934)
YUG|PR1| Person \ King Peter I (1918-1921)
YUG|PR2| Person \ King Peter II (1934-1945)

file: infos-xu.htm Ⓟ 2024-09-21 · 09:21 ✉ weynans@aol.com