HL-Codes 6.2.2 (Short - Full PDF - Chart) HL-(HierarchicaL·HydrologicaL·HistoricaL) Codes of oceans, waters, straits, continents, regions, subregions and countries A2|A-3 Code Description(s) Z0|KCZ 800 Arctic Climate Zone (90° <-> 66°33'39"/60°) Z1|NTZ 801 Northern Temperate Zone (66°33'39"/60° <-> 23°26'22") ZK|SKZ 801 5 Subarctic Climate Zone (66°/70° <-> 46°/50°) Z2|ECZ 802 Equator Climate Zone (23°26'22" <-> -23°26'22") ZN|Z2N 802 6 Northern Equator Zone (23°26'22" <-> 0°) ZS|Z2S 802 8 Southern Equator Zone (0° <-> -23°26'22") Z3|STZ 803 Southern Temperate Zone (-23°26'22" <-> -66°33'39") ZQ|SQZ 803 7 Subantarctic Climate Zone (-46° <-> -60°/-66°) Z4|QCZ 804 Antarctic Climate Zone (-66°33'39"/-60° <-> -90°) IW|INW 900|700 International Waters (High Seas - DIAM+ - IHO+) XK|AKO 901|701 Arctic Ocean (Northern) [Z0] OA|WAK 901 702-06 Arctic Ocean (Pacific) OB|EAK 901 707-08 Arctic Ocean (Atlantic) XP|PAO 902|709 Pacific Ocean [Z1-Z3] OC|NPO 902 710 Pacific Ocean (North) [Z1(+Z2n)] OD|NWP 902 710 711-15 Pacific Ocean (North-West) OE|NEP 902 710 716-17 Pacific Ocean (North-East) OF|CPO 902 718 Pacific Ocean (Central) [Z2] OG|WCP 902 718 719-20 Pacific Ocean (West-Central) RX|SCX 904 718 719 721 South China Sea & East Indian Archipelago VP|SCS 904 718 719 721 722 South China Sea (IHO & SeaVoX Area) EI|EIA 904 718 719 721 723-25 East Indian Archipelago (IHO & SeaVoX Area) OH|ECP 902 718 726 Pacific Ocean (East-Central) OI|SPO 902 727 Pacific Ocean (South) [Z3(+Z2s)] OJ|SWP 902 727 728 Pacific Ocean (South-West) OK|SEP 902 727 729-31 Pacific Ocean (South-East) XL|ALO 904|732 Atlantic Ocean [Z1-Z3] OL|NLO 904 733 Atlantic Ocean (North) [Z1(+Z2n)] ON|NWL 904 733 734-40 Atlantic Ocean (North-West) OO|NEL 904 733 741-46 Atlantic Ocean (North-East) BC|BCS 904 733 741 747-50 Baltic Seas (IHO & SeaVoX Area) OP|CLO 904 751 Atlantic Ocean (Central) [Z2] OQ|WCL 904 751 752-53 Atlantic Ocean (West-Central) CB|CBS 904 751 752 754-55 Caribbean Sea (IHO Sea Area) OR|ECL 904 751 756-58 Atlantic Ocean (East-Central) OS|SLO 904 759 Atlantic Ocean (South) [Z3(+Z2s)] OT|SWL 904 759 760-61 Atlantic Ocean (South-West) OU|SEL 904 759 762-63 Atlantic Ocean (South-East) XD|MED 906|764 Mediterranean Region+ [Z1] VS|MDS 906 765 Mediterranean Sea [Z1] QB|WMD 906 765 766-67 Mediterranean Sea (North-West) QC|CMD 906 765 768-70 Mediterranean Sea (East-Central) QD|SCD 906 765 768 771 Mediterranean Sea (South-Central) QE|EMD 906 765 772-74 Mediterranean Sea (North-East) VT|BMD 906 775 Black Sea (Region) XO|INO 907|776 Indian Ocean [Z2+Z3] OV|WIO 907 777-79 Indian Ocean (West) OW|EIO 907 780-81 Indian Ocean (East) AH|AAM 907 780 782 Australasian Mediterranean Sea XT|ATX 908|783 Antarctic Ocean (Southern) [Z4] OX|WAT 908 784 Antarctic (Pacific) OY|CAT 908 785-86 Antarctic (Atlantic) OZ|EAT 908 787-88 Antarctic (Indian Ocean) QU|QUF 909|789 Undersea (features) XA|ASA 910 Asia [Z1+Z2] VB|AIW 910 001|790 Waters of Asia HB|TEA 910 811 Temperate Asia [Z1] YA|NAS 910 811 912 Northern Asia [Z1] YB|WCM 910 811 913 West & Central Asia (with Near & Middle East) YH|WAS 910 811 913 918 Western Asia [Z1+Z2] HE|SIP 910 811 913 918 813 Sinai Pensinsula [Z1] HF|ARP 910 811 913 918 814 Arabian Peninsula [Z2] YG|SWA 910 811 913 918 917 South-West Asia [Z1] YI|CAS 910 811 913 919 Central Asia [Z1] YC|EAS 910 811 914 Eastern Asia [Z1] HD|TRA 910 812 Tropical Asia [Z2] YD|SEA 910 812 915 South-Eastern Asia [Z2] HG|MLA 910 812 915 815 Mainland Southeast Asia HH|ICF 910 812 915 815 816 (French) Indochine HJ|MTA 910 812 915 817 Maritime Southeast Asia VP|SCS 910 812 915 817 722 South China Sea (IHO & SeaVoX Area) YF|SAS 910 812 916 Southern Asia [Z1+Z2] HP|ISC 910 812 916 818 Indian Sub Continent w/o India [Z2] HW|TSZ 910 812 916 819 Temperate Subindian Zone [Z1] XF|AFR 920 Africa [Z1-Z3] VD|FIW 920 002|791 Waters of Africa UW|SSF 920 911 Sub-Saharian Africa QP|SFE 920 911 820 Southern & Eastern Africa YM|EAF 920 911 820 924 Eastern Africa [Z2] HA|HOA 920 911 820 924 810 Horn of Africa QQ|AOI 920 911 820 924 810 821 (Africa Orientale Italiana) WK|AGL 920 911 820 924 830 African Great Lakes QR|DOA 920 911 820 924 830 822 (Deutsch Ostafrika) QS|EAB 920 911 820 924 830 823 (British East Africa) YN|SEF 920 911 820 924 925 South-Eastern Africa [Z2] OV|WIO 920 911 820 924 925 777 Indian Ocean (West) QV|RHF 920 911 820 924 925 825 (Federation Rhodesia & Nyasaland) YO|SAF 920 911 820 926 Southern Africa [Z2] YP|SWF 920 911 820 927 South-Western Africa QW|CFW 920 911 826 Central & West Africa YQ|WAF 920 911 826 928 Western Africa [Z2] VV|MCN 920 911 826 928 095 Macaronesia [Z1] QX|WAB 920 911 826 928 827 (British West Africa) QY|AOF 920 911 826 928 828 (French West Africa) YR|AFC 920 911 826 929 Central Africa [Z2] QZ|EAC 920 911 826 929 829 Central African States YK|NAF 920 922 Northern Africa (Z1) YJ|NWF 920 922 921 North-Western Africa [Z1] YL|NEF 920 922 923 North-Eastern Africa [Z1] XU|EUR 930 Europe [Z1] VF|UIW 930 003|792 Waters of Europe TS|NUW 930 961 North & Western Europe [Z1] ZR|NEU 930 961 932 Northern Europe [Z1] WO|NDC 930 961 932 831 Nordic Countries [Z1] WR|SKV 930 961 932 832 Scandinavia [Z1] ZP|NWE 930 961 932 931 North-Western Europe [Z1] ZY|WEU 930 961 938 Western Europe [Z1] BX|BNL 930 961 938 837 Benelux States [Z1] ZZ|CEU 930 961 939 Central Europe [Z1] WX|WCE 930 961 939 839 West Central Europe [Z1] TX|SUE 930 967 Southern & Eastern Europe [Z1] ND|NEE 930 967 933 North-Eastern Europe [Z1] ZT|EEU 930 967 934 Eastern Europe [Z1] NW|NEW 930 967 934 833 New Eastern Europe WW|ECE 930 967 934 838 East Central Europe [Z1] ZV|SEU 930 967 936 Southern Europe [Z1] WU|GMC 930 967 936 835 Greece & Mediterranean (Island) Countries WV|ITP 930 967 936 836 Italian Peninsula ZU|SEE 930 967 936 935 South-Eastern Europe [Z1] WT|BAP 930 967 936 935 834 Balkan Peninsula ZX|SWU 930 967 936 937 South-Western Europe [Z1] XM|AMS 941 The Americas [Z1-Z3] ; (New World) XN|AMN 941 940 North America [Z1+Z2] VH|NIW 941 940 004|793 Waters of North America WY|NWN 941 940 094|941 Subartic North-America [Z1] YS|NNA 941 940 942 Northern North-America [Z1] YX|SWN 941 940 947 Southwest North-America [Z2n] WZ|LAC 941 943 Latin America & Caribbean [Z2+Z3] WA|CAC 941 943 840 Central America & Caribbean [Z2n] YU|CAR 941 943 840 944 The Caribbean [Z2n] YV|LAN 941 943 840 944 945 Lesser Antilles [Z2n] VW|LEE 941 943 840 944 945 096 Leeward Islands VX|WIN 941 943 840 944 945 097 Windward Islands AN|ANT 941 943 840 944 945 098 (Netherland Antilles) WC|BWI 941 943 840 944 945 842 (British West Indies) WD|FWI 941 943 840 944 945 843 (French West Indies) YW|GAN 941 943 840 944 946 Greater Antilles [Z2n] WG|JMD 941 943 840 944 946 845 (Jamaica & Dependencies) WI|IOE 941 943 840 944 946 846 (Indias Occidentales Espanolas) YY|SWC 941 943 840 944 948 Southwest Caribbean [Z2n] YZ|CAM 941 943 840 949 Central America [Z2n] WJ|NCM 941 943 840 949 847 (Northern Central America) WL|SCM 941 943 840 949 848 (Southern Central America) WM|CPI 941 943 840 949 849 (Central American Pacific Islands) XS|SAM 941 943 950 South America [Z2s+Z3] VJ|SIW 941 943 950 005|796 Waters of South America WB|QZS 941 943 950 841 SAM Equator Climate Zone [Z2s] ZD|NSA 941 943 950 841 952 Northern SAM [Z2s] TE|NWS 941 943 950 841 952 951 North-Western SAM [Z2s] ZE|NES 941 943 950 841 952 953 North-Eastern SAM [Z2s] ZO|CSA 941 943 950 841 959 Central SAM [Z2s] ZF|ESA 941 943 950 841 959 954 Eastern SAM [Z2s] ZJ|WSA 941 943 950 841 959 958 Western SAM [Z2s] WE|SZS 941 943 950 844 SAM Southern Temperate Zone [Z3] ZH|SSA 941 943 950 844 956 Southern SAM [Z3] ZG|SES 941 943 950 844 956 955 South-Eastern SAM [Z3] ZI|SWS 941 943 950 844 956 957 South-Western SAM [Z3] XC|OCE 960 Australasia, Oceania, Antarctica [Z2-Z4] VK|CIW 960 006|797 Waters of Oceania QF|AAS 960 860 Australasia [Z2+Z3] NY|NZI 960 860 965 New Zealand & Islands [Z3] QK|TNZ 960 860 965 865 New Zealandic Territories [Z2] AJ|AUI 960 860 966 Australia & Islands [Z3] QL|TAU 960 860 965 866 Australian Territories [Z3] VY|WOC 960 860 965 866 968 Western Oceania [Z2] QG|PIP 960 861 Pacific Islands & Polar (w/o AAS) QN|EML 960 861 969 868 Eastern Melanesia QO|WML 960 861 969 869 Western Melanesia ; Papuasia ZB|MIC 960 861 962 Micronesia [Z2] AC|AOC 960 861 962 099 (American Oceania) ZC|POY 960 861 963 Polynesia [Z2] QH|CPY 960 861 963 862 Central Polynesia QI|WPY 960 861 963 863 Western Polynesia QJ|EPY 960 861 963 864 Eastern Polynesia VZ|MEL 960 861 969 Melanesia [Z2] XQ|ATQ 960 861 970 Antarctica & adjacent Territories [Z4] AQ|ATA 960 861 970 670 Antarctica [Z4] VL|QIW 960 861 970 670 007|798 Waters of Antarctica WQ|WAQ 960 861 970 670 974 West Antarctica TY|TMA 960 861 970 670 975 Transantarctic Mountains & Adjacents EQ|EAQ 960 861 970 670 976 East Antarctica XT|ATX 960 861 970 908|783 Antarctic Ocean [Z4] QM|SAI 960 861 970 908 867 Subantarctic Islands XZ|ZLA 960 964 Zealandia (the 8th continent) XW|WLD 980 World (Earth) IV|AOC 981 APAC (Asia & Pacific) IU|EFM 982 EMEA (Eurafrica & Middle East) IK|AFA 983 Afrasia (Africa & Asia) IJ|EUA 984 Eurasia (Europe & Asia) II|EUF 985 Eurafrica (Europe & Africa) IH|FEA 986 Afro-Eurasia (Africa & Eurasia) ; (Old World, Eurafrasia) IG|NAW 987 Northern Africa and Western Asia IF|NAE 988 Northern America and Europe IB|NUL 989 Unclaimed Territories (Terra Nullius) XG|ANG 990 Ancient Greece (1100-300 BCE) DKA 990 1 Greek Dark Ages (1100-750 BCE) ACG 990 2 Archaic Greece (800-480 BCE) CLG 990 5 Classical Greece (500-323 BCE) HLL 990 7 Hellenistic Greece (323-31 BCE) RMG 990 8 Roman Greece (146-330 BCE/CE) XE|CET 991 Celtic World (1200-0 BCE/CE) UFC 991 1 Urnfield Culture (1300-750 BCE) ABZ 991 2 Atlantic Bronze Age (1300-700 BCE) GSC 999 3 Golasecca (1300-350 BCE) HAL 991 6 Hallstatt (1200-500 BCE) CIB 991 7 Celtiberian Cultures (500-133 BCE) LTE 991 8 La Tène (500-0 BCE/CE) XH|AMH 992 Ancient & Medieval Far East (1020-1320 BCE/CE) ZHD 992 1 Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) QIN 992 2 Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) HAN 992 3 Han Dynasty (206-220 BCE/CE) TND 992 4 Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) NHP 992 5 Nara and Heian Periods (710-1185 CE) GRY 992 6 Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 CE) SND 992 7 Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE) MGE 992 8 Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) XX|AMX 993 Ancient & Medieval India (600-550 BCE/CE) MHJ 993 1 Mahajanapadas (600-345 BCE) MAY 993 2 Maurya Empire (321-184 BCE) SVH 993 3 Satavahana Empire (228-224 BCE/CE) KND 993 4 Kuninda Kingdom (150-250 BCE/CE) SGA 993 5 Shunga Empire (185-73 BCE) KSH 993 6 Kushana Empire (30-375 CE) GPT 993 7 Gupta Empire (240-550 CE) XJ|AMJ 994 Ancient & Medieval Near East (1000-650 BCE/CE) SRA 994 1 Kingdom of Israel (930-720 BCE) JDA 994 2 Kingdom of Judah (930-587 BCE) AYN 994 3 Neo-Assyrian Empire (911-609 BCE) BYN 994 4 Neo-Babylonian Empire (626-539 BCE) ACM 994 5 Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BCE) NBN 994 6 Nabataean Kingdom (323-106 BCE/CE) PTH 994 7 Parthian Empire (247-224 BCE/CE) SNN 994 8 Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE) XR|RMA 995 Ancient Rome (1200 BCE-476/80 CE) ETC 995 2 Villanovan (1200-950-27 BCE) LLC 995 3 Latial culture (1000-650 BCE) RMK 995 5 Roman Kingdom (753-509 BCE) RMR 995 6 Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) RME 995 7 Roman Empire (27-395 BCE/CE) RMW 995 8 Western Roman Empire (395-476/80 CE) XB|BYZ 996 Byzantine Empire (330-395-1453 CE) BYE 996 3 Early Byzantine Empire (330-717 CE) BYM 996 5 Middle Byzantine Empire (717-1204 CE) BYL 996 7 Late Byzantine Empire (1204-1453 CE) XV|GVS 997 Goths & Vandals (150-650 CE) GVI 997 2 Visigothic Kingdom (418-720 CE) GVA 997 4 Vandal Kingdom (435-534 CE) GVO 997 6 Ostrogothic Kingdom (493-553 CE) XI|IWD 998 Islamic World & Ottoman Empire (632-1925 CE) RSH 998 1 Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 CE) UYD 998 2 Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 CE) ABD 998 3 Abbasid Caliphate (750-1517 CE) OTE 998 4 Ottoman Empire (1299-1922 CE) SVE 998 5 Safavid Empire (1501-1736 CE) INM 998 6 Mughal Empire (1526-1857 CE) DRE 998 7 Durrani Empire (1747-1863 CE) QJD 998 8 Qajar Dynasty (1789-1925 CE) SKO 998 9 Sokoto Caliphate (1804-1903 CE) XY|XYX 999 somewhere & sometime (e.g. outer space or primeval)
HEU 999 3 Historical Epochs 3=European Version HC|HOC 999 3 890 10000 BCE - today Holocene GLD 999 3 890 1 10000 - 6325 BCE Greenlandian NPP 999 3 890 2 6325 - 2250 BCE Northgrippian AGC 999 3 890 3 3500 - 1100 BCE Aegean Civilization HEL 999 3 890 3 5 3500 - 1100 BCE Helladic (GR-Mainland) CYC 999 3 890 3 6 3500 - 1100 BCE Cycladic (GR-Cyclades) MIO 999 3 890 3 7 3500 - 1100 BCE Minoan (GR-Crete) MYC 999 3 890 3 8 1750 - 1100 BCE Mycenaean Greece MGY 999 3 891 2250 BCE - today Meghalayan NBZ 999 3 891 1 1800 - 500 BCE Nordic Bronze (NDC) GSC 999 3 891 2 1300 - 350 BCE Golasecca (ITP-North) VLL 999 3 891 3 1200 - 500 BCE Villanovan (ITP-Etruscan) HAL 999 3 891 6 1200 - 500 BCE Hallstatt (CEU) LLC 999 3 891 7 1000 - 600 BCE Latial culture (ITP-Central) LTE 999 3 891 8 500 - 0 BCE/CE La Tène (CEU) NLT 999 3 892 10000 - 3500 BCE Neolithic Period ; New Stone Age PN1 999 3 892 1 10000 - 9000 BCE Pre-Pottery Neolithic A [PPNA] PN2 999 3 892 2 9000 - 6500 BCE Pre-Pottery Neolithic B [PPNB] PN3 999 3 892 3 6500 - 4500 BCE Pre-Pottery Neolithic C [PPNC] ENL 999 3 892 3 5 6500 - 5800 BCE Early Neolithic [EN] MNL 999 3 892 3 6 5800 - 5300 BCE Middle Neolithic [MN] LN1 999 3 892 3 7 5300 - 4800 BCE Late Neolithic I [LN1] LN2 999 3 892 3 8 4800 - 4500 BCE Late Neolithic II [LN2] FNL 999 3 892 4 4500 - 3500 BCE Final Neolithic [FN] ; Chalcolithic ; Copper Age EBZ 999 3 893 3500 - 1600 BCE Early Bronze Age [CYC,HEL,MIO,CEU,NDC] EB1 999 3 893 1 3500 - 2800 BCE [EC 1,EH 1,EM 1] EH1=Eutresis culture EB2 999 3 893 2 2800 - 2200 BCE [EC 2,EH 2,EM 2] EH2=Korakou culture EB3 999 3 893 3 2200 - 2000 BCE [EC 3,EH 3,EM 3,BZ A1] EH3=Tiryns culture EB4 999 3 893 4 2000 - 1900 BCE [MC 1,MH 1,MM 1A,BZ A2] EB5 999 3 893 5 1900 - 1800 BCE [MC 1,MH 2,MM 1B,BZ A2] EB6 999 3 893 6 1800 - 1750 BCE [MC 2,MH 2,MM 2A,BZ A2,NB1(E)] EB7 999 3 893 7 1750 - 1700 BCE [MC 2,MH 2,MM 2B,BZ A2,NB1] EB8 999 3 893 8 1700 - 1600 BCE [MC 3,MH 3,MM 3A,BZ A2,NB1] MBZ 999 3 894 1600 - 1300 BCE Middle Bronze Age [CYC,HEL,MIO,CEU,NDC] MB1 999 3 894 1 1600 - 1550 BCE [MC 3,MH 3,MM 3B,BZ B,NB1] MB2 999 3 894 2 1550 - 1500 BCE [LC 1,LH 1*,LM 1A,BZ B,NB1] MB3 999 3 894 3 1500 - 1450 BCE [LC 2,LH 2A*,LM 1B,BZ C1,NB2] MB4 999 3 894 4 1450 - 1400 BCE [LC 2,LH 2B*,LM 2,BZ C1,NB2] MB5 999 3 894 5 1400 - 1300 BCE [LC 3,LH 3A,LM 3A,BZ C2,NB2] LBZ 999 3 895 1300 - 750 BCE Late Bronze Age [CEU,ITP,NDC,WEU,CYC,HEL,MIO] LB0 999 3 895 0 1300 - 1200 BCE [BZ D,GS:CC,NB3,LB 1,LC 3,LH 3B,LM 3B] LB1 999 3 895 1 1200 - 1100 BCE [HA A1,GS:AC1|VL0,NB3,LB 2A,LC 3,LH 3C,LM 3C] LB2 999 3 895 2 1100 - 1050 BCE [HA A2,GS:AC2|VL0,NB4(M),LB 2B] LB3 999 3 895 3 1050 - 1000 BCE [HA B1,GS:CM|MP|VL0,NB4,LB 2C] LB4 999 3 895 4 1000 - 950 BCE [HA B1,GS:CM|MP|VL0|LL1,NB4,LB 2C] LB5 999 3 895 5 950 - 900 BCE [HA B2,GS1A|VL1|LL1,NB5,LB 3A] LB6 999 3 895 6 900 - 850 BCE [HA B2,GS1A|VL1|LL2A,NB5,LB 3A] LB7 999 3 895 7 850 - 825 BCE [HA B3,GS1B|VL2|LL2A,NB5,LB 3B] LB8 999 3 895 8 825 - 775 BCE [HA B3,GS1B|VL2|LL2B,NB5,LB 3B] LB9 999 3 895 9 775 - 750 BCE [HA B3,GS1B|VL2|LL3,NB5,LB 3B] IOP 999 3 896 750 - 1000 BCE/CE Iron (Age) Period [CEU,ITP,NDC] IO0 999 3 896 0 750 - 725 BCE [HA C,GS1C|VL3|LL3,NB6(L)] IO1 999 3 896 1 725 - 650 BCE [HA C,GS1C|VL3|LL4A,NB6(L)] IO2 999 3 896 2 650 - 625 BCE [HA D,GS2|VL4|LL4A,NB6] IO3 999 3 896 3 625 - 600 BCE [HA D,GS2|VL4|LL4B,NB6] IO4 999 3 896 4 600 - 500 BCE [HA D,GS2|VL4,NB6] IO5 999 3 896 5 500 - 350 BCE [LT 1/A,GS3] IO6 999 3 896 6 350 - 250 BCE [LT 2/B] IO7 999 3 896 7 250 - 150 BCE [LT 3/C] IO8 999 3 896 8 150 - 0 BCE/CE [LT 4/D] IO9 999 3 896 9 0 - 500 CE Roman Iron Age EMA 999 3 897 500 - 1500 CE European Middle Ages EMD 999 3 897 1 500 - 1000 CE Early Medieval Period ; Early Middle Ages EM1 999 3 897 1 4 500 - 750 CE Germanic Iron Age EM2 999 3 897 1 5 750 - 1000 CE HMD 999 3 897 2 1000 - 1250 CE High Medieval Period ; High Middle Ages HM1 999 3 897 2 6 1000 - 1125 CE HM2 999 3 897 2 7 1125 - 1250 CE LMD 999 3 897 3 1250 - 1500 CE Late Medieval Period ; Late Middle Ages LM1 999 3 897 3 8 1250 - 1375 CE LM2 999 3 897 3 9 1375 - 1500 CE MDE 999 3 898 1500 - today Modern Europe PVD 999 3 898 1 1500 - 1750 CE Post Medieval Period ; Early Modern Europe PV1 999 3 898 1 4 1500 - 1625 CE PV2 999 3 898 1 5 1625 - 1750 CE IVD 999 3 898 2 1750 - today Industrial Revolution Period ; Late Modern Europe IV1 999 3 898 2 6 1750 - 1850 CE Industrial Revolution IV2 999 3 898 2 7 1850 - 1950 CE Technological Revolution IV3 999 3 898 2 8 1950 - today Digital Revolution